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Student Orgs List

Active Minds Active Minds focuses on advocacy for those who experience mental health issues on campus. We work to end stigma surrounding mental health and increase wellness! Actuary Club The Actuarial Club helps aspiring actuaries succeed by providing resources to pass exams, deepening their understanding of the profession, and offering valuable networking opportunities with professionals and peers. Alpha Phi Active at UW-L since 1963, Alpha Phi International Fraternity is a social sorority dedicated to promoting lifelong friendships, cultivating leadership, encouraging intellectual curiosity, and advocating service. Alpha Xi Delta Alpha Xi Delta was locally founded October 7, 1961, making AΞΔ the oldest social sorority at UW-La Crosse. The ladies of Alpha Xi Delta strive to help women realize their potential. Our philanthropy, Kindly Heart's Initiative: StandUpForKids & FosterClub American Marketing Association The American Marketing Association at the University of Wisconsin – La Crosse provides young professionals with opportunities to develop leadership and marketing skills through hands-on experiences and philanthropic service. American Red Cross Club The purpose of this organization is to provide students with an opportunity to become involved with the American Red Cross on campus. We work to advocate the causes of the national organization and to support the American Red Cross. American Society for Microbiology The Microbiology Club is open to anyone (majors or non-majors) interested in microbiology. The club is dedicated to promoting education and opportunities in all fields of microbiology as well as engaging in volunteer events throughout the year. Archaeology and Anthropology Club The Archaeology and Anthropology Club meets every other Thursday at 4:00 p.m. in Carl Wimberly Hall, Room 312. Our purpose is to provide a social and academic outlet for UWL students or anyone interested in archaeology and anthropology. Archery Club The UW-L competitive Archery Club is a club that is in place to give students and staff the opportunity to explore and compete in the sport of archery. Members can shoot recurve or compound bows and learn about the structure of archery tournaments. Asian Latinx African Native American+ Womxn ALANA came onto the UWL scene in 1990 and continues today as an empowering organization that engages members in education, celebration, and awareness of women's rights and multicultural societal issues. We highly encourage anyone to join us! Asian Student Organization General meetings are Thursdays 7PM-8PM in the Student Union room 3110. Contact Carissa Maske at or Olivia Tang at for more information. Aspiring Educators of Wisconsin AEW is a statewide pre-professional organization for all educators. Its goal is to help members gain a greater knowledge of the education profession, grow individually and professionally, and become prepared to actively engage within their career. Athletes in Action La Crosse Area AIA crosses teams, cultures, and campuses to make disciples who make disciples. Athletic Training Association, UWL The mission of the UW-L Athletic Training Association is to promote the educational and professional growth and development of those students wishing to pursue a career in athletic training. Ballroom and Swing Dance Club We are a social group centered around dancing! Our mission is to meet new people, learn to dance, and have fun! All are welcome and no experience is needed. Baseball Club The purpose of this organization is to give students the opportunity to play competitive baseball in college, to develop critical time management skills and teach lessons of responsibility, and network with other students with similar interests. Basketball Club - Women's The purpose of this organization is to create an opportunity for students to be physically active, help them acquire qualities such as teamwork, leadership, determination, and to provide them a place to establish new friendships. Best Buddies Global Volunteer Movement to form connections and friendships. Beta Alpha Psi Mission: To inspire and support excellence by: Encouraging the study and practice of accountancy, finance, and information systems. Providing opportunities for service, professional development, and interaction among members and financial professionals. Beta Gamma Sigma Beta Gamma Sigma is The International Business Honor Society comprised of the top 10% of undergraduate students in the CBA. The organization encourages, develops, fosters, and connects students to prepare them for professional excellence. Biology Club This organization is based on the interests of students majoring/minoring in biology, as well as anyone interest in the subject. We help students find research opportunities, meet professionals, volunteer, and meet people with similar interests. Black Student Unity We welcome everyone to support Black Student Unity in celebrating black culture, promoting awareness, advocating for equality and fostering unity within the black community of UW-La Crosse. All are welcome! Bowling Team The purpose of this organization is to represent the university and the student body at collegiate bowling events and to establish a relationship with the community through involvement in events such as bowling. Boxing Club The club is comprised of members who share a passion and pride for the art of boxing. It is open for anyone who's interested in competing in the intercollegiate sport of boxing or for personal fitness goals. Cadet Club