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Campus Connection Aug. 29, 2011

Posted 9:05 p.m. Friday, Aug. 26, 2011

Campus Connection is UW-L's online newsletter for faculty, staff, students and retirees.

Campus Connection header.

Student veteran organizes ‘From Combat to College’

Student organizes special orientation for incoming veteran students UW-L senior Daryl Thomas started the first “From Combat to College” orientation for veteran students last year. It's planned again this year from 10 a.m.-2 p.m. Friday, Sept. 2.

Check out Hollywood-quality ads about UW-L

UW-L alums Jeremy and David Richter donated five, UW-L football-themed commercials to the university. The commercials feature UW-L athletes, cheerleaders and marching band performers at the new Veterans Memorial Field Sports Complex.

Join campus in reading the book 'No Impact Man'

A campuswide common reading program hopes to get everyone on the same page and moving toward a more sustainable path.

Back on campus

Alum returns after 80 years, secures transcripts in pursuit of degree

University Bookstore featured in national trade publication

UW-L’s University Bookstore is featured in a national magazine for college stores.

UW-La Crosse to offer economic indicators update

The economic impact of the Mississippi River on the region’s vitality and future growth is the topic at the regional business forum “Economic Indicators: An Update for the 7 Rivers Region” Sept. 14. Announcements artwork.

Check your directory info now!

Changes to interim directory are due Friday, Sept. 9

The 2011 Interim Faculty + Staff Directory will be distributed via email to all employees by midweek. Take time to review the information and make corrections now! Make changes to administrative, department chairs, and Buildings/Departments/Office/Fax pages at: Make changes to Faculty & Staff listings at: (Changes to your personal info should be made by you only.) Changes are due by 4 p.m. Friday, Sept. 9. This is the only opportunity to make changes to the official 2011-12 Student + Staff Directory being published in October.

Cover of planner.UW-L planner now on sale

UW-L's Daily Planner & Handbook publication for the 2011-2012 academic year will go on sale Aug. 29 for $5 (includes tax). Purchase a copy at the Information Counter on the first floor in Cartwright Center. Information Counter hours for the week of Aug. 29-Sept. 5 are:
  • Monday, Aug. 29 – Friday, Sept. 2: 8 a.m. - 4 p.m.
  • Saturday, Sept. 3: 8 a.m. - 8 p.m.
  • Sunday, Sept. 4: 10 a.m. - 8 p.m.
  • Monday, Sept. 5: 10:30 a.m. - 8 p.m.
In addition to daily planning pages, the campus planner includes daily events on each calendar date, dining information, Campus Activities Board events, music and theatre events, athletic schedules, great coupons and other resource information.

Ice cream social to welcome international students set for Aug. 30

Help welcome international students to campus at the fourth annual Ice "Scream" Social, featuring UW-L's Screaming Eagle Marching Band, at 3:30 p.m. Tuesday, Aug. 30, at the Memorial Gazebo north of Wing Technology Center. The rain site is the Ward Room, Cartwright Center.

International university students need hosts

The La Crosse Friends of International Students (LFIS) seeks families to cultivate connections and friendships with international students. The local voluntary organization pairs college students from other countries with area families. Families are encouraged to involve the international students at family gatherings and outings (such as holidays) so that the student has an greater appreciation for the American culture and experience. Students do not live with their LFIS volunteer families. UW-L, Viterbo University and Western Technical College all pair LFIS volunteers to incoming international students. Families interested in becoming LFIS families should contact Jeanne Colsch at or 790.0906 or Lisbeth Reynertson at or 787.1982.

Promoting Inclusive Excellence (PIE) Days are Sept. 20, 21 and 22

Sample pie and find out about Inclusive Excellence (IE) at UW-L's Promoting Inclusive Excellence (PIE) Days Tuesday through Thursday, Sept. 20-22. Each day presentations on different aspects of inclusive excellence will be presented with some programs repeated. Pie will be available from 11 a.m.-1 p.m. Sept. 20 in the Galley in Cartwright Center, and in Whitney Center. Chancellor Joe Gow has granted one hour of release time to participate in PIE Days. A final schedule of programs will be available soon.  For more information, contact Barbara Stewart, Campus Climate and Diversity, at 785.5092. Photo of group hanging the lantern.

University Communications seeks original hanging of the lantern photo

A lantern hung above Graff Main Hall’s south stairwell each Homecoming until 1997 when it moved to hang in the Hoeschler Clock Tower. Today, students see it daily as they walk the campus mall. This historic photo shows the hanging of the lantern tradition. University Communications staff are looking for the original photo. If you know its whereabouts, contact Mandy Wagner at 785.8487.

