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Profile for Michael Slevin

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Michael Slevin

Pronouns: he/him/his/their
Academic Staff/Emeritus
University of Wisconsin-La Crosse

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Michael Slevin Pronouns: he/him/his/their

Academic Staff/Emeritus

Specialty area(s)

Inclusive, safe, & welcoming Union environment
Union operations
University Centers student employment

Brief biography

I grew up in Mid-Michigan and completed my bachelors degree at Western Michigan University. My time in residence life led to my hall director job at Ferris State University. The next step was completing my masters in counseling at UW-Platteville while working as graduate hall director. UWL has been my work home since 1994, and I continue to enjoy my career working with all of the great students, faculty, and staff!  


May 1994: Masters in Counselor Education - University of Wisconsin–Platteville
December 1990: Bachelor of Business Administration - Western Michigan University


Professional history

1990-'98: Hall Director ('94-'98 at Sanford/Coate Halls)

1998-'99: Audio/Visual/Lighting Support, University Centers

1999-2014: Student Services Coordinator, University Centers   

2014-2016: Senior/Administrative Program Manager II, University Centers

2016-current: Assistant Director, University Centers                            




Lisa Klein, Community Engagement; Spencer Hulsey, Graduate & Extended Learning; Cody Organ, Information Technology Services; Michael Slevin and Douglas Wilken, both University Centers; Britney Heineman and Jeffrey Kerkman, both University Marketing & Communications; and Kelsey Foss, UWL Alumni & Friends Foundation; served the Board of Regents Meeting Planning Committee. Thank you to all the members of the Board of Regents Meeting Planning Committee, their respective teams, facilities/grounds crews and all the volunteers. The two-day event was a resounding success because of the planning committee and everyone's hard work, dedication, expertise and time. Thank you again for making UWL a shining star as we hosted our prestigious guests.

Submitted on: July 14, 2023


Courtney Warax, New Student & Family Programs; Lisa Klein, Community Engagement; Scott Brown, Facilities Planning & Management; Chelsea Wyman, Murphy Library; Justin Davis, Music; Willem Vanroosenbeek, Pride Center; Nathan Barnhart, Rec Sports; Laurie Harmon, Recreation Management & Therapeutic Recreation; Jenni Brundage and Andie Coxey, both Residence Life; Jamie Henk, Student Association student; Kyle Burke, Magann Dykema, Drea Higgins, Michael Slevin and Corey Stilwell, all University Centers; Kaylie Connaughty and Maren Walz, both University Marketing & Communications; and Gabrielle Smartt, Wellness, Health Advocacy; served on the Eagle Fest Planning Committee. The planning committee was responsible for Eagle Fest, a festival full of music, entertainment, food, and fun. It was an exciting opportunity for all students, faculty, staff, family members and local community neighbors to come together and celebrate the beginning of the fall semester!

Submitted on: Sept. 13, 2021