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Meet the board

A page within UWL Alumni & Friends Foundation

Todd Taylor, '80

Todd Taylor, '80


1980 - Management

Lynda Kohler Welsh, '83

Lynda Kohler Welsh, '83

Vice Chair

1983 - Rec Program Leadership

Bill Colclough

Bill Colclough


UWL Emeritus Dean of College of Business Administration

Teri Wilczek, '96

Teri Wilczek, '96


1996 - Sociology

Tim Behling, '88

Tim Behling, '88

Past Chair

1988 - Management

Allison Ziegelman '07

Allison Ziegelman '07


2007 - Communication Studies

Sandra Cleary

Sandra Cleary

Ryan John Crain, Sr., '18

Ryan John Crain, Sr., '18


2018 - Management

Laurie Diekhoff, '83

Laurie Diekhoff, '83


1983 - Psychology

David Hollnagel, '88

David Hollnagel, '88


1988 - Nuclear Medicine Technology

Scott Horne

Scott Horne

Lindsay Johnson, '05

Lindsay Johnson, '05


2005 - Finance

Linda Kastantin, '91

Linda Kastantin, '91


1991 - Education

Autumn Kletzien, '04

Autumn Kletzien, '04


2004 - Accountancy

Drew Kluge, '12

Drew Kluge, '12


2012 - Clinical Lab Science

Cecilia Manrique

Cecilia Manrique

Jamie McClendon, '02

Jamie McClendon, '02


2002 - Political Science

Mike McGinley, '82

Mike McGinley, '82


1982 - Microbiology

Jake Meckstroth, '12

Jake Meckstroth, '12


2012 - Accountancy

Deb Wichman Mirasola, '87

Deb Wichman Mirasola, '87


1987 - Mass Communications

Neva Moga, '97

Neva Moga, '97


1997 - Elementary Education

Donney Moroney, '97

Donney Moroney, '97


1997 - Public Administration

Bruce Riley

Bruce Riley


UWL Emeritus Dean of College of Science and Health


Kelly Rusch, '86

Kelly Rusch, '86


1986 - Biology

David Rushlow, '86

David Rushlow, '86


1986 - Biology

Joe Zoellner, '05

Joe Zoellner, '05


2005 - Finance

Ron Rada

Ron Rada

Special Assistant to the Foundation President
Brent Smith

Brent Smith

Special Assistant to the Board Chair

Board docs

Foundation Transparency

The UWL Alumni & Friends Foundation has adopted numerous policies and procedures to guarantee how we conduct our business is not only legal, but ethical. 

Our policies and procedures include:

Records Retention: The destruction and/or retention of financial and other transactional records is important. Our board has adopted a policy to ensure we maintain a record of our activities as required by law. 

Finance and Investment Committee: A committee of board members with strong backgrounds in accounting and finance work closely with our staff and auditors to oversee accounting and financial reporting as well as internal controls.  This committee also reviews Foundation investment performance quarterly, reviewing managers and recommending changes in strategy and direction as necessary.

Whistleblower policy: Board members, committee members, staff and other vendors are required to report unethical, dishonest, or fraudulent activity. These complaints will be thoroughly investigated, and the reporter will be protected from retribution.

990 and audit: The Foundation completes a 990 and independent audit each year. These documents are available for public inspection.  The 990 will be posted below and the audit can be requested from our office.

Conflicts of Interest: Each year, our board members, committee members and staff are required to sign a conflict of interest statement, which discloses any potential conflicts they may have with the Foundation. Further, board and committee members are not allowed to vote on items in which they have a known conflict.

Confidentiality: Board members, committee members and staff are required to sign a confidentiality agreement each year. Confidential information is defined as any information or material which is proprietary or which is not generally known outside of the Foundation – including, but not limited to, financial and market data, donor or grantee information and other information that may be deemed sensitive. 

Benefits of Serving as a Director or Citizen Committee Member

Since 1967, the UWL Alumni & Friends Foundation has supported the University of Wisconsin-La Crosse, its students, faculty and staff. As a corporate entity separate and independent from the University, its chartered purpose is "to promote the welfare" of the university. This structure offers several advantages:

(1) The Foundation offers donors the comfort and confidence of giving to an experienced and qualified 501(c)(3) charity - most often a necessity if the donor is another qualified charitable entity - rather than giving directly to the university, an agency of state government.

(2) The Foundation's legal status as a separate, independent, nongovernmental organization protects donor gifts from state government control while providing some level of confidentiality for donors.

 (3) The Foundation provides efficient fund access as well as flexible management and disbursement policies that can allow the university to take advantage of opportunities that might be beyond the limitations of university or state funding.

(4) The Foundation provides a unique and significant opportunity for greater volunteer involvement in the life of the university by friends and alumni from throughout our community, state, nation and world.

By serving as a volunteer for the UWL Foundation, you will be supporting a cause that elevates the trajectory of the university and all those it touches. Your service and commitment will allow you to experience:

  • A deeper connection with UWL
  • An expanded network of professionals that share a common interest – UWL
  • A direct connection to university leadership and frequent updates
  • Having an important voice in guiding the future of the Foundation
  • Access to special university events

In addition, our past volunteers have commented on the personal and professional growth through service to the Foundation and University, including:

  • Development of their leadership, marketing, finance and strategic planning skills
  • Advocacy roles for important initiatives of the Foundation and University
  • Ability to support and fund initiatives that are meaningful to you
Articles of Incorporation
Gift Acceptance Policy
Cleary Center

Board of Directors Meeting Schedule

Friday, August 16, 2024
Friday, October 25, 2024
Friday, February 21, 2024
Friday, May 2, 2024


Maegan Ames  Profile of Maegan Ames

Specialty areas:

Contact me if you are interested in, or have questions related to the UWL Alumni & Friends Foundation Board of Directors.