The purpose of this organization is to provide information and guidance to current students in the ROTC program. We will provide a support network to outside members and Cadet prospects. Also, to act as a fundraising entity to support the ROTC program. Campus Activities Board CAB is an organization that provides entertainment through guest speakers, movies, artists, and much more to enrich your experience here at UWL. Anyone is welcome to come to our events and meetings. Our motto is "Everyone welcome. Always." See you there! Ceramics Club The purpose of the Ceramics Club shall be to increase awareness of the ceramic arts and to promote activities that are conductive to gaining knowledge and skills of ceramic art. To be in this club you must be enrolled in a ceramics class this semester. Cheese Club The purpose of this organization is to offer students a place where they can enjoy and appreciate cheeses while meeting other students who enjoy cheese! Chemistry & Biochemistry Club The purpose of this club is to to promote the study of chemistry and biochemistry, encourage a spirit of camaraderie among students, expose students to a broad range of career opportunities, and encourage volunteering to bring science into the community. Chinese Culture Club The Chinese Culture Club explores different aspects of Chinese Culture. Our goal is to help others get a better understanding and appreciation of the culture. Our events are biweekly and they are always free and open to everyone- no Chinese required! Chinese Students and Scholars Association CSSA established for a social networking of its members at UWL and provide helpful information for Chinese students and scholars regards as language help, study skill, campus jobs and volunteer, traveling, and other study abroad experience. Christian Collegians WELS Campus Ministry is an organization that provides opportunities for Christians to grow spiritually, develop Christian friendships, serve the Lord, and have some fun. We offer this through weekly meetings involving Bible study and fellowship. Circle K International Welcome everyone! All are invited to join us here at Circle K to get involved in service, fellowship, and leadership opportunities. Our first meeting will be 9/11, meet at the clock tower. Our following meetings are every other week Wed 7pm, location TBD CODERS CODERS is a club dedicated to community outreach, teaching essential computer science skills to the La Crosse community, supporting students on campus, and promoting diversity by advocating for underrepresented minorities in computer science. College Feminists College Feminists is an organization dedicated to social justice, advocacy, and education. We uphold inclusivity and intersectionality as our guiding principles. Let's work towards a more equitable community together! College History Club 🏺 History Club provides the opportunity to better understand how history and politics intertwine, through simulations that allow participants to be immersed in historical narratives, political movements and pivotal moments that have shaped our world. College Republicans The University of Wisconsin-La Crosse College Republicans Club is a student organization dedicated to educating students, fostering Conservative principles, and further increasing student political involvement and awareness through the Republican party. Colleges Against Cancer Colleges Against Cancer at UWL is one of hundreds of chapters worldwide that are all trying to make a difference in their communities through fundraising and advocating for those who are battling cancer and their families. Communication Club The Communication Club provides students who are interested in the field of communication an opportunity to explore areas of interest, network outside of the university, and volunteer. Competition Dance Team, UWL The UW-L Dance Team is a competitive dance team that requires dedication, drive, ability, and a passion for dance. The dance team performs at home basketball games and competes at various regional and national competitions throughout the year. Cross Country Ski Club We are a group of college students that are passionate about being out on the snow. We welcome skiers of all levels including those who ski recreationally, those who are looking to ski competitively, and those who are interested in trying the sport. Cru Cru is a caring Christian community where you can explore what matters, relate to one another, and grow in your faith. Delta Sigma Phi Delta Sigma Phi is a social fraternity led with the motto of "Better Men, Better Lives" to turn men from typical to excellent. We build men through scholarly, philanthropic, and leadership activities led by our values of Culture, Harmony, and Friendship. Delta Sigma Pi Delta Sigma Pi is a professional business fraternity organized to foster the study of business in universities; to encourage scholarship, social activity and the association of students for their mutual advancement by research and practice. DiSTEM (Diversity in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics We are an organization that is dedicated to supporting underrepresented and multicultural students aspiring for a career in the STEM field. Diverse-OT We aim to create a safe space for students to have discussions related to equity and inclusion to build a strong foundation to address healthcare inequalities in the field. We strive to create pathways for underrepresented students into our OT program. DREAM (Disability Rights, Education, Activism, and Mentoring) A student organization for people with