Faculty Faves
Deb Sazama
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Posted 10:05 a.m. Friday, July 29, 2022
Favorite class to teach:
Physical education, school health education, and Physical Activity Lab I and II. In the lab course children who are homeschooled come to Mitchell Hall and UWL students provide them with a physical education class. It is so fun to have 4– to 16-year-old children on campus and it is so rewarding to watch our pre-service teachers grow as future educators while the participants learn while having fun.
Favorite class in college:
Graduate course learning about “The Spectrum of Teaching Styles in Physical Education” because it challenged me to learn how to teach in a variety of ways and enabled me to reach more students in my classroom. It is my second favorite class to teach here at UWL.
Class you'd like to retake:
None; I’m done with school!

Favorite pastime at UWL:
Volleyball because it is aggressive and the ultimate team sport.
Favorite pastime when not working:
Spending time with family and fishing because I can completely unplug.
Spending time with family, woodworking, any type of sport, and being active outside.
Favorite place to visit:
Boundary Waters Canoe Area in Minnesota; Woodland Caribou Provincial Park in Ontario, Canada.
What else?
This summer will be the 34th year that my mom (who is 81) and I are taking a canoe/fishing trip together.