Centennial Hall
A page within Sustainability

*LEED gold certified building
Sustainable Features
U-Shape Building Design: The unique U-shaped design of Centennial Hall allows for the building to be 30% more energy efficient than is currently required by State of Wisconsin Energy Code. The U-shape design also allows for 90% of inside spaces to have direct access to natural sunlight.
Heat Island Effect: Heat islands occur in built-up urbanized areas that contain building materials that retain heat. Centennial Hall has a reflective white roof to reduce its impact on the heat island effect. Heat islands can increase local electric consumption based on increased demand for air conditioning.
Rain Gardens: Landscaping around Centennial Hall includes bio-infiltration basins designed to remove suspended solids from storm water runoff. These basins allow storm water runoff to enter the soil where it recharges groundwater and restores soil moisture for plants within the basin.
Rain garden
Water Efficiency: Centennial Hall includes low flow toilets, urinals, and faucets to reduce water consumption. A solar-powered water heater heats all of the water used in the buildings. There are also hydration stations located throughout the building to make filling water bottles easy.