DigiCOPY ready to print jobs previously handled by Document Services

UW-L's new printing vendor, DigiCOPY, is actively supporting campus departments by printing projects and more that were previously sent to Document Services. DigiCOPY's online ordering system was presented on campus to approximately 150 attendees during several training sessions offered Aug. 17 & 18.  Find out more about DigiCOPY services here. For color copies of 500 or more, contact Purchasing Agent Gerry Hyzer at

Fall 2011 freshmen seminar course shares common events

Approximately 400 students will take UWL100,  the university’s freshmen seminar course, in 16 sections this fall. The course focuses on the question “What does it mean to be an educated person?" and introduces students to resources UW-L offers for classroom and experiential education. Students are required to read "No Impact Man," and attend a talk by the book's author, Colin Beavan. They also must attend a talk by Eric Schlosser, author of "Fast Food Nation," "Reefer Madness" and "Chew On This;" the UW-L play "The Farnsworth Invention;" and Involvement Fest; and participate in academic advising and career development activities. For more information, contact Jo Arney or Sharie Brunk, coordinators of the UWL 100 course.   Campus Kudos artwork. The paper "Lower Extremity Mechanics of Females With and Without Patellofemoral Pain Across Activities With Progressively Greater Task Demands," by John Willson, Health Professions, published in 2008 in Clinical Biomechanics, is fifth on the list of most downloaded papers from 2007-10. Cecilia G. Manrique, Political Science/Public Administration, attended the Golden Key International Honour Society board of directors meeting in Atlanta July 14-17. As president of the International Leadership Council (ILC), Manrique delivered the ILC report to the board. She was also selected to serve in the Nominations Task Force, the Search and Screen Committee for a new executive director, the By-Laws Revision Committee and the International Development Committee. The following articles were produced from Clinical Exercise Physiology graduate students' thesis projects:
  • Graduate student Jordan Becker, with Scott Doberstein, Carl Foster and John Porcari, all Exercise and Sport Science; "StreetStrider: Even Better Than the Real Thing?" July issue of ACE Certified News.
  • Graduate student Brittany Boehler, with Carl Foster, Russ Hendrix, Dennis Kline and John Porcari, all Exercise and Sport Science; "Terrific Triceps," August issue of ACE Certified News.
  • Graduate student Jennah Hackbarth, with Scott Doberstein, Carl Foster and John Porcari, all Exercise and Sport Science; and Tom Kernozek, Health Professions; "Does the Shake Weight® Live Up to Its Hype?" Journal of Sports Science and Medicine: 10: 598-599, 2011.
  Human Resources artwork.

New employees

Aug. 1 Erin Thacker, Administrative Specialist, Intercollegiate Athletics Aug. 29 Brian Adams, Associate Student Services Coordinator, Financial Aid Gordon Appleton, Associate Lecturer, English Jonathan Baker, lecturer, Sociology/Archaelogy Keith Belzer, Associate Lecturer, Political Science and Public Administration Jin Young Chung, Assistant Professor, Recreation Management/Therapeutic Recreation Grace Deason, Assistant Professor, Psychology Jennifer Docktor, Assistant Professor, Physics Joshua Everett, Laboratory Manager I and Associate Lecturer, Modern Languages Rebekah Fowler, Assistant Professor, English Jason Gilman, Associate Lecturer, Political Science and Public Administration Omar Granados, Lecturer, Modern Languages Daniel Grilley, Assistant Professor, Chemistry Scott Haigh, IS Technical Services Senior, Information Technology Lisa Heise, Associate Lecturer, English Teri Hepler, Assistant Professor, Exercise & Sport Science Reed Hoskins, Assistant Coach and Lecturer, Intercollegiate Athletics Kimberly Houser, Lecturer, Accountancy Phillip Humphrey, IS Technical Services Senior, Information Technology, Aug. 29 Joseph Johnson, Assistant Professor, Educational Studies Timothy Kabat, Lecturer, Economics Collier Kaler, Assistant Professor, Educational Studies Jennifer Kuderer, Associate Lecturer, Economics Christina Kuhle, Assistant Coach, Intercollegiate Athletics Stephen Mann, Assistant Professor, English Jonathan Marin, Associate Lecturer, Psychology Sara Kristy McManus, Assistant Professor, Marketing Laura Merino, Associate Lecturer, Modern Languages Lyle Monsebroton, Custodian in Custodial Services, Health Science Center Kathryn Moran, Lecturer, Music Ian Muehlenhaus, Assistant Professor, Geography & Earth Science Elizabeth Mullen-Houser, Associate Lecturer, Psychology Jeffrey Muse, Associate Lecturer, Environmental Studies Michael Olson, Library Services Assistant Advanced, Murphy Library Vivek Pande, Assistant Professor, Accountancy Jason Pearson, Associate Lecturer, Art Adam Putz, Associate Lecturer, English David Richardson, Lecturer, Music Kevin Schultz, Assistant Coach, Intercollegiate Athletics John Thomas Seddon IV, Assistant Professor, Music Kadeem Shabana, Assistant Professor, Management Jamie Steckelberg, Associate Lecturer, English Tom Steele, Lecturer, Computer Science Patricia Stovey, Lecturer, History Nordia Thomas, Lecturer, Finance Amy Tischler, Lecturer, Exercise & Sport Science Monica Urbanik, Assistant Professor, Art Samuel Russell Vaden, Assistant Professor, Psychology Adam Van Liere, Assistant Professor, Political Science and Public Administration Xia Vang, Associate Student Services Coordinator, Financial Aid James White, Lecturer, Exercise & Sport Science Ryan White, Assistant Professor, Marketing Emily Whitney, Assistant Professor, Health Education & Health Promotion Jonathan Ying, Lecturer, Management Jennifer Zemke, Lecturer, Chemistry Transfers Domingo Carrion to Centennial Hall, Custodial Services, Aug. 28 Matthew Rink to IS network services senior, Aug. 28 Murphy Library Notes artwork.

