Posted 8:21 a.m. Wednesday, Aug. 31, 2022

Human Resources now provides monthly training on the MyUW Portal for Supervisors and for Employees. Training includes time entry, managing leaves, reviewing your employment data, and more!
The Office of Human Resources offers a monthly training program to help Supervisors and Employees navigate the MyUW Portal and other online business processing software. The following is an overview of what each constituency can expect as part of the training:
The target audience for this session is new supervisors or supervisors who may be engaging in new processes and need a refresher. This course will provide an overview of the major transactional business processes in the enterprise tool used to manage employee data, HRS. Supervisors can expect:
- An overview of the Manager Self-Service Dashboard, including:
- Reviewing Time & Labor functions
- Reviewing Leave Approval and monitoring functions
- Processing Overload/Lump Sum requests
- Review where to find information in the MyUW Portal, including ePerformance and Telecommuting agreements
- Overview of the Tableau Supervisor Dashboard tool
The target audience for this session is new employees or employees who may have transitioned to new roles in which they now need to understand new or differing business processes in the enterprise tool used to manage employee data, HRS. Employees can expect:
- An overview of the Employee Self-Service Dashboard
- How to update taxes, personal information, and direct deposits
- Entering time in the Time & Labor module, including correcting or modifying time entry
- Leave processing and leave balance inquiries
- Review of your Earnings Statement
- How to process an Outside Activity Request or Telecommuting Agreement
- Reviewing the Overload/Lump Sum module so that you can track your individual Overloads/Lump Sums and determine on which paycheck it will be distributed
Offering Time & Location
The Office of Human Resources offers training for Supervisors on the first Wednesday of the month, (not held if the date falls on a holiday). This training will be held in person in the HR Training Room (144 Graff Main Hall) at 9:00 AM. Online availability can be requested.
The Office of Human Resources offers training for Employees on the first Thursday of the month, (not held if the date falls on a holiday). This training will be held in person in the HR Training Room (144 Graff Main Hall) at 9:00 AM. Online availability can be requested.
For additional information, please email