Posted 2 a.m. Tuesday, Jan. 9, 2024

Physical therapy doctoral student recognized for Achilles research
Callie Pohlman, a doctoral student in the Physical Therapy program, was featured by Thieme Publishers in their #Women in Medicine campaign based on her research published in the International Journal of Sports Medicine.
Pohlman was the lead author with other researchers from the La Crosse Institute for Movement Science (LIMS) research group in the Department of Health Professions. Her paper examined how body weight support can be used to reduce Achilles tendon loading in running.
Runners were examined with and without being affixed into the Lightspeed Lift in Duluth, Minnesota. This system uses elastic bands attached to the runner’s pelvis to “offload” the runner as they run.
Data indicated that using this system reduced ground impact by 9% and load to the Achilles tendon by nearly 9.5%.
“This was an interesting project that can have a potential influence on rehabilitation efforts relative to running-related injury” says Tom Kernozek, Pohlman’s advisor and co-author. “These projects require a lot of effort to collect, process and analyze data, but oftentimes, the writing and presentation requires the most critical thought. Callie did a wonderful job describing our findings in her writing, and I am glad to see her honored this way.”
In addition, Pohlman had the opportunity to present to other professionals in sports medicine at the American College of Sports Medicine Meeting in Denver last spring.
Pohlman says she has enjoyed working alongside Kernozek and expanding her knowledge of both physical therapy and research publication.
“I had a wonderful opportunity to be the research assistant to Dr. Kernozek this past year,” she says. “I gained a much greater appreciation for good scientific writing, truly understanding the body of work surrounding our topic and the discipline that it takes.
“It was a true honor to be selected to represent my university, our clinical research program in physical therapy at the international level on behalf of #WomenInMedicine within sports medicine.”