Research, Service, and Educational Leadership (RSEL)
A page within Graduate Education
UWL provides funding on a competitive basis to support graduate student Research, Service, and Educational Leadership (RSEL) projects. Full- and part-time graduate students who are enrolled in an on-campus graduate degree program are encouraged to apply. Examples of RSEL projects that received grant funding can be found here.

Students may receive one Mini Grant and one Full Grant during an academic career. However, total RSEL funding is limited to $2500/student.
RSEL Full Grant
RSEL Full Grant proposals are solicited twice per year and provide up to $2500 in funding.
RSEL Mini Grant
RSEL Mini Grant proposals can be submitted at any time and provide up to $500 in funding.
Guidelines and submission
Applicants can access the RSEL Full and Mini Grant Guidelines and apply for funding by logging into the Graduate Grant Submission Canvas Site and locating the appropriate grant submission module.
Full Grant Application Review
Full grant applications are reviewed following the submission deadline (2x/year). Notification of awards: within 6 weeks of deadline.
Mini Grant Application Review
Mini grant applications are reviewed throughout the year. Notification of awards: within 3 weeks of submission.
Final report (required for all RSEL grant recipients)
Students awarded RSEL grant funds are required to submit a Final Report. Final Reports may be submitted upon exhaustion of funds awarded or upon project completion.
Use the SUBMIT FINAL REPORT button below to initiate your RSEL Final report submission in DocuSign.
As the RSEL grant recipient please enter your and your Graduate Faculty Advisor's contact information and click the "Begin Signing" button.
A new screen will open up for you to complete your RSEL Report. You will be asked to provide a summary of grant expenditures and project progress to date, provide a brief, non-academic description of your project for the general public, and provide additional attachments.
- Here are some examples of other attachments you may want to include with your final report when applicable:
- Title of thesis, seminar paper or other written culminating project.
- Title/s of presentation/s at professional conferences, exhibits and/or performances.
- Title/s of manuscript/s accepted and/or published in journals (include copy, if available).
- Synopsis of conferences/workshops attended and impact of attendance on goals of culminating project.
After you have completed and signed your RSEL Final Report, it will be sent to your advisor to review and sign. Let them know to be watching for it in their email, as well as junk mail folder.