Valley View Phase, Koshkonong Bold, v. fine lip
Pot sherd
Type: Koshkonong Bold, variety Fine Lip Top
Shoulder Description: Vertical finger trails on the longer walls (Boszhardt 1994: 232)
Lip Decoration: Relatively fine notching, usually applied with tool, on top of the lip along the entire rim. Notches may be oriented perpendicular to rim, or oblique to right or left (233).
Culture: Oneota, La Crosse Locality
Period: Late Prehistoric Period, Valley View Phase, A.D. 1450-1625.
Site: Sanford Archaeological District, 47LC394-12
Provenience: Feature 106 B
Artifact ID: 91.1838
Curated at: Mississippi Valley Archaeology Center, University of Wisconsin-La Crosse, La Crosse, Wisconsin.
Citation: Boszhardt, Robert F.
1994 Oneota Group Continuity at La Crosse: The Brice Prairie, Pammel Creek, and Valley View Phases. The Wisconsin Archaeologist 75(3-4): 173-236.