Pre-Physician Assistant Studies program
What is a PA?
Physician assistant is the No. 1 ranked healthcare job, according to U.S. News and World Report's 2021 Best Health Care Jobs list. PAs are medical providers who are licensed to diagnose and treat illness and disease and to prescribe medication for patients. They work in physician offices, hospitals and clinics in collaboration with a licensed physician.
Learn more about the profession on the UWL Physician Assistant Studies graduate program website and The American Academy of PAs "What is a PA?"
- General Biology (BIO 105)
- Anatomy & Physiology I & II (BIO 312 & BIO 313)
- At least one advanced Biology course, e.g. Genetics (BIO 306) or Cell Biology (BIO 315)
- Fundamentals of Microbiology (MIC 230)
- General Chemistry I & II (CHM 103 & CHM 104)
- Fundamental Organic Chemistry (CHM 300) or Organic Chemistry Theory I & II (CHM 303 & CHM 304); plus laboratory (CHM 302 or CHM 305)
- Fundamental Biochemistry (CHM 325) or Biochemistry I & II (CHM 417 & CHM 418)
- For UWL, Cell Biology (BIO 315) also satisfies this requirement, but most PA programs require Biochemistry
- Precalculus (MTH 151) or Calculus I (MTH 207) for UWL
- Precalculus/Calculus are not common prerequisites among other PA programs
- Elementary Statistics (STAT 145) or Mathematical Models in Biology (MTH 265)
- General Psychology (PSY 100)
- Medical Terminology (such as HP 250, CHE 220, or RTH 355) is often required, or highly recommended for many PA programs
- A few programs in the Midwest may require additional coursework in Psychology (Carroll, Des Moines, St. Kates)
Pre-Physician Assistant Studies is NOT a major at UW-La Crosse. It declares your intent to apply to PA programs. You will still need to select a major to complete a degree at UWL. Make your intention to pursue a career as a Physician Assistant official by adding it as an "intended pre-professional track."
This course list was designed based on the UWL PA Studies Program admission requirements. While taking these prerequisites will prepare you to apply to many other programs, requirements vary. It is important to consult the websites of the PA programs to which you plan to apply.
CASPA provides a GPA calculator here.
Many professional schools do not accept prerequisite courses that have been taken online or at non-U.S. institutions; AP, IB, AICE, and community college credit policies vary by school/program.
For advising, reach out to Josh Bench.
9 reasons to be a physician assistant
- Versatility
PAs practice in every state and in every medical setting and specialty. - Work/life balance
The PA profession offers the fantastic ability to have a life outside of your regular full-time job. - Competitive Salary
According to the 2018 AAPA salary report, the median salary of PAs is $105,000. - Length of school
Most PA programs last anywhere from 23-28 months, depending on the school, after you earn your bachelor's degree. - Ability to give back to the community
Your PA training will allow you to volunteer in clinics in the U.S. and abroad. Many PAs go on to work with medical relief charities or volunteer in underserved countries. - Develop relationships with patients
You likely got into this field because you have a passion for working with others. As a PA, you will have the opportunity to truly make a difference in their quality of life. - Team-based care
PAs are committed to team practice with physicians and other healthcare providers. - Continuing education
PAs are required to complete 100 hours of continuing medical education (CME) every two years. - Job market
The Bureau of Labor Statistics foresees the PA job market to increase 38 percent from 2012 to 2022.
Grow through experience
Each program has a different definition of patient care experience (ex. UW-Madison, UW-La Crosse) but commonly it involves "hands-on" care.
- CNA, phlebotomist, EMT, resident assistant, and camp nurse are common roles held by Pre-PA students - many positions can be found on Handshake.
- Many applicants to PA schools will have years of experience working in more advanced roles (x-ray technicians, cardiographers, etc.) However, gaining experience should NOT come at the expense of a strong academic record
Shadow or observe the profession: once you are interested in the PA profession, shadowing is a good next step.
- It can be a challenge to find shadowing opportunities in healthcare settings, but these tips can help.
- Keep in mind, PAs work in a variety of settings and specialty areas - one shadowing experience probably doesn't tell you whether the profession is right for you.
Visit the Pre-PA Club's website on MyOrgs to learn more about the advantages of being involved and when they meet.
To keep track of your target schools, prerequisites, and experiences, the Pre-Health Center recommends using a spreadsheet. An example can be downloaded here.
UWL students can also track their progress using the Mappd app. Click the image below to check it out. Mappd
Prepare to apply
Most PA programs participate in the centralized application system "CASPA", where you can submit most or all of your applications.
- The admission "cycle" generally starts in late April. Applicants should submit their applications as soon as possible after that (consult each programs' website to learn their application deadline).
- The importance of GPA varies from program to program, but a strong GPA is expected.
UWL's PA Studies program no longer requires the GRE exam.
- This was already the case for UW-Madison, but many programs will still require the GRE.
- The PA-CAT, which was designed as a replacement for the GRE, rolled out in 2020, and some (but not many) programs use it.
The situational judgment test, Casper, is required by UWL's program. This can be taken at any time, before or after CASPA opens - it's not connected to your CASPA account or application. Learn more about standardized testing.
The PAEA program directory is a good place to start to learn about various programs. Always consult the specific program websites for the most accurate information.
Assuming you apply in late spring or early summer, you wouldn't start PA classes until at least a year later (assuming you are admitted to a program).
- In between are interview invites and decisions on which offer you will accept, if you are offered seats at multiple programs.
- See an example application timeline at the bottom of this page.