and without disabilities. We are committed to raising awareness of disability issues through fun educational activities and presentations, so our members have an opportunity to learn and teach others. Eagle Sales Club Enhancing student's understanding of the sales process, through guest speakers, workshops, and other professional development opportunities while encouraging students to network with other members and the community! eagleCatholic eagleCatholic is a community for students who encourage one another and invite others to run towards Jesus Christ through prayer, the sacraments, and social, worship, and service events. Equestrian Club Welcome to UWLET! We are a Hunt Seat Equitation team and Western Horsemanship team that competes against other universities in the region through the IHSA (Intercollegiate Horse Show Association). Esports and Gaming Club, UWL To promote esports and gaming within the organization and community; provide a fun and safe space for people of all interests to join in the common goal of enjoying video games of all skill levels and interests. Eta Sigma Gamma Health Education Honorary Exercise Science Club The purpose of this organization is to form a community where students can gather an understanding of the Exercise and Sport Science field. We provide our members with career exploration, options for further education, and foster community involvement. Faith on Main Faith on Main is a Lutheran organization meant to foster Christian faith and fellowship. Please join us for bible study, food, and interactions with fellow classmates. We always provide food and encourage you to bring a friend. We meet every Wednesday! Fellowship of Catholic University Students The purpose of this organization are: 1. To know Christ Jesus, and to fulfill His great commission 2. Invite students into a growing relationship with Jesus Christ and His Church 3. Inspiring and equipping them for a lifetime of evangelization. Financial Management Association The Financial Management Association is an organization which facilitates the development of knowledge regarding economic and financial based careers. Through FMA, members will be given the opportunity to explore aspects of today's financial world. Fitness Lifestyle Organization for Women FLOW (Fitness Lifestyle Organization for Women) is an organization designed to educate, encourage, and improve our lives in all aspects of health. We plan a variety of events, including workouts, health speakers, socials, and more. Foundation for International Medical Relief of Children The goal of this organization is to fundraise for Foundation for International Medical Relief of Children, help raise community health awareness in the La Crosse area, and organize volunteer trips abroad to FIMRC's international clinics. Freshwater Ecology and Management Club The Freshwater Ecology and Management Club goals are to promote conservation of freshwater ecosystems and fisheries resources by encouraging students to take an active role in aquatic fisheries sciences and exchanging relevant information among members. Gamma Sigma Sigma - Beta Delta Gamma Sigma Sigma is a National Service Sorority that focuses not only on friendship, meeting new people, and becoming part of an organization, but also serving the community and campus by participating in volunteer activities and service. German Club The German Club meets monthly and offers culture, information, games, crafts, food, recipes, and activities as well as material to learn and improve knowledge of German language and culture. You do not need to speak German or major in it to join! Golden Key International Honour Society Golden Key is an academic honor society that recognizes UW-L students for their academic achievements. Members focus on community and campus service projects. Golden Key is also a great way to meet other motivated and dedicated students. Guild of Metalworkers The purpose of GoM is to bring together people who have a passion for metalsmithing and who are dedicated to continuing this ancient art form in their school, community, and lives. Hiking Club-UWL Hiking Club provides an escape to the outdoors and an opportunity to be active by hiking up the bluffs and at other local areas while connecting with like-minded people. Open to UWL students of all majors and levels of physical ability. Hmong Organization Promoting Education The Hmong Organization Promoting Education (HOPE) is one of the most active diversity organizations on campus. Our mission is to advocate for the needs and concerns of students from the Hmong community as well as provide opportunity for leadership. Information Systems Association The purpose of the ISA is to provide University of Wisconsin-La Crosse students the opportunity to expand their knowledge of the Information Systems field. Members will enhance their learning through guest speakers, presentations, and other events. Intercultural Organization Promoting Awareness IOPA exists to provide a social environment in which students can relate and talk about multi-ethnic identities and/or interracial relationships. It is also a great source for reducing the oppression and increasing the appreciation of diversity. International Student Organization The International Student Organization (ISO) helps international students to better understand American society, foster international relationships, and promote international awareness on the campus and in the community. InterVarsity Christian Fellowship InterVarsity is an interdenominational campus ministry movement characterized by student