Posted 9:19 a.m. Thursday, April 25, 2019

University Communications humbly accepts Penny War trophy.
University Communications humbly accepts Penny War trophy
University Communications is the proud winner of the UWL Philanthropy Week Penny War 2.0 — Battle of the Departments.
The team of writers, designers and just all-around really creative folks raised a total of $53.28 — after collecting $82.23 in pennies and bills, and subtracting $28.95 in silver coins.
“First, I’d like to thank the UComm team and all our supporters,” says Maren Walz, executive director, Integrated Marketing and Communications. “We came into the week with a winner’s mentality. Ultimately, I think it was the alliances we formed that made the difference.”
The Penny War was a competitive battle made of collecting pennies and bills and giving silver coins to count against competitors. It was part of Philanthropy Week, a UWL week dedicated to encouraging a lifelong philanthropic spirit among future alumni.
The Penny War shows how small gifts go a long way. When all was said and done, the five competing departments collectively raised a total of $287.47. With department matching gifts from Provost Betsy Morgan, Vice Chancellor Vitaliano Figueroa and Major Gift Officer Jackie Jensen-Utz, that total rises to more than $500.
As the winner, University Communications has donated the funds to the UWL Angel Fund in effort to increase awareness about the fund created to help students in an emergency.
Also, University Communications has awarded themselves with a traveling trophy, which they will proudly display in their office — 115 Graff Main Hall — until next year’s Penny War.
This story was written by University Communications, UWL’s go-to resource for advancing UWL AND collecting pennies.
Other departments raised a lot! (Just not as much as UComm)
Recreational Eagle Center: $32.96 ($41.01 pennies/bills - $8.05 silver coins)
Human Resources: -$43.38 ($10.07 pennies/bills, -$53.45 in silver coins)
Financial Aid: -$12.47 ( $17.08 pennies/bills -$29.55 silver coins)
Office of Multicultural Student Services: -$12.40 ($2.34 pennies/bills -$14.74 silver coins)