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Course Sequence


  • REC 701: Philosophical Foundations of Leisure, Play and Recreation
  • REC 731: Data Evaluation and Management


  • REC 520: Revenue Management in Recreation Enterprises
  • REC 732: Human Development and Group Dynamics


  • REC 733: Diversity and Social Justice in Recreation
  • REC 734: Experience Management

Year 1: 18 credits
 View the Graduate Catalog.


  • REC 735: Management Topics in Recreation and Leisure Services
  • REC 736: Collaborative Approaches to Recreation and Leisure Service Delivery


  • REC 737: Contemporary Issues in Recreation Management
  • REC 738: Capstone Seminar in Recreation Management

Year 2: 12 credits
View the Graduate Catalog.

Course Descriptions

REC 520: Revenue Management in Recreation Enterprises

This course covers prices and pricing from both managerial and behavioral perspectives in recreation, parks, tourism and event settings. While the managerial aspects of pricing include pricing policy/strategy and revenue management (defined as selling perishable service products to the right customer at the right time for the right price), the behavioral aspects include psychology of pricing, price fairness, price perceptions, and willingness-to-pay for non-market goods. This course is taught largely at an undergraduate level. Graduate students will have additional course requirements/expectations.

REC 701: Philosophical Foundations of Leisure, Play and Recreation

In-depth study of past and current theories of leisure, play and recreation; concepts of work and time; the influence of technology and societal changes and the role of recreation in modern day society. 

REC 731: Data Evaluation and Management

This course covers best practices and emerging models for designing, collecting, and analyzing data used in managing parks, recreation, and leisure service delivery organizations and includes management strategies for applying and communicating evaluation results. Historical and current evaluative management tools will also be examined for their effectiveness in multiple contexts, e.g. VIM, SERVQUAL. Seven week course. Prerequisite: enrollment priority will be given to students in the Recreation Management: Professional Development MS Program and the Recreation Management MS Program. 

REC 732: Human Development and Group Dynamics

This course is designed to introduce the basic principles of group dynamics and functioning. These principles are directly applicable to staff/team development and training, organizational leadership, facilitation, board development, and assessment/evaluation strategies. Students engage theories and models of human and group development, group effectiveness, as well as leadership and facilitation in relation to concerns directly germane to community, private, and commercial recreation setting. Seven week course. Prerequisite: enrollment priority will be given to students in the online Recreation Management: Professional Development Program.

REC 733: Diversity and Social Justice in Recreation

This course explores the range of experiences and perspectives of diverse populations with a particular focus on the leisure experience. A focus will be placed on the experiences of members of minority populations including issues related to race, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity, religion, social status, age, and disability. Students will be introduced to factors that influence the experience of leisure and leisure service delivery. Seven week course. Prerequisite: enrollment priority will be given to students in the online Recreation Management: Professional Development Program.

REC 734: Experience Management

This course is designed to help students understand how visitors impact organizations directly and indirectly tied to tourism. The course will examine the visitor experience and how the experience visitors are looking for impacts management and marketing decisions. The importance of customer service and the attitudes and perceptions of residents will be reviewed. The course will explore how organizations can prepare for visitors and make strategic decisions with both residents and visitors in mind. Seven week course. Prerequisite: enrollment priority will be given to students in the online Recreation Management: Professional Development Program

REC 735: Management Topics in Recreation and Leisure Services

This course will cover topics related to various facets of management of recreation and leisure services. Topics will be determined by REC faculty based on the current needs of the field and interest of students. Seven week course. This course is repeatable in the same term for up to three credits. Repeatable for credit - maximum three. Prerequisite: enrollment priority will be given to students in the Recreation Management: Professional Development MS Program and the Recreation Management MS Program.

REC 736: Collaborative Approaches to Recreation and Leisure Service Delivery

This course is designed to help students understand a variety of collaborative approaches to leisure service delivery. Students will focus heavily on the administration of various types of alternative funding models including fund development, grants, and capital campaigns. In addition, students will build an understanding of collaborative approaches to the operations of leisure service agencies including partnerships, outsourcing, and privatization. Seven week course. Prerequisite: enrollment priority will be given to students in the online Recreation Management: Professional Development Program.

REC 737: Contemporary Issues in Recreation Management

This course includes topics not covered by present REC courses. The particular topics selected will be determined by the REC faculty according to the current needs of the field and student interest. Seven week course. This course is repeatable in the same term for up to three credits. Repeatable for credit - maximum three. Prerequisite: enrollment priority will be given to students in the online Recreation Management: Professional Development Program. 

REC 738: Capstone Seminar in Recreation Management

The capstone is designed as a culmination of the graduate program experience. The course will allow students to integrate their skills and knowledge gained over the course of their program. Repeatable for credit - maximum six. Prerequisite: enrollment priority will be given to students in the Recreation Management: Professional Development MS Program and the Recreation Management MS Program.

February 11, 2025

Attend a free info session!

Join academic director Kate Evans, Ph.D., for an informal online session to learn more about the program and get your questions answered. 

Register today!

Noon Central Time
February 11, 2025