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Developing a new academic program

A page within Academic Affairs

Interested in developing a new academic program at UWL?

There are three steps - overview and detail is below.

STEP 1: Consult with the Associate Vice Chancellor of Academic Affairs, Sandy Grunwald.

STEP 2: Submit a "New Program Development Plan" for review.  To be considered a proposal must be submitted to the Provost Office by the Wednesday preceding the first Tuesday of the month.

STEP 3:  Develop a "notice of intent" and guide it through UWL's governance process.
      3-A: New major or degree (requires approval through UW System and the Board of Regents) 
      3-B:  New minor, concentration, or emphasis or certificate (requires approval at the campus level)

Step Overview Comment Resource documents
STEP 1: Consult with the Associate Vice Chancellor of Academic Affairs (AVC), Sandy Grunwald. The AVC will help guide the process by discussing the additional steps and deadlines as well as the types of questions proposers can expect.  We recommend you discuss the fact that you are exploring a new program idea with your chair and dean. NA
STEP 2: Submit a "New Program Development Plan" for review. To be considered a proposal must be submitted to the Provost Office by the Wednesday preceding the first Tuesday of the month.

The purpose of Step 2 is for proposers to think about and receive feedback on the following criteria: 
-The value to the university in terms of student recruitment, student retention, mission, and/or strategic plan priorities.
-The innovation of the program in terms of potential growth areas. 

New program development has resource implications and requires an investment of time and energy by the proposers - we want the process to start with some of the bigger questions regarding the potential role of the program at UWL.

New Program Development Plan - UWL (Information)

New Program Development Plan Proposal (download to complete and submit to

STEP 3: Develop a proposal following APC guidelines and guide it through UWL's governance process. (Department and college approvals are a component of APC procedures.)

All new programs are reviewed by the Faculty Senate Academic Planning Committee (APC) APC only meets during the academic year. Academic Planning Committee (APC) Procedures and Guidelines 

Link to APC membership and charge

3A: New major or degree 

All new majors or degrees require a "notice of intent" and several levels of review.  Please note: Some select new programs may be eligible for the Fast Track process.  Please consult with the AVC as to if your new program may be eligible for this process. We estimate that it takes ~one year for a new major or degree to receive all the requisite layers of approval. If UWL and UW System approve the notice of intent, a complete authorization document is developed and eventually proposed to the Board of Regents. Notice of Intent Proposal Template -UWL and System

UW System - Program Authorization  - format and guidelines.
3-B:  New minor, concentration, emphasis, program modality, or certificate Programs that are not a new major or degree are less intensive but still require several levels of review. We estimate that it takes ~2-3 months to receive all the requisite layers of approval. New Minor, Concentration, Emphasis, Program Modality, or Certificate for Degree-Seeking Students Proposal Template - UWL

New Certificate Program Proposal for Non-Degree Seeking Students Proposal Template - UWL

UWL Academic Program Planning and Approval Guide
  - This document provides an overview of the types of review level needed for each type of new program.