A page within Jazz
The UW-L Jazz Orchestra is the premier big band at UWL, performing top-quality college and professional big band literature. Jazz styles from swing to fusion are represented in the Orchestra's repertoire. The UWL jazz ensembles average seven concerts concerts per year, in both campus and off-campus performances, such as jazz festivals and school tours in the Seven Rivers Region. Concerts often feature guest artists, providing students the opportunity to work with professionals such as The Rodriguez Brothers, Bob Mintzer, Randy Brecker, Ed Soph, and Clark Terry. The group is led by Dr. Jeff Erickson, the Director of Jazz Studies.
Dr. Erickson leading the UWL Jazz Orchestra
The UW-L Jazz Ensemble, like the Jazz Orchestra, performs music encompassing all styles. Most freshman enroll in Jazz Ensemble for their first collegiate jazz experience. The focus of this group is on the development of individual and ensemble skills, as well as learning various jazz styles and improvisation. This ensemble performs multiple concerts on campus each semester and occasionally performs off-campus. The group is directed by jazz faculty member Jon Ailabouni.
Professor Ailabouni directing the UWL Jazz Ensemble
All students have the opportunity to audition for jazz combos. Ensembles are organized based on students' musicianship and class schedules. Combos generally rehearse two hours a week, one hour with a jazz faculty member, and one hour on their own. Student combos also frequently have the opportunity to perform on both on-campus and off-campus venues.
A UWL Jazz Combo performing for Green Bay Preble High School students
NOTE: Jazz Orchestra (MUS 130), Jazz Ensemble (MUS 134) and Jazz Combo (MUS 161-06) and all for-credit courses.
Other jazz courses include
* Jazz Improvisation I (MUS 326)
* Jazz Improvisation II (MUS 327)
* Jazz History (MUS 209)
* Senior Jazz Recital (MUA 472)