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Profile for Sona Kazemi

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Sona Kazemi

Pronouns: She/Her
Assistant Professor
Race/Gender/Sexuality Studies
University of Wisconsin-La Crosse

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Sona Kazemi Pronouns: She/Her

Assistant Professor

Race/Gender/Sexuality Studies

Specialty area(s)

Women's, Gender and Sexuality Studies; Race and Ethnicity Studies; Middle East Politics; Theocracy; Iran; Women and Revolution in the Middle East; Trauma and Torture Studies; Social Justice Education; War and Peace Studies; Critical Prison Studies; State Violence; Political Violence; Human Rights; Qualitative Methods and Advocacy; Adult Education; Disability Studies; Global Studies; Transnationalism; Migration Studies

Brief biography

Dr. Sona Kazemi is an Assistant Professor in the department of Race, Gender, and Sexuality Studies at the University of Wisconsin-La Crosse. Previously from 2018 to 2022, she held multiple postdoctoral fellowships with the Society of Fellows: Human Rights, Pasts, Presents, Futures, at the Ohio State University where she taught courses in “Global Inequality,” “Global Human Rights” and “Disability Experience in the Contemporary World” and conducted multiple research projects. Also, From Sep 2020 to Apr 2021, Sona was Provost’s Research Justice at the Intersections Fellow at Mills College in Oakland, California. Her first monograph, “Disabling Relations: Wounded Bodyminds & Active Witnessing”, is under contract with Temple University Press and scheduled to come out in June 2025. Sona is currently working on her second monograph - tentatively titled “Transnational Abolition: Disablement, Resistance, and Collective Care in Iran’s Prisons” and two edited anthologies, one of which is under contract with Canadian Scholars Press. Sona is the Society for Disability Studies’ 2018 recipient of the honorable mention for the prestigious award of Irving K. Zola Award for emerging scholars in Disability Studies. She is currently the associate editor for the Global Ideas' Section at Review of Disability Studies, an International Journal.

Current courses at UWL

RGS 100; RGS 373; RGS 353; RGS 377


Postdoctoral Fellow with the Society of Fellows: Human Rights Pasts and Futures at The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH~Jan 2021- Dec 2022

Research Justice at the Intersections Fellow with the Provost’s Office at Mills College, Oakland, California~Sep 2020 – April 2021

Postdoctoral Researcher of Global Migration, Disability Studies, and Medical Humanities at Mershon Center for International Security Studies and the Department of English at The Ohio State University~Aug 2018 - Aug 2020

PhD, Adult Education and Community Development at the Ontario Institute for studies in Education of the University of Toronto, Toronto, Canada, Sep 2014-June 2018

M.A., Critical Disability Studies at the School of Health Policy and Management, Faculty of Health, York University, Sep 2012-Oct 2013

B.A. (Hon), Psychology, York University, Sep 2008-Aug 2012

B.Sc (Pure Math) unfinished due to forced migration


Teaching history

Global Human Right

The Disability Experience in the Contemporary World

Disability, Race, Political Economy, and Gender

Global Migration and Transnational Disability Studies

Research and publishing


  • Transnational Abolition: Disablement, Resistance, and Collective Care in Iran’s Prisons (In Progress).

Edited Books

  • Co-edited “Disabling States” with Rachel Gorman and Louise Tam (forthcoming, 2026) under contract with Canadian Scholars Press
  • Co-edited “Towards a Transnational Solidarity Theory and Praxis: Locating Disability and Feminist Consciousness in the Global” with Hemachandran Karah and Efrat Gold (In Progress)

Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles

  • Kazemi, Sona, Lin, Tricia, Li, Lin, Wang, Zhen [equal authorship] (forthcoming). “Cultivating Transnational Feminist Solidarity, Becoming Agents of the Non-Empire: A Conversation among Women-of-Color Scholar-Activists” a Forum Discussion for International Feminist Journal of Politics’ Special Issue “Feminist and Queer Critiques of Multiple Empires”

