Profile for Marisa Barbknecht

Contact me
Marisa Barbknecht Pronounce my name
Pronouns: She/Her/Hers
Teaching Professor
University of Wisconsin-La Crosse
Specialty area(s)
Introductory Microbiology Education
Current courses at UWL
MIC 100 Microbes & Society Lecture and Laboratory
MIC 230 Fundamentals of Microbiology Laboratory
B.S. in Microbiology at UW-La Crosse, 2006
M.S. in Biology at UW-La Crosse, 2009
Teaching history
16th Year Teaching in the UWL Department of Microbiology
Research and publishing
Barbknecht M, Sepsenwol S, Leis E, Tuttle-Lau M, Gaikowski M, Knowles NJ, Lasee B, Hoffman MA. 2014. Characterization of a new picornavirus isolated from the freshwater fish Lepomis macrochirus. J Gen Virol. 95: 601-13.
Mor SK, Phelps NB, Barbknecht M, Hoffman MA, Goyal SM. 2015.
A multiplex RT-PCR assay for the detection of fish picornaviruses.
J Virol Methods. 221:131-4.
Waltzek TB, Subramaniam K, Leis E, Katona R, Fan Ng TF, Delwart E, Barbknecht M, Rock K, Hoffman MA. 2019. Characterization of a peribunyavirus isolated from largemouth bass (Micropterus salmoides). Virus Res. 273:197761.