2020 – Virtual Meeting
A page within Conference Experience for Undergraduates (CEU)
CEU 2020 virtual meeting
DNP 2020
CEU Virtual Format
CEU20 will be hosting multiple virtual poster sessions. You should plan to prepare your work in a .pdf format for upload onto a website (this is the traditional poster) and prepare a 2 - 3-minute video presenting your poster. This video will be hosted on the CEU YouTube channel (you have the option to delete this video after the conference) and then present your poster during the conference. You will be assigned a time period and your own moderated Zoom room to answer questions during the poster session. More detailed information will be emailed to participants as it becomes available.
CEU Meeting Schedule
The CEU program (CEU20) will run in parallel with the Annual Fall Meeting of the Division of Nuclear Physics of the American Physical Society.
This schedule contains events of interest to CEU students including from the DNP program and events scheduled with CEU students in mind. For a full schedule of events please use the Bulletin of the APS.
CEU20 Timeline
- July 31 - Application review begins
- August 12 - Decision letters sent (via email)
- September 15 - Early registration deadline via link
CEU20 Mentoring
Graduate students and postdocs can use this form to volunteer and help CEU students navigate the conference experience. More information can be found on the form. Please email Shelly Lesher with any questions. Students will have the option to request a mentor on their application.
CEU20 Application Instructions
Students who have already presented their project at a CEU poster session or with advance projects are encouraged to submit an abstract for a DNP oral presentation in the NEW undergraduate session category no. 17 on the DNP submission form. (Note: Students who wish to present an oral presentation in their topical session must submit their APS abstract by June 26.) Funding for undergraduates with oral presentations will be considered as funding and space permits. Please fill out the CEU application and indicate you submitted an oral abstract.
Priority may be given to junior and senior students and those who have not previously attended a CEU conference.
Please submit your poster/oral abstract to the APS before filling out the CEU Application (closed for 2020). Your application is not complete until you have filled out both the APS abstract and the CEU application. More information can be found under "Forms" in the menu.
Target Date: All application materials must be received by Friday, July 31, 2020. Complete applications (including both CEU application and APS abstract) submitted by this date will receive full consideration. However, we will continue to accept applications until all positions are filled.
- All undergraduate students are welcome to attend CEU events, however, only students accepted into the CEU program will present at the CEU poster session. If your abstract is not accepted into the poster session there will be an option to convert your abstract into an oral presentation in the special undergraduate oral session.
- You should register with the link emailed to your account on file. Do not register with the link on the DNP website.
CEU20 Eligibility
If you have a research project in nuclear science and are enrolled as an undergraduate student in the fall 2020 semester you are welcome to apply for admission into the CEU program. At this time, funding is only awarded to students who are enrolled in a US institution of higher education even if the research presented was conducted outside of the US.