Posted 2:14 p.m. Monday, April 26, 2021

This month's challenge is encouraging everyone to get out and explore our wonderful state parks.
May Employer Sponsored Activity: Friends of Wisconsin State Parks Explore Challenge
This month’s challenge is encouraging everyone to get out and explore our wonderful state parks. The Friends of Wisconsin State Parks have developed a fun event that will challenge visitors to explore the Wisconsin properties in new and fun ways to increase healthy habits, connect with family and friends, and help serve the community.
There are several activities to choose from like hiking, camping, fishing, paddling, photography, and volunteering to help clean the parks. Please go to the site to see all the challenges listed (link below under resources). There is no fee associated with the challenge except for a vehicle admission sticker. Plan to complete it with family members, friends, coworkers or just some alone time outdoors.
The challenge has started and runs through September 22, 2021. Participants need to complete at least one of the challenges in order to get credit for the Employ Sponsored Activity. Register on the site and download the logbook. When you complete a challenge, log it and email a picture of the logbook to Jennifer Wiesjahn, Benefits & Wellness Specialist (
Want to learn more about the Friends of Wisconsin State Parks Explore Challenge? Tune in to Well Wisconsin Radio on Tuesday, May 25th from Noon-12:30. Host Morgan Meinen will be interviewing Mike McFadzen and Randall Paske from the Friends of Wisconsin State Parks.
Register here or available on demand after the live air date.