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As part of our national accreditation with COAPRT, we assess learning outcomes on four primary standards, identified as the “7.0 Series Standards”.  Below are the details of each standard along with the methods by which we assess the standards and current result

 Recreation Management

7.01  Students graduating from the program shall demonstrate the following entry-level knowledge:  a) the nature and scope of the relevant park, recreation, tourism or related professions and their associated industries; b) techniques and processes used by professionals and workers in these industries; and c) the foundation of the profession in history, science and philosophy.

1)  REC 151 (Introduction to Recreation).  This course includes a stand-alone unit where students learn entry-level knowledge of the nature and scope of relevant park, recreation, tourism, and related professions and their associated industries [7.01(a)].  The summative unit exam is used as a direct measure of student learning and goal is for 80% of students to achieve a 70% or better on the exam.
FA19   85.3% achieved 70% or better
SP20    100% achieved 70% or better

2)  REC 351 (Civic Engagement in the Recreation Profession).  This course assesses entry-level knowledge of the understanding of techniques that may be used to better involve the public in recreation issues [7.01(b)].  Selected questions from the summative unit exam are used as a direct measure of student learning.  The goal is for 90% of students to achieve 80% or better on the selected exam questions.
FA19   100% achieved 80% or better
SP20    100% achieved 80% or better

3)  REC 150 (Foundations of Recreation).  This course includes a stand-alone unit where students learn the philosophical foundations of leisure and the history and development of recreation [7.01(c)].  The summative unit exam is used as a direct measure of student learning and the goal is for 80% of students to achieve a 70% or better on the exam.
FA19   Section 1:  93%        Section 2:  96.1%     Section 3:  100%
SP20  Section 1:  95%       Section 2: 100%        Section 3:  100%

Standard 7.02  Students graduating from the program shall be able to demonstrate the ability to a) design, b) implement, and c) evaluate services that facilitate targeted human experiences and that embrace personal and cultural dimensions of diversity.

1)  REC 400 (Planning for Park and Recreation Facilities).  This course assesses the ability to: a) assess and implement relevant federal, state, and local statutes specific to a park and recreation comprehensive plan; b) engage citizenry in the park and recreation planning process; and, c) analyze park and recreation facility plans for effectiveness [7.02(a) & 7.02(c)].  7.02(a) is assessed through the direct measure of the Semester Planning Project with a goal of 95% of students achieving 70% or better.  7.02(c) is assessed through the direct measure of Inventory & Analysis sub-component of the Semester Planning Project with a goal of 95% of students achieving 70% or better.
FA19:  Planning Project - 85% achieved 70% or better
SP20:  Planning Project – 91.6% achieved 70% or better

2)  REC 340 (Evaluation Methods & Practices) This course assesses students’ abilities to: 1) write properly worded mail & phone survey questions; b) describe the proper steps used to complete surveys; c) use basic statistical applications to interpret data; and d) write a survey report with findings & recommendations [7.02(a), 7.02(b), & 7.02(c)].  The summative Final Research Presentation is the direct measure with a goal of 95% of students achieving 70% or better.
FA19:  100% of students achieved 70% or better
SP20:  100% of students achieved 70% or better

7.03  Students graduating from the program shall be able to demonstrate entry-level knowledge about operations and strategic management/administration in parks, recreation, tourism and/or related professions.

1)  REC 351 (Civic Engagement in the Recreation Profession).  This course assesses the ability to assess a recreation management issue by identifying and meeting with stakeholders, researching the issue, and developing a professional report with recommendations for resolution [7.03].  The Class Case Study is a summative direct measure with the goal of 90% of students achieving 80% or better.
FA19     76% of students achieved 80% or better
SP20    100% of students achieved 80% or better 

7.04  Students graduating from the program shall demonstrate, through a comprehensive internship of not less than 400 clock hours and no fewer than 10 weeks, the potential to succeed as professionals at supervisory or higher levels in park, recreation, tourism, or related organizations. 

Method by which the learning outcomes for Standard 7.04 are assessed:

1)      Each intern receives a final evaluation from his/her internship supervisor.  The intern is evaluated on performance, knowledge, attitude, and behavior based, plus a composite final evaluation score from one to five is given based on the overall qualitative and quantitative feedback provided throughout the evaluation. The evaluation is shared with the intern along with an in-depth discussion as to how the intern may improve his/her performance.

FA19:  100% achieved 70% or better on Internship Supervisor Evaluation

SP20: 100% achieved 70% or better on Internship Supervisor Evaluation

2)      On internship, each student is surveyed as to his/her perception of entry-level competencies needed for successful entry into the field of recreation. In addition to quantitative scores, students provided qualitative feedback about their strengths, areas of improvement, their role, and any other thoughts. The university faculty supervisor examines the evaluation and provides feedback to the student on their recreation management entry-level competency assessment.

Internship site supervisors reported that students work hard and strive to do quality work following policies of the organization. Students have much knowledge of program service delivery and customer service. Site supervisors also noted with scores and qualitative feedback interns’ positive attitude, working well with others, and a genuine concern for others.

 Therapeutic Recreation

COAPRT 7.01 Students graduating from the program shall demonstrate the following entry-level knowledge: a) the nature and scope of the relevant park, recreation, tourism or related professions and their associated industries; b) techniques and processes used by professionals and workers in these industries; and c) the foundation of the profession in history, science, and philosophy.

7.01 A The student graduating from the program shall demonstrate entry-level knowledge of the scope and practice of therapeutic recreation.




Assessment Measure

Program Outcome


RTH 493 Trends and Issues

Code of Ethics Assignment

80% ‘B’ or better


7.01 B Students graduating from the program shall demonstrate entry-level knowledge of the techniques and processes. (Use best professional practices based on theoretical, philosophical, and scientific foundations of the field of the therapeutic recreation profession in decision-making).




