Community Health Annual Meetings
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Wisconsin Rural Health Promotion & Wisconsin Health Education Network (WHEN) Annual Meetings
Join us for two aligned annual meetings to learn and network with participants across the nation as we explore meaningful approaches to increase community health in Wisconsin, and beyond.
Wisconsin Rural Health Promotion Meeting
October 2, 2024 | 9 a.m.–3:30 p.m. | A virtual event
Healthful Rural Resources and Capacity Development: Discovering Inherent and External Assets
- Review challenges in expanding resources in rural settings.
- Explore realistic opportunities in expanding resources in rural settings from national, statewide, and local perspectives.
- Gain insight into the shared value of participatory research in rural settings.
- Discover the meaningfulness of unique cultures and customs comprising rural populations.
- Conceptualize the essence of rural family health promotion amid diversity.
- Comprehend the value of expanding EMS services in rural settings.
- Consider “rural” as having many unique and positive perspectives.
- Recognize the value that living in rural settings is a healthy choice for many.
- Highlight the connectivity often associated with rural settings as a model for cooperation, individual empowerment, and community building.

"Great information and presentations ... an abundance of information!"
Planning Committee: 4th Annual Wisconsin Rural Health Promotion Meeting
- Gary D. Gilmore, M.P.H., Ph.D., MCHES, Chair
- John Eich, B.A., Director, Wisconsin Office of Rural Health
- Jonathan Temte, M.D., Ph.D., M.S., Associate Dean for Public Health and Community Engagement, UW School of Medicine and Public Health
Wisconsin Health Education Network (WHEN) Meeting
October 3, 2024 | 9 a.m.–3:30 p.m. | A virtual event
Thriving: Discovering and Applying Health and Well-being Strategies Benefiting Us All
- Review the background and key priorities and processes of the Wisconsin State Health Improvement Plan (SHIP).
- Discover relevant health promotion resources.
- Explore salient examples of the application of the SHIP.
- Discuss the strengths and limitations in using the SHIP.
- Map out potential inclusions/refinements for established plans of health-enhancing action in their work settings.
- Gain meaningful insights regarding their communities.
- Identify reasonable benefits that could be accrued through the SHIP process.
- Recognize those receiving the 2024 Barbara A. Lange Memorial Award.
- Network virtually with colleagues and new contacts near and far throughout the 38th Annual WHEN Meeting

Planning Committee: 38th Annual Wisconsin Health Education Network Meeting
- Gary D. Gilmore, M.P.H., Ph.D., MCHES, Chair
- Christa Cupp, M.P.H., MCHES
- Sheri Seimers, M.P.H., CHES
- Catherine Sendelbach, M.S., CHES
Sponsored by:
UWL Public Health & Community Health, UWL Graduate & Extended Learning logo
Cooperating sponsors:

For questions about the program: Gary D. Gilmore, M.P.H., Ph.D., MCHES, 608.785.8163 or
For questions regarding registration: Graduate & Extended Learning, 608.785.6500 or
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