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A page within Conference Experience for Undergraduates (CEU)

CEU Quick Link Form

- Abstract Submission (APS) August 02, 2024 <open> You must be an APS member
-CEU24 Application August 02, 2024 (5 pm Eastern time) <open>
- Volunteer to be a mentor <here>
- Register for the conference via the CEU link < TBA>.
- Let us know if you cannot attend the conference <here> and then withdraw your abstract on the APS website. 
- CEU24 Expense reimbursement <not open>

CEU24 Application

Deadline: The target deadline for CEU24 is 02 August 2024 Please contact Dr. Shelly Lesher with any questions.

Qualification for CEU24

  • You must be  a returning undergraduate student as of Fall 2024
  • You have participated in experimental, computational, or theoretical nuclear science research
  • Funding is only awarded to students who are enrolled in a US institution of higher education even if the research presented was conducted outside of the US.

This is a two-step application process:

  1. Submit a research abstract through the American Physical Society's abstract submission process.
    1. You will need to sign in with your APS membership credentials. If you are not a member, apply for a free trial student membership (choose DNP as your Division) or ask your advisor to submit your abstract (you will need to be a member to register for the conference).
    2. Once you have a membership log into the new abstract submission website.  
    3. The sorting category for CEU abstracts is 17. Please note that CEU only includes posters and not oral presentations. If you would like to submit an oral abstract please use the sorting category 18
  2. Fill out the CEU Application (CEU Application) This application includes information about yourself, your specific original contributions to the larger research group, the title of the research abstract you submitted to the APS, and the log number you receive from the APS.
    1. Original Contribution: This is a one-paragraph to one-page stand-alone statement on your contribution to the larger group effort. Reviewers understand the APS abstract is an overarching document explaining the importance of the research and how it fits into general nuclear physics questions. This original contribution statement gives you the opportunity to explain how you contributed to the project explained in the abstract. Think about what you will present in your poster as a guide to what you will explain in your original contribution document.
      1. DO - Explain your role in the project (did you write code? did you build something? did you analyze data?), explain how what you did is important to the overarching question stated in the abstract, to help reviewers understand what we might expect from your poster if accepted into the program
      2. Do not - restate your abstract, write "I did everything in the abstract", or make it a personal statement
      3. DO - Start in enough time to have your advisor read BOTH the conference abstract and this statement of your contribution.

To be considered for full financial assistance, you must have completed both of the above activities by the target date.

You will receive separate receipt confirmations from the APS (for item 1) and CEU (for item 2). If you apply after July 7 you might receive a "late submission" warning from the APS. Do not worry about this message. Regular APS abstracts are due July 7 and the late response is generated automatically. However, CEU applications and undergraduate oral abstracts are due 02 August 2024.

CEU financial assistance is awarded on a competitive basis, based on the criterion of project merit as judged by an independent review committee.

CEU Mentoring Form

If you are a graduate student or postdoc and would like to volunteer to be a CEU mentor please complete the form above. Contact Shelly Lesher for more information.

CEU Participation Form

When you have made your travel plans please fill out the CEU Registration form (a link will be provided in an email). This will allow you to register for the conference and reserve your hotel room (link not yet available).

If you cannot participate in the CEU program please use this <form> to let us know you will not be attending. The deadline for filling out this participation form is 19 September 2024. After this date, you will lose your room reservation and all financial assistance. You will also jeopardize any future participation in the program.