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Why Prior Knowledge Matters

Science of Learning Workshop Series

What students already know--or do not know--greatly affects how they will learn in our classes. While insufficient or inaccurate prior knowledge is always a challenge for learners, the pandemic has arguably made it more common for students to come into our classes without the advantage of prior learning. This session will highlight strategies faculty can use to activate prior knowledge and support students who do not have it, while reinforcing and integrating prior content in helpful ways. In addition, we will discuss ways to debunk durable misconceptions about our subjects. 

Presenters: Bryan Kopp - CATL Specialist, Teaching and Learning, and Tesia Marshik - CATL Specialist, Documenting and Assessing Student Learning

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Past occurrences (1)

  • 1:10 to 2:05 p.m. Monday, Feb. 19, 2024


161 Wing Technology Center

UWL campus map for building location and nearby parking lots.

University of Wisconsin - La Crosse Wing Technology Center


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