leadership. Our vision is to see lives transformed, campuses renewed, and world changers developed through a relationship with Jesus Christ. Investment Club Investment Club seeks to provide students the opportunity to learn about various topics in investing, strategies for managing personal investments, preparing for a career in Finance, and/or networking with industry professionals and like-minded students. Japan Club The Japan Club is an organization that promotes the knowledge of the Japanese culture throughout UWL and the surrounding community. Kappa Delta Pi-Beta Tau Chapter #67 The purpose of the Beta Tau Chapter of Kappa Delta Pi is to promote excellence in and recognize outstanding contributions to education. Kinesis Kinesis is a dance organization that focuses on student choreography for an annual spring performance. La Crosse Climbing Club Promotes a socially and physically safe environment to enhance the rock climbing community. Lacrosse Club - Men's The UW-L Lacrosse Club is a club sport here on campus. We play in the Great Lakes Lacrosse League (GLLL). Lacrosse is commonly called the fastest game on two feet and is also the fastest growing sport in America! Come out and enjoy the experience! Lambda Pi Eta Lambda Pi Eta is the Communication Studies Honor Society. UW-La Crosse is one of several hundred Lambda Pi Eta chapters affiliated with the National Communication Association. Latin American Student Organization Meetings: Thursday 6-7pm 3105 Studnet Union The Latin American Student Organization promotes the Latin American culture throughout the campus and La Crosse community. We serve as a medium of cultural exchange between other ethnic groups. Le Cercle Français Bonjour tout le monde! Le Cercle Français is open to students who are in the French program or have a love for French. YOU DO NOT NEED TO BE FLUENT :) Join us, Thursday evenings Bonne semestre Leaders Igniting Transformation Leaders Igniting Transformation (LIT) is a Black and Brown-led independent nonprofit. LIT organizes young people to build independent political power for social, racial, and economic justice. Mathematics & Statistics Club The UWL Math Club is a social organization for students with an interest in mathematics. We meet bi-weekly (Mondays at 6 pm) to discuss problems, play games, and learn about interesting topics beyond the scope of what is taught in the classroom. Men's Club Hockey The UWL men's club hockey team practices two times per week and plays 20 games against other college teams throughout the Midwest. We are an Independent team that competes in ACHA Division 2. Men's Rugby Club Club to excite new members about what it means to play rugby and offer the opportunity to compete against other area colleges. National Association for Music Education Members become acquainted with the privileges and responsibilities of the music education field and have the opportunities to meet leaders in the music education profession. National Residence Hall Honorary NRHH is a leadership-based honorary comprised of exemplary residential students who value recognition, service, and education. The purpose of this organization shall be to develop and empower leaders. Nuclear Medicine Technology Club The NMT Club is open to all students with an interest in the growing field of Nuclear Medicine Technology. If you would like to learn more about NMT, please join our meetings or contact an executive member whom you may find listed on the club roster. Olympic Weightlifting Club UW-La Crosse Olympic Weightlifting Club's mission is to create a team of lifters that support each other on and off the platform. This inclusive environment provides UW-L students knowledge on how to train/compete in the Olympic sport of Weightlifting. Order of Omega Order of Omega is a national honor society for men and women belonging to the social Greek organizations. Order of Omega recognizes those students who have attained a high standard of scholarship and leadership. Panhellenic Council The Panhellenic Council is the governing board of the National Panhellenic sororities at UWL. We are committed to academic achievement, service, friendships, and leadership. Our Panhellenic sororities are Alpha Xi Delta, Alpha Phi, and Sigma Sigma Sigma. PERIOD@UWL PERIOD@UWL aims to educate and empower UWL students and the surrounding community about period health and period poverty in our community and around the world. Phi Alpha Theta The purpose of Phi Alpha Theta is to encourage the study of history with the campus community and the surrounding community, recognize excellence in the field of history, and to foster collegiality and discussion both academically and socially. Physical, Adapted, and School Health Education (PASHE) Club The PASHE Club exists to develop quality future physical, adapted, or school health educators. Through collaboration, attendance of state/national conventions, and engagement in various volunteer opportunities; we continue to advocate for our profession. Physician Assistant Student Society PASS is for current members of the UW-La Crosse - Gundersen - Mayo - Marshfield PA Program. Students interested in the PA profession should look into joining the Pre-PA Club ( Political Science and Public Administration Association PSPAA offers a number of social and academic opportunities for UWL students who are interested in politics and government! Feel free to join us every other Monday at 6:30 pm in Centennial 2302! Positive Impact Society - University of Wisconsin - La Crosse A charity organization that is improving the world, the best way