Brice Prairie Phase, Brice Prairie Trailed, v. festoon
Pot sherd
Type: Brice Prairie Trailed w/ Festoons
Description: Two or three parallel tool-trail lines in swooping festoons that encircle vessel at the top of the shoulder and crown vertical tool trails (Boszhardt 1994: 230).
Lip Decoration: Continusous tool notching always located on interior lip. Notches may be oriented either perpendicular or obllque to the left or right (228).
Culture: Oneota, La Crosse Locality
Period: Late Prehistoric Period, Brice Prairie Phase, A.D. 1300-1400
Site: Sanford Archaeological District, 47LC394
Provenience: Feature F454
Artifact ID: 91.2216.01
Curated at: Mississippi Valley Archaeology Center, University of Wisconsin-La Crosse, La Crosse, Wisconsin.
Citation: Boszhardt, Robert F.
1994 Oneota Group Continuity at La Crosse: The Brice Prairie, Pammel Creek, and Valley View Phases. The Wisconsin Archaeologist 75(3-4): 173-236.