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Profile for Timothy Dale

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Timothy Dale

CBA - Associate Dean
Dean's Office-CBA
University of Wisconsin-La Crosse

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Timothy Dale

CBA - Associate Dean

Dean's Office-CBA

Brief biography

Dr. Dale's academic background is in is in the areas of political science and political theory. Prior to his position as Associate Dean in the College of Business Administration, he served as Interim Associate Dean in the College of Arts, Social Sciences, and Humanities; General Education Coordinator; Coordinator of the First Year Seminar; and Chair of the Department of Political Science and Public Administration.


Ph.D. University of Notre Dame

B.A. Marquette University



Jillian Kinze, Indiana University Center for Postsecondary Research and the National Survey of Student Engagement (NSSE) Institute; Glenn Davis, Bowling Green State University; Jo Arney, UWL; and Timothy Dale, Political Science & Public Administration; co-authored the book "Radical Reimagining for Student Success in Higher Education" published on Aug. 4 by Routledge Press. the book was co-published with the Association for State Colleges and Universities (AASCU), which sponsored the project from which the book emerged.This book answers the question “What would your institution look like if students really mattered?” The authors argue that really putting student success at the center of attention will require a radical reimagining of higher education. Much of what is presented here is grounded in the findings of the American Association of State Colleges and Universities’ (AASCU’s) Re-Imagining the First Year (RFY) initiative, which brought together 44 member institutions over a three-year period to identify and test programs, strategies, and tools aimed at improving retention rates for first-year students. The book makes a provocative set of arguments about what is possible if campuses radically reimagine their culture, practices, structures, and rules with the primary purpose of helping students succeed in college and beyond.

Submitted on: Aug. 5, 2023


Tim Dale, Political Science, Public Admin, and Natalie Solverson, Institutional Research, presented "Fixer Upper: First Year Seminar Edition" at AASCU Summer Meeting on Monday, Aug. 6 in Bellevue, WA. The poster presented information on the UWL 100 course redesign and outcomes for students completing the course.

Submitted on: Aug. 6, 2018


Natalie Solverson, Institutional Research; Mark Morales, Political Science; Jo Arney and Timothy Dale, both Political Science, Public Admin; Betsy Morgan, Provost's office; Tesia Marshik, Psychology; and Enilda Delgado, Sociology; presented "Utilizing data and strategic planning to bring student success to scale" at AASCU Academic Affairs summer meeting on July 26 in Seattle, WA. UWL student Mark Morales joined Tim Dale and Jo Arney for the closing plenary, "Opportunities Disguised as Challenges: Student Success Past, Present, and Future" to a standing ovation.

Submitted on: Aug. 6, 2018


Jo Arney and Timothy Dale co-authored the article "Re-Imagining the First Year on Campus: A Closer Look " in Change: The Magazine of Higher Learning published on July 26, 2018 by Taylor & Francis.

Submitted on: July 27, 2018


Timothy Dale, CL-23, and Steven DeLue, Miami University, co-authored the book Political Thinking, Political Theory, and Civil Society published on Aug. 1, 2016 by Routledge, 2016. The book description: a comprehensive overview of the Western tradition of political thought that approaches concepts with the aim of helping readers develop their own political thinking and critical thinking skills. This text is uniquely organized around the theme of civil society — what is the nature of a civil society? why is it important? — that will engage students and help make the material relevant. Major thinkers discussed in the text are explored not only with the goal of understanding their views, but also with an interest in understanding the relationship of their ideas to the notion of a civil society. DeLue and Dale contend that a civil society is important for securing the way of life that most of us value and want to preserve, a way of life that allows people to live freely and place significance on their own lives.

Submitted on: Aug. 5, 2016