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Onalaska – Oneota Vessel 46
Oneota Pottery This reconstructed pot, designated Vessel 46, was found in Feature 199 during the 2012 excavations under STH 35 in downtown Onalaska, Wisconsin. The nearly complete vessel is a classic example of Brice Prairie phase Perrot Punctate. The rim is moderately high for the vessel size and is slightly outward-flaring, with small, interior tool impressions. Two small loop handles attach at the lip top on opposite sides. The shoulder has alternating panels of vertical tool trails; nested chevrons (about eight) with a border of long, slash punctations below; vertical tool trails; and four horizontal tool trails with a lower border of long slash punctations, and short vertical tool trails below those. There are four nested chevron panels, one under each handle and the others midway between them. The rim radius is 7 cm, flaring slightly to 7.5 cm at the handles.