University of Wisconsin-La Crosse |
Latest news
Anatomage table enhances learning for future healthcare professionals
Alum Nate Vannatta’s career strengthens ties between UWL and Gundersen
New UWL research offers hope for enhanced recovery after total knee replacement
UW-La Crosse looks to transform lives of amputees with LEAP Program
Innovative program helps amputees thrive through personalized therapy
How UWL's new program transforms lives of amputees and PT students
UWL PT students enhance skills through healthcare experiences in India
Dr. Kernozek named to governor's healthcare task force.
Want less impact on joints? UWL PT research shows a simple cue can make a big difference.
Alum provides care for theater productions in the United Kingdom. Read more in the Campus Connection
Virtual rehab: UWL Physical Therapy Program embraces shift to telehealth. Read more in the Campus Connection
Leaving a legacy: Family scholarship supports students overcoming adversity. Thorman Family Pay It Forward Scholarship
UWL PT students create programming for people with progressive neurological diseases in unique community program. To learn more please visit EXPAND Program Video
EXPANDing the minds of both students and clients
Led by Tom Kernozek, UW-La Crosse's physical therapy program a hotbed for scientific studies. Read more at the La Crosse Tribune
The UW-La Crosse PT Program has been granted the maximum 10 years of accreditation. Read more in Campus News
To learn about current continuing education opportunities offered through the PT program please visit Continuing Education