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School of Education

Teacher Candidate Progress Review Committee (TCPR)


The Teacher Candidate Progress Review (TCPR) Committee is charged with overseeing the development and assessment of knowledge, skills, and dispositions among teacher candidates as assessed by the multiple measures of the established teacher education assessment system. Academic and non-academic misconduct (plagiarism, cheating, etc.) are referred directly to the Office of Student Life as outlined in the university's student handbook

Policy and Processes


The faculty and staff (including field and student teaching personnel) of the School of Education recognize that all individuals seeking certification may not meet certain minimal professional standards; therefore, a procedure has been established to identify and to counsel candidates in need of intervention, supports, and/or direct guidance. Additional measures may be taken if deemed necessary. 


If issues related to the progress of candidates are identified, a referral is initiated using the Teacher Candidate Progress Review Referral Form, and the candidate receives a copy of the referral. The Dean of the School of Education will forward a copy to the candidate's advisor, the Academic Services Director/Teacher Certification Officer, Department Chair, and the Content Liaison, where appropriate. There are three types of referrals: 1) notice of concern, 2) automatic referral and 3) program referral. The referral process may lead to the candidate's removal from the teacher education program(s).

Referrals and Actions

Notice of Concern

Procedure for Filing a Notice of Concern:

  1. A concerned faculty or staff member completes a written notice of concern. The candidate is required to attend a meeting to review the content of the notice of concern form. A minimum of 2 faculty or staff members will discuss the referral with the candidate and provide them with a copy of the referral form.
  2. The faculty or staff member submits the referral form to the SOE Dean's Office.  A copy is placed in the candidate's permanent file.

If two notices of concern are received, the candidate is automatically referred to the Committee by the Dean of the School of Education.

Candidates enrolled in pupil services certification programs (School Psychology) and graduate programs (IPSE): each notice of concern will be sent to the program director. The program will work with the candidate to develop an action plan.

Automatic Referrals

Automatic referrals include, but are not limited to, concerns needing immediate intervention related to the candidate's knowledge, skills, and/or dispositions OR candidate G.P.A. (Cumulative, major, minor, concentrations, core).

Automatic referrals

  1. An issue needing immediate intervention related to the candidate's knowledge, skills, and/or dispositions is identified, and an automatic referral form is completed. The candidate is required to attend a meeting to review the content of the automatic referral form. A minimum of 2 faculty or staff members will discuss the referral with the candidate and provide them with a copy of the referral form. 
  2. The faculty or staff member submits the referral form to the SOE Dean's Office. A copy is placed in the candidate's permanent file.
  3. The candidate is automatically referred to the Committee by the Dean of the School of Education and will be required to appear at a Committee meeting to address the concerns cited in the automatic referral.  Prior to the meeting, the candidate will submit a reflection statement. When the candidate meets with the Committee the concerns are reviewed and the candidate addresses these concerns. After the candidate has met with the Committee, the Committee recommends further action (following the link below, review "Action 2"). If the candidate fails to meet with the committee, they will be unable to continue in their program of study.
TCPR Actions



First Notice of Concern: No Immediate Action

No Formal Action

The TCPR Committee takes no any action at this time, but is monitoring the student informally and is placing record of the concern(s) in the candidate's file or

  1. The TCPR Committee may review the concern again at a later date, and recommend that action be taken at that time.
  2. If additional concerns are submitted, the committee may recommend initiation of Action 
Action 1

Collection of Additional Information about the Student

A request is made to faculty and staff for additional input regarding the particular student. This input could include both concerns and insight relative to knowledge, skills and dispositions.  
After review of the student file and all relevant input, the TCPR Committee may recommend further action.
Action 2

Notice to Appear before the TCPR Committee

NOTE: Failure to meet with the TCPR Committee as requested prevents the student from taking further coursework in the Teacher Education program. At the appearance with the TCPR Committee, the concerns are reviewed with the candidate and the TCPR Committee recommends further action. The candidate is expected to follow one or more of the following tracks:

  Track A (GPA)

Student below a 2.75 cumulative GPA must request an alternative assessment of program performance.  

  Track B
  1. Develop a written Action Plan that addresses the specific concern(s) identified. The candidate writes goals that effectively lead to the elimination of the specific areas of concern.
  2. Present the written Action Plan to the Dean of the School of Education to discuss and approve the candidate's goals and remediation strategies.
  3. Provide the TCPR Committee with a Candidate Progress Summary (1-2 pages) by a designated date as determined during the appearance with the TCPR Committee. The candidate must address how s/he has reconciled and/or remediated the specific concern(s) and how each concern has been eliminated.
Action 3
Review of Evidence & Recommendation to the Dean

The TCPR Committee will review The Student Progress Summary upon completion of the action plan. The TCPR Committee will make a decision on the candidate's successful completion of the process. One of the following recommendations will be made to the Dean of the School of Education:  The candidate will be:

  1. Allowed to continue/resume degree program progress; or
  2. Asked to return to Action 1 or 2 and repeat the process; or 
  3. Recommended for dismissal from the Teacher Education Program

The candidate has the right to appeal TCPR Committee decisions to the Provost/Vice-Chancellor.


