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Profile for Dany Jacob

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Dany Jacob

Pronouns: He/Him/His
Assistant Professor
Global Cultures & Languages
University of Wisconsin-La Crosse

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Dany Jacob Pronouns: He/Him/His

Assistant Professor

Global Cultures & Languages

Specialty area(s)

Dandyism, European fin-de-siècle, modern and postmodern masculinities, sociocultural identities and their performativity, fetishization and affect in popular culture, construction of cultural myths

Brief biography

Originally from Luxembourg, Europe, Dr. Jacob has received his Ph.D. from SUNY at Buffalo in French and Francophone Studies after receiving his undergraduate degree in European Cultures in Luxembourg and France. His research focus around the figure of the dandy and dandyism during the end of the 19th century/beginning of the 20th century and how it impacted our contemporary conceptions of modernity, aesthetics and masculinities through the lens of fetishism. Dr. Jacob's latest publications center around nontraditional identities and the affect on reader experience.

Other research and teaching interests are the role of fetishization and affect in popular culture, the construction and performativity of sociocultural identities (mainly male identities), and the construction of cultural myths.

Current courses at UWL

French 102 French in a Global Society II

French 202 French Language and Cultures in Action II

French 307: French for Professional Communication

French 317: Practice in Translation

French 337: Focs on Science and Technology

French 351: French Cinema

French 395: Literary Voices in Translation (Theme: Feminsim and Patriarchy Across Centuries)



  • Bachelor's in European Cultures (specialization in French), University of Luxembourg
  • M.A., State University of New York at Buffalo
  • Ph.D., State University of New York at Buffalo


Teaching history

French Composition & Conversation

Topics in French and Francophone Literature and Culture: Feminism and Patriarchy across genres; The Francophone World

Topics in World Cinema: Asking Big Questions in French and Francophone Film

Independent Study: “Otherness in French and Francophone Culture”

Comparative Literatures

Studies in the Novel– “Interpersonal Relationships in the Franco–German Novel”

Communicating Across Cultures


Diversity Studies

Introduction to Diversity Studies

Gender and Culture – “Transforming Masculinities”

Topics in Diversity Studies – “Engineering the Gaze”


Grad Seminars

Critical Perspectives on Globalization

Professional history

2023– present      Assistant Professor of French, University of Wisconsin - La Crosse

2021– 2023      Associate Teaching Professor, French and Gender Studies, Michigan Technological University

2017 – 2021         Assistant Teaching Professor, French and Gender Studies, Michigan Technological University

2016 – 2017        Visiting Assistant Professor of French, Michigan Technological University

2014 – 2016        Research Assistant for Melodia E. Jones Chair (Dr. Jean-Jacques Thomas), State University of New York at Buffalo

Research and publishing

Book chapters

Fragile Masculinities in The Nightmanager: How ‘The Worst Man in the World’ Brings out the Best”, in War, Espionage and Masculinities in the British Novel, edited by Susan Austin, Vernon Press, 2022.

“L’écriture affective proustienne comme ancrage”, in Ces lieux qui nous affectent, edited by Denis Martouzet and Georges-Henry Laffont. Editions Hermann, 2021.

Cherchez la femme: Fetishization of the Woman in Lovesick”, Cinema Invites Other Gazes, edited by Luciana Silveira and Dago Schelin, Prismas, 2016.


Journal Articles

“Meme-ing Jay Gatsby or Dandyism à l’Américaine: Cultural Declination of The Great Gatsby”, Cinephile, 15.1, 2021.

“Le Dom Juan de Molière, qui a lancé la première pierre ?” [Molière’s Dom Juan, Who Cast The First Stone?], Acta Iassyensia Comparationis, 15 (1/2015): Héros et Antihéros/Heroes and Antiheroes, 2015. (Open Access,

Pélagie-la-Charrette or The Claim of the Earth”, The Context Journal of Language, Literature, Cultural Studies Volume 1, Issue 3, Magnus Publishing, India, 2014.