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The Rev. Jesse Jackson's UW-L speech is online

Posted 1:11 p.m. Thursday, March 24, 2011

The Rev. Jesse Jackson led the crowd shouting “We come alive April 5!” during a rally at the UW-L Cartwright Center on Tuesday.

The Rev. Jesse Jackson led the crowd shouting “We come alive April 5!” during a rally at the UW-L Cartwright Center on Tuesday. Jackson, an American civil rights leader who ran for president in 1984 and 1988, encouraged students to get out to vote on April 5 and highlighted voter registration issues. “Students have power. Your vote will determine your destiny,” he told the crowd. He drew parallels between voter rights issues today and in 1965 at the peak of the American civil rights movement when marchers traveled from Selma, Ala., to Montgomery, Ala., fighting for the right to vote. UW-L Junior Tessa Whitemarsh said Jackson motivated her to take action and get involved with the movement to promote voter education. “He’s moving, passionate and you can feel it,” she said. “You walk away inspired to do something.” You can view his speech online here. View photos of the event here.


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