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Documenting Improvement and Preparing for Promotion

A page within Center for Advancing Teaching and Learning (CATL)

Documenting Improvement and Preparing for Promotion: Workshop Series

Who? Any instructor going up for any part in the promotion process in the coming years; IAS and faculty are both encouraged to participate; ideal participants in their 2nd to 5th year at UWL
What? A year-long series of workshops, information sessions, and supported work time to explore the promotion process as well as plan for and reflect on assessments as part of documenting improvement 
Throughout the academic year

Step 1: Assessment Workshop

Assessment: Revealing Opportunities for Student and Teacher Growth

Date and Time: Friday, October 11 as part of CATL Mini-Conference,  2:15 to 3:45 p.m.
Location: 3314 Student Union
Description: In this session, we’ll discuss how to design assessments that are useful and meaningful, not just required. Differences between direct and indirect assessment methods will be explained and we will walk you through the steps of planning quality assessments to address a variety of learning outcomes. Participants will have the opportunity to brainstorm and develop techniques for implementing direct assessments in their courses.
Presenter: Tesia Marshik, CATL Specialist - Documenting & Assessing Student Learning

Register or express interest.


Join us for more of the afternoon!
Review the full CATL Mini-Conference schedule.

Step 2: Assessment Commons

Assessment Commons 

Date and Time: Wednesday, January 22 from 12:00pm - 4:30pm
Location:  The Union
Description: Connect!
Presenters: Various

Step 3: Advice from Promotion Committees (Provost Supported Sessions)

Faculty and IAS Advice and Information from Promotion Committees

*** Workshop offered by the Provost Office; promoted as part of this series since documenting improvement and using assessment are important parts of the promotion process. ***

Date and Time: Thursday, April 3 3:45-5:00pm and Friday, April 4 from 2:15-3:30
Location: 3310 Union
Description: This session is intended specifically for IAS and tenure track faculty in years 2-5; however, new department chairs and members of department promotion committees are also welcome and encouraged to attend. Discussion items include the promotion process, as well as necessary artifacts and resources for their development. We will also discuss the promotion process and the required documents including narrative and digital measures report.  We will review the composition of the promotion narrative, effective communication to a broad audience, and documenting data-informed (closed-loop) assessment in teaching. 

Presenters: Ronda Leahy, Ryan Friesen, members of JPC and IAS-PC

Step 4: Assessment Showcase and Hunker

Assessment Showcase and Hunker

Date and Time: Friday, May 23 from 8:30am-4:30pm (tentative)
Location: Hall of Nations

  • *** Tentative schedule - details to come ***
  • 9am-10:30am -- Assessment Showcase
    : In this session, we’ll discuss tips and strategies for integrating and organizing teaching and learning assessments into retention, merit, or promotion narratives. We’ll focus on three key themes: storytelling, progression, and versatility. Participants will be encouraged to make a plan/outline of how they will organize their assessments into clear appendices and how they will use them to demonstrate instructor reflectiveness and teaching improvement.
    Presenter: Tesia Marshik, CATL Fellow: Assessing & Documenting Student Learning
  • 10:30am-12:00pm -- Hunker and consultations
  • 12:00am-1:00pm - Lunch provided
  • 1:00-2:30pm -- Assessment Workshop 
  • 2:30-4:00pm - Hunker and consultations 


Register or express interest.

CATL and Provost Office.

This series is offered in collaboration between the Provost Office and CATL. Both offices area can provide different yet important support throughout your promotion and retention process. Reach out!