Schedule fall library instruction now

The first few weeks of the semester are always hectic for the library’s instruction program, which had over 6,000 participants last year. Faculty who wish to bring classes to Murphy Library or have a librarian visit their classrooms should schedule as soon as possible. To schedule instruction, email Rachel Slough, teaching and learning librarian, is now managing the library's instruction program. Contact Slough at or 785.8398 with questions or for additional information. OCW Artwork

OCW seeks nominations for YWCA outstanding UW-L women

Nominations due Sept. 2

UW-L's Organization for Campus Women (OCW) is seeking nominations of UW-L women for the 2011 YWCA Tribute to Outstanding Women. The award honors women from the Coulee Region who have demonstrated outstanding leadership and excellence in their professional and personal endeavors. This year’s awards will honor women’s contributions in the following areas:  business/professions, health, education, Young Woman of Tomorrow (college student) and “other,” a category which has included:  community development, social justice, sports, trailblazer and activist. For criteria for the award, go to Email names of nominees to OCW President Maggie McHugh at by Friday, Sept. 2.   Thanks artwork. Thanks to the following who helped with the Aug. 22 Adopt-a-Highway: Florence Aliesch Joe and Chris Bolwahn Kjerstin Lang Brad and Nicolas Quarberg Greg Reichert Becky, Jack and Sam Yoshizumi This was the last scheduled pick up for the year. Others who helped on clean ups this year included: Lori Anderson Maria Carr Debby and Fred Holtschlag Angie Lee Gail and Merideth Quarberg Garth Tymeson Sue Wrobel The university’s Adopt-a-Highway crew picks up litter along a two-mile route on Highway 33 traveling through Middle Ridge to Korn Coulee Road, near the La Crosse-Monroe county line. All university employees and students and their families are welcome to join the crew. Thanks to all who made this year's Adopt-a-Highway program a success. Those interested in joining the team may contact Brad Quarberg at or 785.8572.   Classified ad artwork.

For sale

1982 Yamaha Maxim XJ650J motorcycle. Excellent condition, approximately. 20,000 miles. $1,250. Call Karolyn at 608.385.7071. Adams Trail-A-Bike with original manual and all accessories. Excellent condition. $75. Contact Michael at 782.7659 or 84 x 42 rubberwood dining table, good condition, seats eight: $300. 608.448.5294. Three-piece tan living room set in good condition. Includes couch with recliners on each end, love seat and recliner. $150. Contact Becky  at for more information and pictures.


Reading tutor to assume responsibilities for tutoring volunteer position working through the Literacy Council. Tutor assists an enthusiastic adult to improve his reading skills. One hour per week, minimal training needed. Contact Marv at 785.8057 or

Give away

Four boxes of 3M transparency film for copiers #PP2950. Contact Becky at 785.6805 or


Share your news suggestions

Submit your news suggestions using UWL Share by no later than noon on Wednesdays preceding the next Monday's edition.

For more information, contact University Marketing & Communications at 608.785.8487.