A page within Campus Child Center
Campus Child Center is licensed to care for children ages 1 through 12. School-age care is not currently provided.
Campus Child Center provides care for children of UWL students, employees, and alumni, with UWL students receiving registration priority. All clients must be part of the UWL community to be eligible for the Campus Child Center service.
Semesterly re-enrollment
Since class and work schedules typically change each semester, our current families have the opportunity to re-enroll prior to each semester according to their schedules and needs. After current families re-enroll, staffing and schedules are determined based on those registrations. If space is available, registration is then open to those on the waiting list, with preference given to siblings of currently enrolled children.
Pre-enrollment waiting list
Campus Child Center often reaches enrollment capacity each semester and we strongly recommend that families interested in receiving care place their name on our waiting list as soon as possible. To make the initial placement of your name on the wait list please contact the Child Center at childcare@uwlax.edu or call 608.785.8813.
Once your name is added to the wait list, the waiting list protocol becomes effective: our waiting list is valid for only one semester and those on the list must reactivate their status on the list each semester. Read more about the waiting list protocol.