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Downloadable templates

A page within CATL Syllabus Guide

Download the template now!

Here are the current policy-compliant syllabus templates (footer should read "Template date: August 2024"): 


The templates linked here provide the text for both required and recommended language.

  • Headings in black are REQUIRED by the Faculty Senate Policy.
  • Headings in blue are recommended. If you keep these sections, feel free to change the heading font to match your other heading color (black).
  • Text highlighted in yellow needs your attention and perhaps modification. Please delete the note and the yellow highlighting when you are finished modifying these sections. 
  • The undergraduate template includes text used for courses that also carry graduate-level credit ("slash course"). Please delete this section if it does not apply to your course.
  • This template includes text typically used for courses taught in-person. If you teach an online course or use online discussion assignments, consider adding these optional statements on strategies for being a successful online learner and strategies for online interactions. 

UPDATES for Fall 2024

  • Regular and Substantive Interaction (RSI) policy statement is required for online and hybrid courses (for now, optional for in-person), a statement is provided and can be customized
  • Artificial Intelligence (AI) policy statement required - options provided, can be customized
  • note about wellness weekend removed

Request to have the syllabus template added to your Canvas course!

Are you interested in using the syllabus area in Canvas? If so, CATL can load the standard syllabus headings and language into your Canvas course. Fill out this quick form to let CATL know which courses to add it to. If you want to check out what it looks like first, enroll in the Canvas template course and go to the syllabus area of the navigation.