Committee membership

TCPR Membership

2024-25 Current Membership

Member Affiliation (Program/Department)

Marcie Wycoff-Horn, Chair

Dean, SOE

Ann Epstein

Early Childhood Education (ECE) / DES

Thomas Jesse

Secondary Teacher Education Program (STEP) / ENG
Heather Linville Elementary/Middle Education (EME) / DES

Lema Kabashi

Special Education (SPE) / DES

Dan Hyson

School Psychology (SPY) / PSY



Mackenzie Taylor

SOE Administrative Assistant - Support Personnel for TCPR

Jen Pinnow

SOE Academic Services Director/Certification Officer

Amanda Abrahamson

Assistant Dean of Students, Student Life Office

Cindy Duley

SOE Office of Field Experience

Previous committee members

2022-23 Membership:

Chair: SOE Dean - Marcie Wycoff-Horn

Justin Davis (AWLME/MUS) Merideth Garcia (STEP) Valerie Krage (EC-MC)
Rita Chen (EME) Lema Kabashi (SPE) Dan Hyson (SPY)


Jen Pinnow
(SOE ASD/Cert. Officer)
Katie Rutenbar
(Office of Field Exp.)
Charissa Jakusz
(Student Life Office)
Leah Davis
(SOE Admin Asst.)
Cindy Duley
(Office of Field Exp.)

2021-22 Membership:

Chair: SOE Dean - Marcie Wycoff-Horn

Merideth Garcia (STEP/ENG) Ashley Zehner (SPE/DES) Gerardo Aponte-Safe (MCEA/DES)
Dan Hyson (SPY/PSY) Brock McMullen (PETE,APE/ESS) Val Krage (ECMC/DES)


Ashley Cree
(SOE ASD/Cert. Officer)
Tammy Chandler
(Office of Field Exp.)
Josh Nesja
(Student Life Office)
Leah Davis
(SOE Admin Asst.)
Cindy Duley
(Office of Field Exp.)

2020-21 Membership:

Chair: SOE Dean - Marcie Wycoff-Horn

Jim Carlson (ECA,STEP/DES) Lema Kabashi (MCEA,SPE/DES) Sarah Pember (SHE/HEHP)
Dan Hyson (SPY/PSY) Brock McMullen (PETE,APE/ESS) Val Krage (ECMC/DES)
Merideth Garcia (STEP/ENG)    


Matt Chedister (STEP/MTH)
Deb Sazama (PETE,APE/ESS)


Ashley Cree
(SOE ASD/Cert. Officer)
Tammy Chandler
(Office of Field Exp.)
Andrew Ives
(Student Life Office)
Leah Davis
(SOE Admin Asst.)
Cindy Duley
(Office of Field Exp.)

2019-20 Membership:

Chair: EPC Interim Associate Dean - Linda Dickmeyer

Jim Carlson (ECA,STEP/DES) Lema Kabashi (MCEA,SPE/DES) Sarah Pember (SHE/HEHP)
Rob Dixon (SPY/PSY) Brock McMullen (PETE,APE/ESS) Dawn Rouse (ECMC/DES)
Merideth Garcia (STEP/ENG)    

2018-19 Membership:

Chair: EPC Interim Associate Dean - Linda Dickmeyer

Matt Chedister (STEP/Math) Sarah Pember (SHE/HEHP) Dan Hyson (SPY/PSY)
Dawn Rouse (ECMC/DES) Lema Kabashi (MCEA,SPE/DES) Rita Chen (MCEA/DES)
Jim Carlson (ECA,STEP/DES)    

2017-18 Membership:

Chair: EPC Interim Associate Dean - Linda Dickmeyer

Matt Chedister (STEP/Math) Gail McCormick(SHE/HEHP) Joci Newton(SPY/PSY)
Dawn Rouse (ECMC/DES) Deb Sazama (PETE/ESS) Rita Chen (MCEA/DES)
Jim Carlson (ECA/STEP/DES)    

2016-17 Membership:

Chair: EPC Dean - Marcie Wycoff-Horn

Matt Chedister (STEP/Math) Gail McCormick(SHE/HEHP) Joci Newton(SPY/PSY)
Dawn Rouse (ECMC/DES) Amy Tischler (PETE/ESS) Carol Zehms (SPE/DES)