Profile for Carol Miller

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Carol Miller
Pronouns: She/Her/Hers
Sociology & Criminal Justice
University of Wisconsin-La Crosse
Carol Miller Pronouns: She/Her/Hers
Sociology & Criminal Justice
Specialty area(s)
global issues, gender, policy, family, rural/urban communities
Brief biography
I grew up in Florence County, Wisconsin, and was a first generation college student who somehow continued on to earn a Ph.D.
My research has focused on gender and global labor force participation rates, child poverty, local effects of globalization, food insecurity (hunger) and agritourism.
Current courses at UWL
SOC 202, Contemporary Global Issues
SOC 212, Marriage & Family
SOC 311, Rural & Urban Communities
SOC 350, Social Research Methods II
SOC 370, Sociology of Gender
SOC 404, Global Inequalities
SOC 414, Policy & Society
Ph.D. Sociology, University of Arizona, 1996. Dissertation: “Effects of Economic Development, Trade Dependency and Debt on Women’s Share of the Labor Force: A Cross-national Study.”
M.A. Sociology, University of Arizona, 1991.
B.S. Broad Field Social Studies/Sociology, University of Wisconsin-River Falls, 1988.
Research and publishing
Book: 2007 Niagara Falling: Globalization in a Small Town. Lanham, MD: Lexington Books.
Refereed Publications:
2021 "Developing a Newspaper Reading Habit in a Global Issues Course," Sociological Imagination, 57:1 (pp. TBD).
2020 "Policy Point—Counterpoint: Could a Universal Childcare Policy Be Implemented to Help Working Families in the U.S.?" International Social Science Review, 96:1 (Article 17).
2018 “Don’t know much about NAFTA: The continued importance of a global issues general education course” Learning and Teaching 11(3):63-79.
2018 "Local Economies on Their Minds: Explaining European Preferences for Geographic Origin Food Labels," International Social Science Review: Vol. 94(1) Article 1.
2016 "Economic Conditions and European Concerns about Food Production Sufficiency." Journal of International Social Issues 4 (1 ): 24-39.
2014 "Understanding Collectivism and Female Genital Cutting Through a Family Role-Playing Exercise," International Journal of Teaching and Learning in Higher Education. 26 (2).
2014 with Mark J. Seitz. “Gender Through Their Lenses: A Film of Students’ Images. Interdiiplinary Journal of E-Learning and Learning Objects 10: 285-292.
2014 Global Citizenship: Concern or Nihilism? The Global Studies Journal 6(2) 67-76, April 2014.
2011 “Applying Manhood in America: Collaborating on an Interview Research Project in a Sociology of Gender Class.” Sociological Imagination. 47(2): 28-38.
2011 “Got Milk? Food Insecurity in a Dairyland Community.” Journal of Hunger & Environmental Nutrition. 6(3): 343-352.
2009 “Using Episodes of the Television Show The Simpsons to Generate Discussion and Change Attitudes towards Gay Men and Lesbians.” Sociological Imagination 45 (1) pp. TBD. (forthcoming)
2008 “Video Review: Demographic Winter: the decline of the human family.” Sociological Imagination 44 (2) 86-87.
2006 “Fear and Loathing in a Paper Mill Town: Local Perceptions of Globalization,” Journal of Regional Analysis and Policy. 36(2)171-181.
2005 “Too Many Cops for a Town of 1,800.” The Rural Sociologist. 25 (3).
2005 “Virtual Deer: Bagging the Mythical "Big One” in Cyberspace” in Mad About Wildlife. Edited by Theresa Goedeke and Ann Herda-Rapp Leiden: Brill.
2004 (with Mindy Krause). “Participating but not Leading: Women’s Under-representation in Student Government Leadership Positions.” The College Student Journal. 38(3).
2002 “Poor Children and Vacation Homes: The Relationship Between Seasonal Homes and Child Poverty in Wisconsin Counties.” Great Plains Sociologist. 14:1-17.
1999 "Research Note: How Did Economic Development and Trade Affect Women's Share of the Labor Force in the 1980s?." Journal of World-Systems Research. 5: 363-374.
1992 "Trade Dependence and Maternal Mortality", Humboldt Journal of Social Relations. 18:1.