Posted 9:03 a.m. Thursday, Nov. 11, 2021

Your donation benefits the entire UW-La Crosse Community
Thank you for considering a gift to Murphy Library!
Thousands of students, faculty, staff and community users benefit from donor funded projects and programs each year. There are multiple ways you can support the library’s collections, spaces, services, and programs. Choose from the Murphy Library Endowment Fund or the Florence Wing Fund.
The Murphy Library Endowment Fund | The Florence Wing Fund |
The Murphy Library Endowment Fund is a pledge of excellence, shared by donors who believe that the library is a central part of the teaching and research mission of the university and an important educational and business resource in the community. A strong Library Endowment Fund, built on contributions of all sizes, ensures the continuing excellence of Murphy Library in the 21st century. | The Florence Wing Fund has been developed to complement the existing Murphy Library Endowment Fund. It provides a less-restricted mechanism for awarding and distributing funds for short-term needs or bigger projects. |
Donate online at
More information on how to donate online or by check can be found on our website.

Thank you to our donors!
The following donors contributed to the UW-La Crosse Murphy Library Funds from November 1, 2020 to October 31, 2021.
David W. Bange Frank & Irene Barmore Paul Beck Mark Beckerjeck Don & Louise Campbell Pam Cipkowski Gail Cleary Cleary-Kumm Foundation, Inc. Anna Beth Culver Mehtap Ecklund Anita Evans & Larry Lebiecki Chris and Cherryl Frye Sharon Fuller Richard Gappa Al Gedicks Gary & Elizabeth Gilmore Laura Godden Elizabeth Harrison Joe & Pat Heim Ed & Nancy Hill Randy & Donnalee Hoelzen Yvonne Hyde Louise Janke Joe Jax John Jax Jackie Jensen-Utz John & Sangeetha Kelly Richard J. and Sally J. Koelher | Donald R. Kuderer Gary Kuhn Haixia Lan Karen & David Lange Charles & Linda Lee Robert McLoone Patricia A. Mertens Dale & Karen Montgomery Betsy Morgan Jane Morgan Nancy Mouser Richard & Barbara Nord Mary G. Ormson Stephen & Sheila Pawelski Cris & Jim Prucha Ronald & Jane Rada Louise Regelin Greg & Danielle Reichert Gretchen Reinders Paul & Barbara Rusterholz Helen Schiller Joseph Tiffany Karmin & Gary Van Domelen Greg & Paula Wegner James D. Wine Carol & Robert Wooley Helen Zizich |
An additional thank you goes out to everyone who donated to our crowdfunding campaign this fall and helped us raise over $10,000 to purchase crucial study space solutions! Read more about the campaign here.