Profile for Eric Hiris
Contact me
Eric Hiris
Pronouns: He/Him/His
University of Wisconsin-La Crosse
Eric Hiris Pronouns: He/Him/His
Specialty area(s)
Cognition and Perception
Current courses at UWL
Experimental Psychology
Learning & Memory
Sensation & Perception
Ph.D. Vanderbilt University 1995, Psychology
M.A. Vanderbilt University 1992, Psychology
B.A. Oakland University 1990, Psychology, Minor: Applied Statistics
Teaching history
I have taught courses on First Year Seminar, Cognition, Learning and Memory, Sensation & Perception, Research Methods, Experimental Psychology, Research Methods for Minors, Statistics, Pseudoscience, General Psychology, Evolutionary Psychology, and Advanced Statistics & Research Design.
Professional history
2022+: Professor, University of Wisconsin - La Crosse
2015-2021: Associate Professor, University of Wisconsin - La Crosse
2013-2015: Department Head/Full Professor; University of Northern Iowa.
2000-2013: Assistant/Associate Professor and sometimes Department Chair; St. Mary's College of Maryland.
1999-2000: Visiting Assistant Professor; Auburn University.
Research and publishing
I conduct research on visual perception, including visual illusions, biological motion, depth perception, and visual scene analysis