Posted 7:18 a.m. Wednesday, June 26, 2024

The State of Wisconsin Investment Board has implemented a diverse and sophisticated investment strategy for the Wisconsin Retirement System.
The Core Trust Fund, the larger of the two WRS trust funds, holds investments in public equities, fixed income, real estate, and private markets. That investment strategy also includes a mix of active and passive strategies.
In this episode of the SWIB Podcast, Senior Portfolio Manager Chris Benish explains the role passive strategies like synthetic replication, passive exposure management, and leverage implementation have in helping keep the WRS fully funded. He will discuss how SWIB’s use of securities finance, collateral optimization, and liquidity management benefit the WRS trust funds.
Benish is joined by Rob Goobie, chair of the Global Peer Financing Association, to talk about how SWIB’s innovative spirit played an important role in the founding of the Association and how it has helped SWIB engage in a variety of securities finance activities and promote best practices and knowledge sharing with peers across the world.
Subscribe now to The SWIB Podcast: WIsconsin Retirement System Insights. You can find it on Apple Podcasts, Google Play, and wherever else you get podcasts. You can listen from your car, on your evening walk, or wherever else is convenient.