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Profile for Heather Walder

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Heather Walder

Pronouns: She/Her/Hers
Assistant Teaching Professor
Archaeology & Anthropology
University of Wisconsin-La Crosse

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Heather Walder Pronouns: She/Her/Hers

Assistant Teaching Professor

Archaeology & Anthropology

Specialty area(s)

Great Lakes and Wisconsin anthropological archaeology, archaeometry, community-engaged and collaborative research, colonialism, experimental archaeology and technology studies

Brief biography

Current courses at UWL

ARC 200: World Archaeology

FYS 100: Ancient Mysteries, Modern Controversies - Pseudoscience and Archaeology

ANT 102: Introduction to Biological Anthropology (labs)

ANT / ARC 325: North American Anthropology and Archaeology


Ph.D. 2015, Anthropology, University of Wisconsin-Madison
M.A. 2009, Anthropology, University of Wisconsin-Madison
B.A. 2007, Anthropology, Classical Languages, and English Literature, Marquette University


Teaching history

2019-present and 2013-2016; Assistant Teaching Professor (prev. Lecturer), Department of Archaeology and Anthropology, University of Wisconsin – La Crosse

2017-2018 Visiting Assistant Professor, Department of Anthropology, Northern Illinois University

2016-2017 Visiting Assistant Professor, Department of Anthropology, Michigan State University

Professional history

2018-present: Research Associate, Field Museum of Natural History, Chicago, Illinois

2019-2020: International Collaborator, Groupe de Recherche en Archéométrie de l'Université Laval

2015-2020: Honorary Fellow, Department of Anthropology, University of Wisconsin-Madison

Research and publishing

Heather Walder and Alicia L. Hawkins (2024). Tracking Glass Beads: Communities and Exchange Relationships across the Atlantic in the 17th Century. Antiquity. First View online 2024:1-21.

Heather Walder, Adelphine Bonneau, Benjamin Carter, Ruth Ann Armitage, and William A. Lovis (2023). Multi-Analytical Characterization of Beads from an Andean Chullpa Funerary Assemblage. In Chemistry in the Service of Archaeology, Edited by Ruth Ann Armitage and Daniel Fraser. Vol 1446, pp. 65-85. ACS Symposium Series, American Chemical Society.

Laure Dussubieux and Heather Walder, eds (2022). The Elemental Analysis of Glass Beads: Chronology, Technology and Exchange, Leuven University Press. 

 Alicia L. Hawkins and Heather Walder (2022). Characterizing Glass Recipes for Distinctive Polychrome Glass Bead Types in Ontario, Canada. In The Elemental Analysis of Glass Beads: Chronology, Technology and Exchange, pp 57-80, edited by Heather Walder and Laure Dussubieux, Leuven University Press.

Heather Walder (2022). Seeking Indigenous Trade Networks of the Midcontinent through Glass Beads from La Belle(41 MG 86). In Unearthing Indigenous Presence: Critical Perspectives on the Archaeology of Post-1492 North America. Edited by Tsim D. Schneider and Lee M. Panich. University Press of Florida.

Heather Walder and Stéphane Noël (2021) Compositional Analysis of Glass Beads from Huron-Wendat Contexts at the Notre-Dame-de-Lorette Mission Site, Quebec. Canadian Journal of Archaeology 45(2) pages forthcoming.

Heather Walder (2021) Searching for Evidence of Protohistoric and Early Colonial Encounters in Wisconsin. In Historical Archeology of Wisconsin, a peer-reviewed summary volume (co-edited by Walder, Constance Arzigian, Jon Van Beckum, and Addison Kimmel) for The Wisconsin Archeologist. Fall 2021.

Heather Walder, John L. Creese, Katrina Phillips, Marvin Defoe (2022, Under Review). Community Engaged Archaeology in Red Cliff, Wisconsin. In Post-Contact Archaeology of the Great Lakes Region, Edited by Sarah Surface-Evans and Misty Jackson, University of Alabama Press (forthcoming edited volume)

Heather Walder, Joseph A. Petrus, Laure Dussubieux, Ronald G. V. Hancock, and Alicia L. Hawkins (2021) Comparing Chemistries: Inter-laboratory Evaluation of Glass Bead Compositional Research in the Great Lakes Archaeometry forthcoming issue, online Early View at

Heather Walder and Alexander Woods (2020) Archaeological Traces of a Removal-Era Site with a Possible Ho-Chunk Affiliation in Wisconsin. The Wisconsin Archeologist 101(1 & 2):139–158.

Susan M. Kooiman and Heather Walder (2019) Reconsidering the Chronology: Carbonized Food Residue AMS Dates and Compositional Analysis of a Curated Collection from the Upper Great Lakes. American Antiquity 84(3):495-515.

Heather Walder (2019). “Picking up the Pieces: Intercultural Interaction in the Great Lakes Region Examined through Copper-base Metal Artifacts.” International Journal of Historical Archaeology 23:316-342.