Assessment Measure

Program Outcome


SP 20


RTH 470 Facilitation Techniques

Quiz - Ch. 3 Austin

80% 'B' or better




7.01 C Student graduating from the program shall demonstrate entry-level knowledge of the historical, philosophical, theoretical and scientific foundation of the therapeutic recreation profession.




Assessment Measure

Program Outcome


SP 20


RTH 250 Introduction to TR

Final Exam
Select questions

80% ‘B’ or better




 COAPRT 7.02Students graduating from the program shall demonstrate the ability to design, implement, and evaluate services that facilitate targeted human experiences and that embrace personal and cultural dimensions of diversity.            

7.02 A Students graduating from the program shall demonstrate the ability to create/select, conduct, and evaluate individualized assessment for therapeutic recreation services clearly reflecting application of knowledge from relevant facets of contemporary professional therapeutic recreation practice, science, and philosophy.




Assessment Measure

Program Outcome





RTH 476

Assessment Portfolio

80% ‘B’ or better




7.02 B Students graduating from the program shall demonstrate the ability to conduct individualized planning of therapeutic recreation services clearly reflecting application of knowledge from relevant facets of contemporary professional therapeutic recreation practice, science, and philosophy.




Assessment Measure

Program Outcome





RTH 480

Develop Leisure Ed program plan

80% ‘B’ or better




 7.02 C Students graduating from the program shall demonstrate the ability to implement and facilitate therapeutic recreation interventions and services for diverse clientele, settings, cultures, and contexts.




Assessment Measure

Program Outcome


SP 20


RTH 456 Program Design

Final test selected questions

90% ‘B’ or better



7.02 D Students graduating from the program shall demonstrate the ability to document therapeutic recreation services according to regulatory, professional, and system requirements.




Assessment Measure

Program Outcome




RTH 476
Assessment & Documentation

Assessment & Progress Notes Assignment

80% ‘B’ or better




7.02 E Students graduating from the program shall demonstrate the ability to evaluate therapeutic recreation services at the participant and program level and to use evaluation data to improve the quality of services.

Semester Course Assignment





RTH 480 Leisure Education

Summative Evaluation w/in Comprehensive Program Design

80% 'B' or better



COAPRT 7.03 Students graduating from the program shall be able to demonstrate entry-level knowledge about management/administration in parks, recreation, tourism and/or related professions.

7.03 A Students graduating from the program shall be able to demonstrate entry-level knowledge about facts, concepts, principles, and procedures of management/administration in therapeutic recreation.




Assessment Measure

Program Outcome




RTH 319 Leadership & Supervision

Job Analysis Paper


100% ‘B’ or better



7.03 B Students graduating from the program shall be able to apply basic facts, concepts, principles, and procedures of management/administration in therapeutic recreation.




Assessment Measure

Program Outcome




RTH 462 Community Inclusion

Budget Assignment

80% will complete with a ‘B’ or better



COAPRT  7.04   Students graduating from the program shall demonstrate, through a comprehensive internship of not less than 400 clock hours, the ability to use diverse, structured ways of thinking to solve problems related to different facets of professional practice, engage in advocacy, and stimulate innovation.

7.04 A Students graduating from the program shall demonstrate a readiness for the internship as determine by meeting criteria set by the program (e.g. field work, competency testing, GPA in core coursework, basic certification in first aid/CPR, other dispositions or candidacy).

Learning Outcome

Evidence of Learning Opportunity

Assessment Measure

Performance Levels/Metrics

Assessment Results

GPA of 2.5 is required to enter the TR program and must be sustained throughout major coursework

Therapeutic Recreation Major Advising Sheet

Required to  maintain a minimum of 2.5 GPA and earns a ‘C’ or better in all required TR major courses

100% of majors maintain a minimum 2.5 GPA and earn a ‘C” or better in all required TR major courses

100% of TR Majors carry a 2.5 or better GPA


50 hours Pre-professional experience completed by end of RTH

Pre-Professional Guidelines and Evaluation Form

Every major completes 50 hours of Pre-Professional Experience

100% of majors complete 50 hours pre-professional experience

100%  of UG interns completed 50 hours



A credit check is completed for each major

RTH 496 Orientation to Internship syllabus stipulates credit check is completed during the course

Every TR major receives a credit check via email from the Senior Student Services Coordinator with a cc to the TR Internship Coordinator during RTH 496

100% of majors have completed credit check

100% of majors in RTH 496 have completed a credit check in the internship folder

FA 19
SP 20

Students complete basic certification in First Aid and CPR prior to internship

RTH 496 Orientation to Internship syllabus stipulates that First Aid and CPR certification is a pre-requisite to internship

First Aid and CPR certificates are verified and checked off by the TR Internship Coordinator

100%  of interns are First Aid and CPR certified

100% undergraduate interns have First Aid and CPR certificates in their internship folder

FA 19
SP 20

7.04 B Students graduating from the program shall demonstrate, through a comprehensive and culminating internship, the ability to apply the TR process, use diverse, structured ways of thinking to solve problems related to different facets of professional practice, engage in advocacy, and stimulate innovation. The internship must meeting current professional standards for credentialing with the state, national/ International credentialing bodies.

Learning Outcome

Evidence of Learning Opportunity

Assessment Measure

Performance Levels/Metrics

Assessment Results

Completed hours have been documented

RTH 498 Internship Syllabus requirement 15 week 600 hours


Agency and University Verification Forms from NCTRC and NCTRC Time Log Cardex

100% of students will have 600 documented hours 100% of the time

100% of UG interns completed 640 hours