we can. Positive Impact Society is about answering one simple question - How can we best improve the world? Pre-Chiropractic Club The Pre-Chiropractic Club is an enthusiastic group interested in alternative primary healthcare methods. It is open to anyone with an interest in the field. The club helps to inform as well as expose students to the lifestyle of chiropractic. Pre-Dentistry Club The purpose of the Pre-Dentistry Club is to provide members with resources and opportunities that introduce and develop a stronger understanding of the field of dentistry. Pre-Genetic Counseling Club The Pre-GC Club is open to anyone interested in the genetic counseling profession (or anyone interested in genetics in general). Meetings are held monthly and feature presentations, guest speakers, events, and more! Pre-Law Society Pre-Law Society goals: Help students decide if Law School is right for them Help prepare students for the LSAT Discover areas of the law that interest students through speakers & networking Pre-Occupational Therapy Club The Pre-OT Club meets every other Monday and is an organization designed to give its members knowledge and insight about the field of Occupational Therapy. Meetings consist of guest speakers, graduate school prep, OT Panels, and much more! Pre-Optometry Club The Pre-Optometry Club is an organization that provides it's members with resources and opportunities that introduce and develop a stronger understanding of the field of optometry and prepare them for applying to optometry schools. Pre-Pharmacy Club Pre-Pharmacy Club is an organization for students who intend to continue on to pharmacy school. We strive to organize community events & volunteer opportunities as well as answer questions relating to classes, and the interview process. Pre-Physician Assistant Club The Pre-PA Club is run by and for UWL undergraduate students who are interested in learning more about the Physician Assistant (PA) profession. Radiation Therapy Club The Radiation Therapy Club is for students who are interested in Radiation Therapy as a major. We are involved with events both on campus and in the community, and are dedicated to helping prospective students prepare for the UWL RT program. Rainbow Unity Rainbow Unity is UWL's sexual orientation, romantic attraction, and gender identity group on campus. We meet biweekly Tuesdays at 7:00pm-8:00pm in 3114 Student Union. Check out our instagram @uwlaxrainbowunity to keep up to date with our event schedule! Recreation Club REC Club is designed for majors, minors, and non-majors interested in broadening their knowledge regarding recreation through many experiences that will enhance professional development. Recreational Therapy Club An organization for students with a Recreational Therapy major to come together to gather information, collaborate and further their interests in the field. Spring 2024 Meetings 7-8pm: Feb 6, Feb 20, March 5, March 26, April 9, April 23 (HSC 2030) Rugby Club - Women's The Women's Rugby Club is dedicated to teaching new members the game of rugby. The Rugby Club travels around Wisconsin and Minnesota to play teams in spring and fall. Additionally, we travel to other countries every two years on a tour to play rugby. School Psychology Student Society This organization was created to increase professional development opportunities and promote fellowship among School Psychology graduate students. Sigma Delta Pi - Epsilon Theta Chapter Sigma Delta Pi is a national honor society for students of Hispanic Studies. The purpose of the group is to honor and support students who have demonstrated exemplary work. It is the only honor society devoted exclusively to students who study Spanish. Sigma Sigma Sigma Recently installed last semester of Spring 2017, Sigma Sigma Sigma is a sisterhood that focuses on establishing a perpetual bond of friendship, developing strong, womanly character and impressing a high standard of conduct. Ski and Snowboard Club UWL Ski & Snowboard Club is a group of ski and snowboard enthusiasts! Although there is plenty to do during the winter months, we stay busy during the off-season by planning club events/gatherings, monthly meetings, and much more. Come check us out! Soccer Club - Men's The UWL Men's Soccer Club is a competitive team open to all male students that attend UWL. Main competition occurs in the Fall as a member of the MASC. Tryouts for the team start two weeks before the first day of class. Roster is limited to 22 players. Soccer Club - Women's The women's club soccer team gives athletes with a passion for soccer the opportunity to be a part of a team and play competitively against other universities and colleges. Society for Human Resource Management The Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM) is the world's largest association devoted to Human Resource Management. The UW-L student chapter is open to all majors as we emphasize professional and career development! Sociology Club The Sociology Club aims to create a community between sociology majors, minors, Criminal Justice minors, faculty members and anyone interested in social justice issues. Our club volunteers, engages with faculty, and allows opportunities to make friends. Spanish Club To develop skills in the speaking, comprehension, reading, and writing of the Spanish language for UWL students. Our club invites students who have a passion for the Spanish language and want to further pursue their interests.  