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Animals on campus

A page within IACUC

UWL is a research institution accredited to conduct research with animals, and as such we have developed this site as a comprehensive resource for all information related to animals on campus.

NOTE: These requirements and processes extend beyond research with animals, to all animals owned by the university.

Service Animals
Emotional Support Animals (ESAs)

Employees: ESAs are generally not allowed but contact Human Resources (HR) for more information. 

Students in dorms: Contact Residence Life and the ACCESS Center. 

Students with non-dorm ESAs: ESAs are generally not allowed but contact the ACCESS Center for more information. 

Animals in Research & Teaching

A faculty/staff member must submit a protocol form for review by the UWL Institutional Animal Care & Use Committee (IACUC) and receive approval before any vertebrate animals are acquired or used in research and/or teaching. This includes their use in classrooms, laboratories, and/or the field. This process ensures the health and safety of animals, researchers, students, animal caretakers, and the campus community. Contact the IACUC for more information. 

Animals at Activities & Events (within and outside of the classroom)

Complete the Privately Owned & Visiting Animal Approval Form to initiate the required university review and approvals, which must be completed before an animal is allowed on campus. The full process and requirements are outlined in UWL's Use of Privately Owned & Visiting Animals Policy.

University Owned Animals Not for Research or Instruction

Institutional groups interested in owning animals on campus not for the purpose of research or instruction should also complete and submit a protocol to the IACUC for review.

Examples of this category of animals on campus includes, but is not limited to, installing a fish tank in a campus space (e.g., study space, cafeteria) or establishing a hydroponic system that involves fish. 

This stipulation does not apply to students, staff, or faculty that wish to bring animals that are pets to permanently, or semi-permanently, reside on campus.