Race, Gender & Sexuality Studies
Our people
Department Chair
- 4304 Centennial Hall
- tlilley@uwlax.edu
- 608.785.8346
Specialty areas:
Poverty, Sex Work, Violence and Violence Prevention, Social movements, Sociological theory
Academic Department Associate
Our People Tabs
- Associate Professor
- 4307 Centennial Hall
- rbreaux@uwlax.edu
- 608.785.8309
Specialty areas:
African American History; African American Studies; Black Students at PWIs; Black Feminist/Womanist Histories; African American Film, Literature and Music; Queer Black Studies; African American Sport History; Race and Mental Health in Media; Arab American History to 1965; Race and Public History; Race, Ethnicity, and Digital Humanities.
- Self-Sufficiency Prgm Director
- 4306 Centennial Hall
- ahansen@uwlax.edu
- 608.785.8733
Specialty areas:
Student parents and higher education; paid and unpaid caregiving; community engagement, organizing and activism.
- Assistant Professor
- 4308 Centennial Hall
- siwai@uwlax.edu
- 608.785.8311
Specialty areas:
Asian American Studies, Religion, Intercultural Studies, Race and Media, Asian History, Immigration History
- Assistant Professor
- Centennial Hall
- skazemi@uwlax.edu
Specialty areas:
Women's, Gender and Sexuality Studies; Race and Ethnicity Studies; Middle East Politics; Theocracy; Iran; Women and Revolution in the Middle East; Trauma and Torture Studies; Social Justice Education; War and Peace Studies; Critical Prison Studies; State Violence; Political Violence; Human Rights; Qualitative Methods and Advocacy; Adult Education; Disability Studies; Global Studies; Transnationalism; Migration Studies
- Lecturer
- 4228 Centennial Hall
- mlangenfeld@uwlax.edu
- 608.785.6714
- Associate Professor
- 4304 Centennial Hall
- tlilley@uwlax.edu
- 608.785.8346
Specialty areas:
Poverty, Sex Work, Violence and Violence Prevention, Social movements, Sociological theory
- Assistant Professor
- 4300 Centennial Hall
- mpacker@uwlax.edu
Specialty areas:
Queer Feminist and Postcolonial Science Studies, Critical Public Health, Food and Environmental Justice, Antiracist Animal Studies
- Associate Professor
- 437L Wimberly Hall
- epeacock@uwlax.edu
- 608.785.6780
Specialty areas:
Sociolinguistics, youth identity and belonging, Eastern Europe, Ukraine, postsocialism, global communication, diasporas and homelands
- Associate Professor
- 437I Wimberly Hall
- vher@uwlax.edu
- 608.785.6632
Specialty areas:
Cultural Anthropology; Anthropology of Religion; Ritual and Mortuary Studies; Peoples and Cultures of Southeast Asia; Hmong/Hmong American Studies
- Associate Professor
- 315 Lowe Center For The Arts
- srooney@uwlax.edu
- 608.785.8839
Specialty areas:
Art History
- Art of the United States
- Public Art, Monuments and Memorials
- Museum Studies
- Gender Studies
Communication Studies
- Associate Professor
- 4225 Centennial Hall
- bboser@uwlax.edu
- 608.785.6702
Specialty areas:
Public Communication and Advocacy, Media Studies, Gender and Feminism
- Professor
- 4229 Centennial Hall
- sdocan-morgan@uwlax.edu
- 608.785.6711
Specialty areas:
interpersonal communication, family communication, Korean adoptees, race and culture
- Professor
- 2128 Wittich Hall
- lgiddings@uwlax.edu
- 608.785.5297
Specialty areas:
Labor Economics, Transition Economies, Sports Economics, and Economics of the Family with a focus on Same-Sex Households
- Professor
- 2140 Wittich Hall
- mhaupert@uwlax.edu
- 608.785.6863
Specialty areas:
economic history, economics of sports and entertainmentEnglish
- Associate Professor
- 425T Wimberly Hall
- scrutchfield@uwlax.edu
- 608.785.6943
Specialty areas:
Film Studies and Film Theory; Literature by Women; African American Literature; Drama; Disability Studies; The Woman's Film and Feminist Film Theory
- Professor
- 433A Wimberly Hall
- kparker@uwlax.edu
- 608.785.8304
Specialty areas:
Literary and cultural studies with specialization in early modern and eighteenth-century texts
Global Cultures & Languages
- Associate Professor
- 311B Graff Main Hall
- ogranados@uwlax.edu
- 608.785.5243
Specialty areas:
Contemporary Latin American and Latino literature and cultural studies, Caribbean studies, film studies, migration studies and literary translation.