Sport Management Association We are a student organization at UW-La Crosse looking to promote the Sport Management program while facilitating students in gaining knowledge of and experience within the world of sports. Student Association Student Association is dedicated to advocating for all members of the UWL student body. Hope to see you at our meetings on Wednesdays at 6:00 on the second floor of the Union! Student Council for Exceptional Children SCEC is a student organization engaged in volunteering for individuals with disabilities. We focus on volunteering for organizations that benefit individuals of all ages who have special abilities. We provide opportunities to get involved! Student Nutrition Association The purpose of our organization shall be to serve as the official organization for the students interested in nutrition, to promote academic achievement, and to promote the responsible dissemination of accurate and evidence-based nutrition information. Student Occupational Therapy Association The Student Occupational Therapy Association is a professional student organization designed to provide OT graduate students with networking, professional development, and advocacy opportunities. SOTA also hosts many events during the school year. Student Officials Association We aim to connect officials to community opportunities in a variety of sports including basketball, volleyball, football, soccer, and more at a variety of levels. We also volunteer with organizations such as Special Olympics. Student Philanthropy Council SPC exists to enhance UWL through educating students and staff about philanthropy; to serve as UWL’s official ambassadors of the Advancement office, represent the university in a positive manner to the various on and off-campus constituents. Student Physical Therapy Club The Student Physical Therapy Club consists of undergraduate students interested in pursuing a career in the broad field of physical therapy. Student Veterans Association The Student Veterans Association assists Veterans in their transition from military life to college life, and provides camaraderie among service members. This comes in many forms such as finding where to eat, relating to fellow students, and much more. Students for Life of America Students for Life is a non-partisan, secular, student organization which seeks to promote the dignity of every human life from conception to natural death among the students of UW - La Crosse. Students for Sustainability A group of passionate students who strive for a sustainable world. Students from across campus with a shared love for environmental, social, and economic sustainability, meeting weekly to plan and discuss ways to promote a "greener" campus and community. Super Smash Bros. Club Spring 2025 Tournament dates: 1/31, 2/14, 2/28, 3/28, 4/11, 4/25, 5/9 at 5:00 PM in Union 3314. Table Tennis Club Table Tennis is a club sport as of the 2015 fall semester. We offer both a competitive and recreational atmosphere for players of all skill levels. We are a part of the NCTTA and compete against schools across the country. Table-Top Gaming Club The purpose of this organization is to create a place for students to play and form groups for their favorite board, card, and table-top games Tennis Club Bringing together UWL students interested in playing and learning more about tennis. All skill levels are welcome and we are here to have fun! TESOL Club Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages focuses on networking with other ESL professionals, TESOL Education majors and teachers in the surrounding community, as well as providing members hands-on opportunities to grow in their teaching skills. The Leukemia and Lymphoma Society at UWL An organization that provides lifesaving fundraising opportunities lead by students to help discover groundbreaking research and treatments for individuals suffering from blood cancers. The Racquet Press The Racquet Press has been UW La Crosse’s student news source since 1910. Latest campus news found through our monthly free newspaper and available online, updated via our website and social media: Facebook, X and Instagram. Visit us at Transform Transform is UWL's gender identity group on campus. We meet biweekly Thursdays at 6:00pm-7:00pm in 3314 Student Union. Check out our Instagram @uwlaxtransform to keep up to date with our event schedule! Triathlon Club-UWL The Triathlon Club aims to improve students' knowledge and ability in swimming, biking, and/or running. Ultimate Frisbee Club - Men's This team competes competitively with local college teams and teaches fundamental/advanced techniques of Ultimate Frisbee. We stress the importance of teamwork, self-discipline, good sportsmanship, diversity, inclusivity, and equality. Ultimate Frisbee Club - Women's Galaxy is an inclusive and welcoming Frisbee club that is open to all women, non-binary, and non-gender conforming folks regardless of experience or skill. We promote the importance of teamwork, building confidence, and empowering women in this sport. University Centers Administration This is not an official club or organization. University Centers Administration is the primary group of administrators and office staff that provides the coordination, support, and assistance to all Student Organizations and the MyOrgs program. University Centers Test Organization This Organization is used for training purposes with University Centers staff. University of Wisconsin- La Crosse Pre-Medicine Chapter of the American Medical Student Association and the Student Osteopathic Medical Association The UWL Pre-Med Club supports students interested in attending medical school. We help students prepare for the MCAT and