Walder, Heather (2018). “Small Beads, Big Picture: Assessing Chronology, Exchange, and Population Movement through Compositional Analyses of Blue Glass Beads from the Upper Great Lakes.” Historical Archaeology 52(2):301-331

Walder, Heather (2018). “Inscription Carving Technology of Early Historic South Asia. Results of Experimental Archaeology and Assessment of Minor Rock Edicts in Karnataka.” In Walking with the Unicorn Social Organization and Material Culture in Ancient South Asia, Edited by Dennys Frenez, Gregg M. Jamison, Randall W. Law, Massimo Vidale and Richard H. Meadow, pp. 605-622. Archaeopress Publishing Ltd., Oxford.

Heather Walder and Kaleigh Perry (2018). “Analysis of Copper-Base Metal Artifacts from Upper Michigan: A Student-Centered Research Project.” The Wisconsin Archeologist 99(1):177-194.

Heather Walder and Jessica Yann (2018). “Resilience and Survivance: Frameworks for Discussing Intercultural Interactions.” Introduction to Encounters, Exchange, Entanglement: Intercultural Interactions throughout the Western Great Lakes. Edited by Heather Walder and Jessica Yann, pp. 1-18. Midcontinental Journal of Archaeology Occasional Papers, Volume 2.

John Creese and Heather Walder (2018). “From Wendake to Chequamegon: Bridging the Wendat Diaspora in Quimby’s Early Historic Period.” In Encounters, Exchange, Entanglement: Intercultural Interactions throughout the Western Great Lakes. Edited by Heather Walder and Jessica Yann, pp. 33-54. Midcontinental Journal of Archaeology Occasional Papers, Volume 2.

Paquette, James R. and Heather Walder (2017). “Glass Trade Beads from the Goose Lake Outlet #3 Site (20MQ140), Marquette County, Michigan.” Midcontinental Journal of Archaeology 42 (2):137-167.

Schultz, Sarah and Heather Walder (2016). “Technologies of Refired Glass Pendant Production: Experimental Replication Results.” The Wisconsin Archeologist 97(2):29-48.

Dussubieux, Laure and Heather Walder (2015). “Identifying American Native and European Smelted Coppers with pXRF: A Case Study of Artifacts from the Upper Great Lakes Region.” Journal of Archaeological Science 59:169-178.

Walder, Heather, Yolona Ngandali, and Jeffery Behm (2015). “Revising the Community Plan of the Bell Site (47 WN 009): Processes and Outcomes of GIS Spatial Analyses.” The Wisconsin Archeologist 96 (1): 5-26.



Heather Walder, Archaeology & Anthropology, presented "Inter-regional Studies and Connecting Scientists through Glass Beads and Metal Scraps" at Field Museum Elemental Analysis Facility (EAF) 20th Anniversary Conference on Sept. 13 in Chicago, IL. Walder is a research associate of the Field Museum and has collaborated with the EAF for the last 14 years.

Submitted on: Sept. 16


Heather Walder, Archaeology & Anthropology, received The Increase A. Lapham Research Medal from the  Wisconsin Archeological Society. This award recognizes significant contributions to Wisconsin archaeology and anthropology.

Submitted on: Sept. 6


Heather Walder, Archaeology & Anthropology; Kristin Koepke, CATL; Astrid Lorena Ochoa Campo, Global Cultures & Languages; Melissa Weege, Health Professions; Rachel Funk-Johnson, Management; Jeff Baggett, Mathematics & Statistics; Xinhui Li, Microbiology; Tesia Marshik, Psychology; and Tori Svoboda, Student Affairs Administration; served as UWL representatives at the Universities of Wisconsin event, Faculty College. Faculty College was held May 28-31 in Elkhart Lake, WI. The theme was "Rethinking/Redesigning Student Assignments" and Ashley Finley of AAC&U was the guest presenter.

Submitted on: June 4


Marvin DeFoe, THPO, Red Cliff Band of Lake Superior Chippewa and Heather Walder, Archaeology & Anthropology, presented "Geté Anishinaabe Izhichigéwin Community Archaeology Project, Gaa-Miskwaabikang (Red Cliff, Wisconsin)" at the Illinois State Archaeological Survey's Collaborative Research Speaker Series on March 25 online. The presentation summarized five years of collaborative fieldwork and addressed professional archaeologists and cultural heritage managers around the Midwest. The recording is available on YouTube. 

Submitted on: April 1


Heather Walder, Archaeology & Anthropology, presented "Placemaking at the Pageant Grounds: Engaging Communities in Miskwaabikang" at the Midwest Archaeological Conference on Oct. 12 in Bowling Green, KY. Walder co-authored this paper with John L. Creese and Marvin Defoe. They shared new archaeological findings from their long-running collaborative project in northern Wisconsin, contextualized through the framework of placemaking and community-engaged research in Indigenous spaces.

Submitted on: Oct. 21, 2023