Profile for Antonio Martín Gómez

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Antonio Martín Gómez
Assistant Professor
Global Cultures & Languages
University of Wisconsin-La Crosse
Antonio Martín Gómez
Assistant Professor
Global Cultures & Languages
Specialty area(s)
Applied and Experimental approches to Spanish Morphosyntax
Second and Heritage Language Acquisition
Brief biography
I became interested in foreign language learning when I first went on study abroad to Dublin (Ireland) while in high school. Since then, I have oriented my undergraduate studies towards the language, literature and culture of English (Philology), and later to Spanish during my graduate studies. My research concentrates on the acquisition of Spanish word order and morphology among traditional classroom learners and second-generation Hispanic immigrants i.e., heritage speakers of Spanish whose dominant language is English. I have taught language courses of Spanish and courses of General Linguistics and Spanish Linguistics at the University of Kentucky and at Purdue University. I am also interested in topics about Latinx identity, as well as the role of language sciences in promoting values of inclusivity and mutual respect in a global society.
Current courses at UWL
SPA 103 - Spanish in a Global Society I & II
SPA 322 - Spanish for Mental Health Professionals
SPA 371 - Business Spanish
PhD in Spanish Linguistics, Purdue University, 2020
MA in Hispanic Studies, University of Kentucky, 2013
MAT English as a Second Language, Universidad de Valladolid, 2012
BEd in English Elementary Education, Universidad de Valladolid, 2011
BA in English Philology, Universidad de Valladolid, 2009
Teaching history
SPA 103 - Spanish in a Global Society I & II
SPA 201 - Spanish Language and Cultures in Action I
SPA 322 - Spanish for Mental Health Professionals
SPA 323 - Spanish for Heritage Speakers
SPA 325 - Spanish for Professional Communication
SPA 369 - Topics in Hispanic Cultures
SPA 371 - Business Spanish
SPA 381 - The Sounds of Spanish
SPA 443 - Studies in Spanish Linguistics
Professional history
2013-19 - Instructor of Spanish and Linguistics, Purdue University
2011-13 - Instructor of Spanish, University of Kentucky
Research and publishing
Peer-reviewed articles
2022. Age and Input Effects in the Acquisition of Clitic Climbing Constructions in Heritage and L2 Spanish. The International Journal of Bilingualism.
Book reviews
2019. Review of the textbook Spanish for the Professions, by Marta Bris Tarré and Lori Celaya. Cuadernos de ALDEEU, 33(1), 297-299. ISSN 0740-0632
2019. Review of the book Desarrollo de la Competencia Sociolingüística por Aprendices de Español en un Context de Inmersión en el Extranjero, by Francisco Salgado-Robles. Sociolinguistic Studies, 12(3-4), 555-558. DOI: 10.1558/sols.37079
2018. Review of the book Advances in Spanish as a Heritage Language, by Diego Pascual y Cabo. Hispania, 101(2), 337-338. DOI: 10.1353/hpn.2018.0130
Peer-reviewed presentations
2022. Verbal Predication in Second and Heritage Language Spanish. Poster presented at the 2022 UIC Bilingualism Forum. University of Illinois in Chicago.
2021. Testing the Prosodic Transfer Hypothesis in Spanish as a Second and Heritage Language. Paper presented at the 2021 Hispanic Linguistics Symposium. Wake Forest University (virtual).
2020. The Role of Linguistic Experience in the Production of Spanish “Short” Adverbs: Evidence from L2 Learners and Heritage Speakers. Poster presented at the 50th Linguistic Symposium on Romance Languages (LSRL50). University of Texas at Austin (virtual).