the medical school application process by providing peer support, volunteer experiences, job opportunities, and advising sessions. UWL Barbell Club We aim to build a community for students interested in health and fitness. Specifically within the sports of powerlifting and bodybuilding. As a club we work together in supporting each other towards reaching our fitness goals! UWL Book Club The UWL Book Club was created to allow members to expand their selection of books, engage in discussions about the texts, and make friends with similar interests. UWL Chess Club The UWL Chess Club is a place to (you guessed it) play Chess! We welcome players of any and all levels of skill/experience, so don't hesitate to join! UWL College Democrats UWL College Democrats is committed to educating students, promoting civic engagement, and building social connections. Come to our general member meetings to check us out every Tuesday night, Centennial room 2205, at 6p.m.! UWL Disc Golf Club The purpose of UWL Disc Golf Club is to create a campus community of students who love disc golf. Our goal is to spread awareness of the sport and to promote being outside. UWL Fishing Team The UWL Fishing Team is open to all UWL students with a passion for the sport of fishing. The team is focused towards the tournament side of fishing but all students are invited to join. We meet monthly. UWL Geography and Environmental Science Club The purpose of this organization is to encourage awareness and understanding of the Geography field, to promote the idea of global citizenship, and to create a network and open environment for students with a shared interest in geography. UWL Gymnastics Club The UWL Gymnastics Club welcomes all skill levels and genders, providing a supportive environment for skill development, enjoyment, and community. Whether for competition or fun, join us to experience growth, teamwork, and personal achievement! UWL Lions Club Lions Club International is the largest service organization in the world. The Lions Club provides a considerable amount of community service, volunteer opportunities, and leadership training. We meet every other Wednesday at 7pm! UWL Physics Club The Physics Club is a student organized club that started in the fall of 1996! The main goal of the club is to promote the awareness of Physics in modern society. UWL Pre-Veterinary Club The Pre-Vet Club is an informal club for students working toward veterinary school. Activities focus on different aspects of veterinary medicine and animal care. The club can also be a source of peer advising or information on general animal science. UWL Psychology Club The University of Wisconsin-La Crosse Psychology club is an organization designed to encourage the development of relationships between students with majors or minors in psychology. UWL Running Club To help provide an inclusive and supportive environment for people, of all backgrounds and abilities, who would like to run with others in a group setting. UWL Waterski Club The UW-L Water Ski & Wakeboard Club is a competitive water ski team that competes against other collegiate teams in slalom, trick, distance jumping, and wakeboarding. UWL Women's Hockey Club Hello! We are UWL's women's ice hockey team that practices regularly and plays games against other college clubs throughout the Midwest. The season runs roughly from October to late February. Women of all skill levels who enjoy hockey are welcome to join UWL Womens Lacrosse Club The purpose of the club will be to promote and play the sport lacrosse. However, the overall objective of the club is to create a community that allows people to come together, have fun, relieve some stress, and create friendships to last a lifetime. UWL-CEO Entrepreneurship Club The Collegiate Entrepreneurs' Organization's mission is to inform, support, and inspire college students of all majors to be entrepreneurial. We want students to learn from local entrepreneurs as well as connect with their entrepreneurial peers. Vanguards Vanguards is a volunteer student public relations organization that represents the University of Wisconsin-La Crosse student body during campus tours, Campus Close-up programs, college fairs, high school visits, and freshmen registration. Vida Volunteer The UW-L Vida Volunteer Club is comprised of pre-health students who aid local (Central American) physicians with providing medical and dental care to rural, underserved communities in Guatemala, Costa Rica, and/or Nicaragua. Vocal Ties Vocal Ties is a student-led Pop A Cappella group here at UWL. We meet twice a week and have performances at the end of the semester. Auditions are mid-September and mid-February, and we'd love to have you join us! Volleyball Club - Men's The UW-L Men's Volleyball team is open to all males interested in playing competitive volleyball at the collegiate club level. We are part of the Wisconsin Volleyball Conference and our regular season starts in the 2nd semester. Volleyball Club - Women's We're celebrating 20 years throughout the 2024-2025 season!! UWL Women's Club Volleyball was formed in 2004, and we are a competitive team that travels throughout the state of Wisconsin as well as nationally for tournaments and games. Wishmakers on Campus La Crosse Wishmakers on Campus La Crosse partners with Make-A-Wish Wisconsin and grants up to 2 wishes a year to local Wish Kids! Women and Minorities in Physics Women in Physics Club is an organization that supports and encourages women and other underrepresented groups in physics. We are open to anyone, regardless of gender or major.