Peer-Reviewed Book Chapters

  • Kazemi, Sona & Efrat Gold (invited, forthcoming) “Piecing Together the Life of an Iranian Woman Political Prisoner: Defetishizing the Production of Madness and Disability through State Violence” in Disability History in the Modern Middle East edited by Sara Scalenghe and Beverly Tsacoyianis (Bloomsbury)
  • Kazemi, Sona (invited, forthcoming) “Iranian Women’s Experiences with State Violence: A Marxist-Feminist Analysis and A Revolutionary Decarceration Pedagogy”. In Cameron, Rose E., Dionisio, Nyaga & Torres, Rose (eds.) Ethics of Difference in Anti-Oppressive Social Work (University of Toronto Press).
  • Kazemi, Sona & Karah, Hemachandran (invited, forthcoming). “Cultural Imperialism and Life of the Mind: A Review of Cerebral Bias in Humanities Pedagogy and Beyond” In Da Silveira Gorman, Rachel & Le François, Brenda (Eds.), Palgrave Encyclopedia of Critical Perspectives in Mental Health. (Palgrave MacMillan)
  • Gold, Efrat & Kazemi, Sona (invited, forthcoming) “Re-Educating Mad Dissidents Under Modern Theocratic State” in The Surveillance and Regulation of Madness in Educational Settings: Critical Pedagogy and Mad Futurities edited by Davis, Adam, Spring, Lauren, and Castrodale, Mark as part of Dr. Bruce Cohen’s edited book series, “The Politics of Mental Health and Illness” (Palgrave McMillan)
  • Kazemi, Sona, Efrat Gold, Hemachandran Karah, & Mary Jean Hande (invited, in press) “Transnational Disability Praxis: Archiving Survival, Resistance, and Resilience Amidst Ongoing Emergencies” in Cripping the Archives edited by Jenifer Barclay and Stefanie Hunt-Kennedy as part of the series, “Disability Histories” (University of Illinois Press)

Book Reviews

  • Kazemi, Sona (2019) “A Review of The Other Mrs. Smith” a novel written by Bonnie Burstow published by Inanna Publications and Education Inc. 2017. 978-1-77133-421-1 at the Canadian Journal of Disability Studies
  • Kazemi, Sona (2015) “A Review of Marxism and Feminism” edited by Shahrzad Mojab published by Zed book (2015) published at the Journal for Critical Education Policy Studies

Published Conference Proceedings

  • Kazemi, Sona (2015) “Untangling Disability and Race—A Dialectic: “Dangerous”, “Different”, and “At Risk” published @ Proceedings of the 34th CASAE Annual Conference 2015


Contribution to Popular Media

  • Kazemi, Sona (2022), “Is Hamid Nouri Mentally Ill?” published by RadioZamaneh Media Production آیا حمید نوری بیمار «روانی» است؟
  • Kazemi, Sona (2020), Hosting A Radio Show, “Disabled People’s Civil Rights Across the Globe,” produced at Radio Pooya
  • Kazemi, Sona (2020) “A patriarchal legal system and culture don’t protect women; rather, they facilitate their murder in the hands of their family men” Published on Radio Zamaneh at
  • Interviewed on Tasvir-e-Iran TV Channel @ 4.00pm on July 24th 2013, Topic: Education, Women, and Community Activism in Toronto
  • Interviewed by a member of the IranWire editorial team, Shahed Alavi for an article covering the suspicious death of a prisoner who was arrested after a prison riot in Iran:



Sona Kazemi, Race, Gender & Sexuality Studies, presented "Woman, Life, Freedom: Redefining Social Justice in a Globalized World" to a full house at the TEDxUWLaCrosse event on Oct. 10 in The Bluffs, Student Union. Drawing from her childhood experiences with the "Morality Police" in Iran and the recent "Woman-Life-Freedom" movement, Kazemi explored the importance of empathizing with the struggles of "Other" people. She emphasized the need to build connections and solidarity movements worldwide. Recordings of Kazemi's presentation will be available on the TEDxUWLaCrosse website

