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Nesting Bowls as Metaphor: Understanding the Context of Teaching and Learning in Wisconsin Today

Event sponsored by Universities of Wisconsin, Office of Professional and Instructional Development (OPID)

Maria Stalzer Wyant Cuzzo, Ph. D 
Provost & Vice Chancellor of Academic Affairs, UW-Superior


Faculty and instructors are doing the important work of teaching, scholarship, and service within a much broader and layered context of state public opinion, legislative oversight and intervention, compliance and regulation, System administration, impacts of university agendas on other institutions, expectations of internal agendas of each university and so much more. The days of faculty and instructors being free of knowing this context are done in Wisconsin. This session will present a visual that unpacks the many different layers of impact and influence that affects the teaching and learning experience today. The rapidly changing context of higher education requires an ongoing awareness and understanding of how these nested bowls of influence can and do affect the daily work of faculty and instructors as well as students. We are not islands onto ourselves anymore but rather important parts of a highly complex system of interacting parts that continue to evolve, change, challenge and transform our ability to carry out the teaching and learning mission effectively. This webinar will help you identify and explore these interacting parts to help you be prepared and responsive when these aspects impact your work.


Dr. Maria Stalzer Wyant Cuzzo is Provost and Vice Chancellor of Academic Affairs at the University of Wisconsin-Superior. She served for twenty-five years as a fully ranked and tenured professor of Legal Studies & Criminal Justice working with thousands of students. Cuzzo was a published author in conflict resolution, conflict management, alternative dispute resolution and facilitation topics. She is a well-known trainer and educator for many community organizations in northern Wisconsin and northern Minnesota. She was the founding Director of UW-Superior’s Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning (CETL) and served as a member of the OPID Executive Council and the OPID Council for many years. Unbeknownst to her, the role as Provost would bring her back to her first professional career as the only woman lawyer in Douglas County in the 1980’s because of the regulatory reality of higher education today.


NOTE: Webinars are exclusively for UW educators. Attendees need to register using a UW email address. Webinars will be recorded for subsequent viewing.

REGISTER to attend via Zoom.

NOTE: CATL will be projecting this webinar in our conference room, 161 Wing, if you'd like to watch this webinar in a space with others.


Past occurrences (1)

  • 2:30 to 3:30 p.m. Friday, Sept. 20, 2024




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