Utilizing Career Services
A page within Academic Advising Center & Career Services

Career Services has found that one of the most effective ways to reach out to students on career planning issues is by having strong relationships with the academic departments. Below are a few ways for us to connect and share information.
To gain student access to Handshake, please contact career@uwlax.edu.
Utilizing Career Services
The Eagle Advantage
In support of our campus mission statement “in which the entire university community is fully engaged in supporting student success,” the Academic Advising Center & Career Services is launching a campus-wide initiative called The Eagle Advantage. This program provides a framework for students to polish the skills they already have, develop the skills they don’t, and apply them in a variety of settings. (See the attachment for the Eagle Advantage overview). By attending UWL and gaining these career-readiness skills, both inside and outside of the classroom, our students have "The Eagle Advantage," and we want students to be able to articulate what that means. We envision that "The Eagle Advantage" isn't just something that the AAC/CS office is talking about - we hope that "The Eagle Advantage" is something that student will hear about across the entire campus, throughout their entire UWL experience.
Join our working group!
Help us create a shared definition of student success on our campus, establish common goals to improve our students’ career readiness, provide and receive support in developing a culture of career readiness in your office/department, and build a library of resources and sample materials.
E-mail career@uwlax.edu to be added to the invitation list.
Faculty/Employer Networking Opportunities
Career Services encourages faculty and staff to participate in networking opportunities with employers. Here are a few ways faculty and staff can work with employers to further the career development of UWL students.
- On-Campus Recruiting - Lunch with an employer? Occasionally employers request to meet with a faculty member for lunch in between their interviews on campus. If you are interested, please contact Rebecca Lee in Career Services at 608.785.8362.
- Employer Presentations - Employers often ask to do presentations in the classes or to student organizations. If you would be interested in hosting an employer presentation, please email or call Career Services 608.785.6950.
- UWL Career Events- View an upcoming list of events on our Welcome page. Faculty and staff are welcomed and encouraged to attend the events.
- Review the National Association of Colleges and Employers Faculty Guide to Ethical and Legal Standards in Student Hiring.
Email career@uwlax.edu or call 608.785.6950, with any questions or suggestions you have regarding connecting with employers or upcoming events.
Suggested Guidelines for Writing Recommendation Letters
Before Writing a Letter
- Agree to write a letter only if you can honestly write a supportive letter. If you cannot portray an individual positively or believe you do not know them well enough to comment on their skills and abilities, decline the request
- Ask the student for a due date and have them provide you with an addressed envelope.
- Job Search Recommendations: Ask for a current resume and a position description of the type of position the applicant is seeking. Ask for a summary of the candidate's professional goals.
- Graduate School Search Recommendations: Ask for a current resume, a copy of their personal statement, and any criteria requested by the graduate/professional school program (i.e. a specific recommendation form or a questionnaire).
Writing a Letter
- Begin the letter by describing how you know the individual. For how long? In what situations have you worked with or observed the individual?
- What is your evaluation of the candidate's capabilities and suitability to the profession? Identify key areas such as work performance, management and research abilities, leadership qualities, cross-cultural and interpersonal skills and, for graduate school recommendations, their ability to do research and scholarly work. It is best to provide specific examples as evidence of the candidate's abilities.
- Offer a "big picture" of the candidate's overall promise and potential.
- Try to differentiate and highlight the candidate's specific and individual strengths.
- Don't be too brief, provide relevant information and provide examples of candidate's successes.
- State your own qualifications as they relate to the profession, organization or program.
- In most cases, a letter of recommendation is one page with up to four paragraphs
- Recommendations should be printed on a high quality printer on UWL letterhead and signed.
After Writing a Letter
- Consider providing the candidate with a copy of the recommendation for their files.
- Keep a copy of the recommendation for your records.
- Ask the student to update you on the process.
Additional Resources from the National Association of Colleges and Employers (NACE)
Tips for Providing References
Sample letter of recommendation
Faculty Guide to Ethical and Legal Standards in Student Hiring (Word document)
UWL Employment and Internship Statistics
Employment and Post Graduation Education Statistics for UWL Undergraduates:
Every year UWL’s Office of Institutional Research, Assessment and Planning (IRAP) collects data on UWL undergraduate employment and post-graduation status via a “First Destination” survey sent to all graduates 6-months post graduation from UWL. The data from several terms are aggregated into the annual report (Fall, J-term, Spring, and Summer).
Review the Employment and Post Graduation Education Statistics for UWL Undergraduates here.
Ethical and Legal Standards in Student Hiring - Faculty Guide
As a faculty member, you can support the career aspirations of your students and graduates and complement the work of career services offices on your campus. Helping students in their job and internship searches can sometimes raise unanticipated legal or ethical issues, and this short guide is intended to provide you with guidance in areas that you may encounter. Please note that this guide is not all-encompassing: You should contact your Career Services Office or institution’s legal counsel if you have concerns on how to address a particular issue.
A Faculty Guide to Ethical and Legal Standards in Student Hiring