Health Education
- Professor (L)
- 418N Wimberly Hall
- krees@uwlax.edu
- 608.785.8168
Specialty areas:
Women’s Health (pregnancy, exercise, maternal & child health, menstruation) Adolescent Health Behaviors; Health Policy and Advocacy; Motivational Interviewing, Grant Writing in Health and Human Services.
- School of Education - Dean
- 235A Morris Hall
- mwycoff-horn@uwlax.edu
- 608.785.6786
- Professor
- 403L Wimberly Hall
- gpai@uwlax.edu
- 608.785.8352
Specialty areas:
South Asia (and its diaspora); British Empire; colonialism & postcolonialism; gender & sexuality; global studies; material & visual culture; political history; religion
Director, International & Global Studies Program
- Professor
- 401A Wimberly Hall
- vmacias-gonzalez@uwlax.edu
- 608.785.8349
Specialty areas:
Latin American, Mexican, Latinx histories and history of race, gender and sexuality. Latin Americanists study the pasts of nineteen different countries in the Americas, plus the Philippines, Spain, and the U.S.A. I focus on nineteenth-century Mexico, especially the Porfiriato (1876-1911) and the U.S. Southwest. Research interests include diplomacy, transnational migration, Mexican diaspora, consumption and material culture, masculinity, Latin@s in the Midwest, the homophile movement, and LGBTQ+ history of the Midwest. Service interests include development of outreach programs to increase Latino entry into higher education, graduate, and professional programs, as well as LGBTQ+ public history programs. I serve on various professional groups in my field. I chair the U.S.-Canada Organizing Committee of the International Historians of Mexico Conference, serve on the American Historical Association's Committee on LGBTQ Status in the Profession, and on the organizing committee of REDMUGEN, the network for historians of women, gender, and sexuality in Mexico.
- Associate Professor
- 403N Wimberly Hall
- hmorrison@uwlax.edu
- 608.785.8345
Specialty areas:
Modern Middle East History
History of Childhood
Oral History
- Associate Professor
- 3029 Cowley Hall
- bbratina@uwlax.edu
- 608.785.6994
Specialty areas:
Microbial ecology, Aquatic microbiology, Biogeochemistry
- Professor
- 4111 Centennial Hall
- stuttleross@uwlax.edu
- 608.785.8427
Specialty areas:
Philosophy of Art, Philosophy and Film, Feminist Philosophy, Social and Political Philosophy, Ethics
Pride Center
- Student Affairs Director (C)
- 2214 Student Union
- wvanroosenbeek@uwlax.edu
- 608.785.8887
Specialty areas:
LGBTQ+ Education
Working with LGBTQ+ people in Health Care
The future is Queer and Nonbinary
Transgender Identity and Experience
Making your Work Place LGBTQ+ Supportive
- Professor
- 328D Cartwright Center
- gdeason@uwlax.edu
- 608.785.8442
Specialty areas:
Social Psychology (political psychology, gender)
- Assistant Professor
- 328A Cartwright Center
- bgercekswing@uwlax.edu
- 608.785.5236
Specialty areas:
Social and Cross-cultural Psychology (friendship, self-construal, honor/dignity and self-esteem)
- Professor
- 332D Cartwright Center
- rmckelley@uwlax.edu
- 608.785.6879
Specialty areas:
Clinical/counseling psychology; men and masculinities; health psychology (stress, resilience; biofeedback; sleep); behavior modification; group counseling; psychopharmacology (i.e., drugs and behavior)
- Provost & Vice Chancellor
- 1151 Centennial Hall
- bmorgan@uwlax.edu
- 608.785.8042
Specialty areas:
Social and Gender Psychology (attitudes, gender socialization, psychology as a major)
Organizational leadership
- Associate Professor
- 330D Cartwright Center
- ctobin@uwlax.edu
- 608.785.6890
Specialty areas:
Clinical/Counseling Psychology; Child Abuse and Neglect; Sexuality (attitudes and experiences); Sexual Health; Sexual Abuse; Volunteer Experiences; Internship and Fieldwork Experiences
- Professor
- 437B Wimberly Hall
- edelgado@uwlax.edu
- 608.785.6776
Specialty areas:
Demography, Social Stratification, Social Statistics and Quantitative Research Methods
- Professor
- 437D Wimberly Hall
- cmiller@uwlax.edu
- 608.785.6777
Specialty areas:
global issues, gender, policy, family, rural/urban communities
Violence Prevention
- Violence Prevention Specialist
- 406D Wimberly Hall
- bmcconaughey@uwlax.edu
- 608.785.5126
Specialty areas:
Pride Center Office Hours: Tuesdays from noon to 2:00
Multicultural Student Services Partner in Residence Hours: Wednesdays from 2:30 to 4:30