Submitted on: Oct. 14


Sona Kazemi, Race, Gender & Sexuality Studies, authored the article "Mobile Immobility: Disability in Contexts of State Violence and Political Incarceration" in "Disability and the Global South Journal," published on Monday, Sept. 30. The concept of mobile immobility serves as an invitation to further trouble disability studies discourses on mobility and immobility. In this article, we theorize what im/mobility means in contexts of political incarceration and violent oppression in the Middle East, as numerous bodies are caught and injured by ableist barriers, borders, carceral institutions, walls and wars. Troubling ableist hierarchies that assume the superiority of mobility, we highlight the many ways that immobility is leveraged towards political mobilization, casting away any clear definitional boundary between the concepts of mobility and immobility. Through a disability studies lens, we unpack mobile immobility by exploring three examples that demonstrate the complexity and nuance needed to theorize im/mobility. First, we enter through the case of a Kurdish political prisoner in 1980s Turkey who became disabled as a result of participating in a hunger strike and two death fasts during his incarceration. We then explore the genre of incarceration ecriture, detailing written and artistic creations produced by political prisoners and survivors in the Middle East, and drawing attention to how inmates mobilize their experiences of immobility towards transformative justice. Finally, we consider the category of kulbars, or illegal cross-border carriers that are at once both forced into mobility and immobility due to extreme poverty and lack of political and social recognition. Through each of these examples, we question what mobility and political mobilization mean in the contexts of state violence, surveillance, authoritarianism, austerity, and borders.

Submitted on: Sept. 30


Sona Kazemi, Race, Gender & Sexuality Studies, presented "Politics of State’s Recognition of, and Disabling Policies towards, the Disabled" at Disability Impact: The Annual Conference of Interdisciplinary, Intersectional, and International Disability Studies on July 5 at Liverpool Hope University, Liverpool, United Kingdom. The presentation was part of the panel, “Center for Disabilities and Disciplines” with Hemachandran Karah and Saji K. Mathew.

Submitted on: Nov. 6, 2023


Sona Kazemi, Race, Gender & Sexuality Studies, presented "Feminist and Queer Critiques of Multiple Empires: A Conversation among Women of Color" at National Women's Studies Association on Oct. 28 in Baltimore, MD. Consisting of four women of color, this roundtable critically analyzed the phenomenon of multiple empires in today’s world. Contrary to the binary understanding of the democratic West leading the fight for human rights against oppressive regimes such as Iran and China, many Western policies, companies, organizations, and scholarship in fact, strengthen the power of authoritarian governments. This roundtable makes an original and significant contribution by unpacking the complex ways in which different imperial forces collaborate in the suppression of feminist and queer resistance in Global South/Third World.

Submitted on: Nov. 6, 2023


Sona Kazemi, Race, Gender & Sexuality Studies, authored the chapter "Making Sense of the Disability Autonomy and Collectivity Binary: A Review of Informal Disability Justice Pedagogy (IDJP) across Cultures" in The Routledge Companion to Literature and Social Justice published on Oct. 31 by Routledge. This essay examines the possibility of taking stock of disability justice pedagogy from within communities and cross-cultural settings, while attending to the ways in which disability justice is negotiated as everyday aesthetics across cultures. We call the workings of such everyday learnings concerning disability as Informal Disability Justice Pedagogy (IDJP). This essay emerges out of decades-long teaching, scholarship, activism, and our involvement in social movements, and mentorship across transnational spaces in South Asia, North American, and the Middle East in formal classrooms and informal learning spaces as well as aligning and organizing with several multilingual communities across the globe. In this essay we present two examples of IDJP based on cross-cultural everyday aesthetic while making sense of autonomy and collectivity binary.

Submitted on: Nov. 6, 2023


Sona Kazemi, Race, Gender & Sexuality Studies, was interviewed by Emily Pyrek of La Crosse Tribune on April 18. The call for allyship led the association, in partnership with the diversity, equity and inclusion programs at Western Technical College and Viterbo University and UW-La Crosse’s Racial, Gender and Sexuality Department, to form the Women Supporting Women Globally initiative. A series of programs to raise awareness and show solidarity with the women and girls of Iran and Afghanistan, the initiative kicked off last month with a screening of “Persepolis” and will continue Thursday with a talk by UWL assistant professor Sona Kazemi.

Submitted on: April 19, 2023

Memberships & affiliations

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