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Call for Proposals

Wisconsin-NAME Conference 2024
With Liberty and Justice for ALL:
Multicultural Education in Wisconsin

April 27, 2024 | 8 a.m.–4:15 p.m.
University of Wisconsin-La Crosse | Centennial Hall 

The deadline to submit a proposal has passed. We are no longer accepting proposals. 

At first glance, “with liberty and justice for all” can be interpreted as a statement rooted in the principle of driving forth equity for all human beings. Despite this being a critical component to one of the most influential and well-known verses written in American history, policies and practices in schools and societies across the country (and world) continue to perpetuate inequities that have historically impacted some of the most disenfranchised communities. Today, this is evident through policies related to banning books, attacking the LGBTQ+ community, addressing Critical Race Theory in education spaces, and a variety of other things.

As the Wisconsin chapter of the National Association for Multicultural Education (WI-NAME) continues to center itself in intersectional work, and as we enter a critically important election year in 2024, we are excited to announce our Call for Presentation Proposals for our spring conference, to be held on Saturday, April 27, 2024 at the University of Wisconsin-La Crosse. We welcome presentation proposals that address issues of equity and social justice (broadly speaking) in the field of education (PK-12, higher education, and community-based/informal education).

Closing Date: March 24, 2024

Notification Date: April 1, 2024

Proposal Guidelines

Participants may submit up to two proposals for the 2024 conference. If a participant submits more than two proposals, all others will be deleted. If the proposal is accepted, participants must be registered for the conference no later than April 8, 2024, otherwise, the proposal will be removed from the agenda.

Types of Sessions

Presentation: A “Presentation” allows one or more presenters to share their work (such as innovative curriculum and instructional methods, programs and policies, and research projects). Presentations should leave time for discussion. Conference organizers may group related presentations into 50 minute sessions.

Interactive Workshop: An “Interactive Workshop” provides an opportunity to engage participants in active, collaborative, experiential learning, and is 50 minutes in duration. Sessions that model a lesson or curriculum and engage participants in reflection and inquiry are especially encouraged.

Panel: A “Panel” allows three to five presenters to describe and share their work (such as innovative curriculum and instructional methods, programs and policies, and research projects). Panel presentations should leave time for discussion. To qualify as a "Panel" a minimum of THREE presenters must be included in the proposal submission.

Roundtable: A “Roundtable” engages the presenter and audience members in a group discussion about the presenter’s research or practice.  This format may also be used to discuss and receive feedback on a work-in-progress. You will present for 10-15 minutes, followed by a discussion with audience members. New presenters and graduate students are especially encouraged to propose this type of session. However, all levels are welcome.

Directions for Submissions

Please do not include any identifying information in any part of your proposal. Proposals will be rejected if identifying information is included. The online system will prompt you with the following specific fields in which to enter the specific proposal session elements. 

  1. Name and contact information (including institutional affiliation, email address, and telephone number) of the lead presenter and all co-presenter(s). NAME will notify only the lead presenter of the acceptance or rejection of proposals so lead presenters should keep a copy of the proposal, and should share the acceptance/rejection notice with co-presenters. (Please use only one email address per member for everything related to NAME.)

  2. Title of Proposal. The title submitted with the proposal will be used in the conference program for accepted proposals.

  3. Type of Session. Presentation, panel, interactive workshop, roundtable

  4. Number of Presenters. Each proposed presentation may include 1-5 total presenters, except a panel. A panel must include 3-5 presenters.

  5. Proposal Narrative. You will then be instructed to write, copy and paste, or upload a short proposal narrative. Proposals must not contain any identifying information to ensure blind review. Proposals must be between a minimum of 400 and a maximum of 700 words (economy of expression follows APA guidelines and is greatly appreciated).

Proposal Narrative

The proposal narrative must include the following session elements and include a heading for each element to aid reviewers:

  1. Abstract: The abstract should be no more than 100 words in length. It will be included in the conference program if the proposal is accepted.

  2. Content in Relationship to Conference Theme: Briefly describe the content of your presentation. How will it address the conference theme? What does the presentation seek to accomplish, what are its objectives?

  3. Significance of Content: Why is the presentation significant? How will it advance knowledge or capacity for multicultural education? Include any relevant data, information, or research supporting the presentation. Proposals should make clear how they are adding to multicultural education.

  4. Audience Interaction and Process: How will the audience be involved in the session? What handouts or resources will be provided? What is the format of the session (e.g., workshop, simulation/role play, group discussion, lecture, paper presentation, artistic performance, etc.)?

For more information regarding conference presentation proposals, please contact Kyle Harrison-Woods, proposals review committee chair, at