Profile for W. Thomas Means
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W. Thomas Means
Pronouns: He/Him/His
Assistant Professor
Rec Mgmt & Recl Therapy
University of Wisconsin-La Crosse
W. Thomas Means Pronouns: He/Him/His
Assistant Professor
Rec Mgmt & Recl Therapy
Specialty area(s)
-Philosophy of Science, Paradigms, and Epistemological Anarchy
-Constructive Developmental Theory
-Meaning Making and Leisure
-Developmental Disability and Camp
Current courses at UWL
RTH 701 - Philosophical Foundations of Leisure, Play and Recreation
RTH 494 - Research Methods and Program Evaluation in Recreational Therapy
MIND 110 - Introduction to Mindfulness
Ph.D. Indiana University, 2021
Leisure Behavior - Department of Health and Wellness Design
Minor: College Pedagogy
Dissertation Title: Philosophy of Science and Leisure: A Paradigmatic and Methodological Analysis of Leisure Studies
M.S. University of Wisconsin-La Crosse, 2015
Therapeutic Recreation - Department of Recreation Management and Therapeutic Recreation
Thesis Title: Therapeutic Recreation at Camp: A Delphi Study Identifying Important Elements
B.S. Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis, 2012
Kinesiology - Department of Kinesiology
Teaching history
RTH 720 - Research Methods for Recreation, Parks, and Leisure
RTH 498 - Internship Supervision
RTH 493/593 - Therapeutic Recreation Trends and Issues
RTH 491 - Therapeutic Recreation & Development Disability/Intellectual Disability
RTH 480/580 - Leisure Education
RTH 476/576 - Assessment and Treatment Planning-Therapeutic Recreation
RTH 325 - Inclusive Recreation
RTH 326 - Therapeutic Recreation Populations I
RTH 252 - Innovative Activities in Therapeutic Recreation
REC 150 - Leisure, Quality of Life, and Well-Being
REC 200 - Program Leadership of Recreational Activities
REC 202 - Leisure, Nature, and the Contemplative Experience
REC 302 - Recreation Supervision and Human Resource Management
REC 415/515 - Camp Administration
Research and publishing
Publications in Progress
Selle C. & Means W.T., (Accepted). Building Bridges: An evidence-based program to increase self-determination in Veterans undergoing rehabilitative services. American Journal of Recreation Therapy
Dawson S., Eldridge L., Means W.T., & Scott E. (Under Revision). Qualitative Analysis of the Kids B.E.A.R. Pain Program. Therapeutic Recreation Journal.
Means W.T. (In Progress). Meaning Making in Leisure: Integrating a Constructive-Development Theoretical Framework.
Select Publications
Means, W. T., Taylor, J., & Delong, T. (2024). RT Open Eagles: Answering the call for evidence-based practice. American Journal of Recreation Therapy, 23(1), 6-8.
Means W.T., Mowatt R., (2023). Philosophy of Science and Leisure Research: An Exploratory Analysis of Research Paradigms. Leisure/Loisir.
Edel, B, & Means W.T., (2022). Mindfully strong evidence-based curriculum:
A therapeutic recreation concept design. American Journal of Recreation Therapy, 21(2), 42-48.
Means, W. T., & McIntire, J. (2019). Veterans and Hope: Lessons Learned from the Ladder UPP Program. American Therapeutic Recreation Association Research Institute.
Knee, E., & Means, W. T. (2018). Out of the Stands and onto the Court: A Signature Pedagogy for the Recreation Field. SCHOLE: A Journal of Leisure Studies and Recreation Education, 33(2), 70-86.
Means, W.T. (2018). Meaning and adventure: Constructive development theory and outdoor adventure outcomes. In: Proceedings of the 2018 Symposium on Experiential Education Research. Orlando, FL. Association of Experiential Education.
Newman, S.B., Herman, D.C., Naaman, K.B., Means, W.T., Tysor, D.A., Berman, R.J., Walter A.A., Robledo, M., & Oliphant, E. (2018). Social and integrative approaches to health in Zion National Park. The George Wright Forum, 35(2).
Means, W. T., & McIntire, J. (2017). Fun for everyone: Adapting activities for campers of all abilities. Camping Magazine.
Means, W. T., & Simpson, S. (2016). Therapeutic recreation at camp: A Delphi study identifying important elements. American Journal of Recreation Therapy, 15(2), 7-12.