Judging information
A page within JSHS
Judging Criteria
Regional and National judges evaluate the oral and poster presentations using the criteria below. Regional and National judges rank each of the presentations based on the criteria and using a scale from 1 to 5. The scores are tallied for each presenter and used as a basis for discussion among judging team members where each criterion is considered.
- Statement and identification of research problem
- Science thought, creativity/innovation, appropriate duration
- Research or engineering design and procedures
- Logical conclusion relevant to the research problem. What was learned? Did student recognize contribution to the field?
- Skill in communicating results
- References stated
Judging Team
The Regional and National JSHS Judging Team includes individuals who:
- Hold either a Ph.D. or equivalent experience, and
- Are actively engaged in research
Judges will have experience in the general fields of research that are represented by the Regional and National student presenters. Specialized experience in each field delivered at the Regional and National JSHS may not be represented by each and every one of the judges. Therefore, student presenters will need to communicate their results so that they may be understood by both the non-specialized audience and by the judges. Judges are selected also for their interest in encouraging students’ interest and future development in the sciences, engineering, or mathematics. The judges review the Regional and National student presentations as follows…
- All of the written reports (e.g., abstract and paper) are read. The paper is used as supporting documentation during the judging process.
- The oral and poster presentations are evaluated by each member of the assigned session judging team.
- The questioning period which follows the oral or poster presentations aids judges in clarifying the student’s depth of understanding, the amount of work and level of effort, and the individual contributions to the research problem.
- Following the sessions, the individual session judging teams meet and deliberate to select oral presenter finalists.
- Judges utilize the “National JSHS Judges Score Sheet” as a tool and consider the weight of each factor during their deliberations.