Posted 10:39 a.m. Friday, Jan. 19, 2024

This is a courtesy reminder that your 1/25/2024 earnings statement is now available on the MyUW Portal. These earnings are for the pay period of 12/31/2023 - 01/13/2024. Read this news story for important announcements and other information.
Important Announcements & Reminders
- University Life Insurance Association ANNUAL Deduction: If you are eligible for the University Insurance Association (UIA) Life Insurance plan, the annual premium of $38.40 will be deducted from your January 25, 2024, paycheck. This is the only premium for the UIA Life Insurance plan you will pay for the year. Participation in the UIA Life Insurance plan is a condition of employment for Universities of Wisconsin Faculty, Academic Staff, and Limited Appointees. Eligible employees must requalify for coverage each year. If you are employed on January 1 and meet the minimum monthly salary threshold ($3,043 for 2024), you are automatically enrolled in the plan effective January 1 with coverage through December 31. Visit the UIA Life Insurance web page for more information about the plan, including coverage levels and detailed eligibility requirements.
- 2023 W2 Forms Available: The 2023 W-2 Forms (Wage and Tax Statements) are now available for all active Universities of Wisconsin employees on the MyUW portal ( for UW-Madison and for other Universities of Wisconsin). Paper copies will be postmarked by January 31, 2024, and sent via U.S. mail to employees who did not consent to electronic only W-2 Form distribution.
- No Leave Taken Reports: Faculty, Academic Staff, and Limited Appointees are required to submit "No Leave Taken" reports for months in which no leave was taken. Failure to provide this notice may result in a reduction in your sick leave. Read More
- Payroll Deduction Schedule Change: The payroll deduction schedule for benefits will be changing. Currently, benefit insurance premiums for most benefits are deducted one month prior to the coverage month. In January 2024, benefit insurance premiums will be deducted in the same month as the coverage month. Additional information about the change is available in the MyUW portal article: Benefit Insurance Premiums: Deduction Schedule Change. You also received emails with information about this change.
Accessing your Earnings Statement
- Your earnings statement is accessible on the MyUW Portal.
Understanding Your Pay and UW System Payroll
- Understanding and exploring your earnings statement.
- 2024 Payroll Schedule
- Time and Absence Reporting Access and Training.
If you have any additional questions; were expecting pay, but did not receive an earnings statement, or wish to express other concerns, please contact UWL Payroll Help.