Profile for Maria Moreno

Contact me
Maria Moreno
Global Cultures & Languages
University of Wisconsin-La Crosse
Maria Moreno
Global Cultures & Languages
Specialty area(s)
Racism and Anti-Racism
Gender in Latin America
Ecuador, Andes
Brief biography
Dr. María Moreno Parra is an Ecuadorian anthropologist. Her work is at the intersection of gender, racism and anti-racism, and decolonial feminisms in Ecuador and Latin America. She was a postdoctoral researcher in the project Latin American Anti-Racism in “Post-Racial” Age, LAPORA), University of Cambridge.
Current courses at UWL
Beauty and its Intersections in Latin America
Indigenous Women of Latin America
SPA 201
PhD University of Kentucky
BA Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador
Research and publishing
2024 Moreno Parra, María. "Calling Racism by its Name: Forms of Violence in the Articulation of Omission of Racism in Ecuador." Ethnic and Racial Studies. DOI 10.1080/01419870.2024.2329342
2023 Moreno, María. Dar Significado a la Justicia Racial. Usos Simbólicos de la Ley en las Luchas Antirracistas. En Contra el Racismo. Movilización para el cambio social en América Latina. Bogotá: Ediciones Uniandes.
2022 Coba, Lisset and María Moreno. “The Pachamama in the Vatican’s Garden: Economy, Life and Climate Change in the Pan-Amazonian Synod.” Special issue on “Climate Change, Gender, and Authoritarianism: Entanglements of Anti-Feminism and Anti-Environmentalism in the Far-Right”. Australian Feminist Review DOI: 10.1080/08164649.2022.2062670
2022 Moreno, María. Giving Meaning to Racial Justice. Symbolic Uses of Law in Anti-Racist Struggles. In Against Racism. Organizing for Social Change in Latin America, edited by Mónica Moreno Figueroa and Peter Wade, pp. 145-166. Pittsburgh: University of Pittsburgh Press.