Our people
A page within University Centers
- Director of University Centers & Student Engagement
- 3228 Student Union
- kburke2@uwlax.edu
- 608.785.8882
Specialty areas:
Student Union and Whitney Center Operations
The Center for Organizations, Vision & Engagement (The COVE)
Contract Administrator for Campus Dining Services
Dining Plan & Eagle ID Card Services
University Reservations and Event Services
UWL Student Association Advisor
Six-Week Engagement Committee, Chair
Eagle Fest
- Associate Director for Business & Dining Operations
- 3224 Student Union
- lhaywood@uwlax.edu
- 608.785.8883
- Associate Director Sdt Engagement & Ldrshp
- 3200 Student Union
- jhart@uwlax.edu
Specialty areas:
Student Organizations Policies, Fundraising, Raffles, Philanthropy
Center for Organizations, Vision, and Engagement (COVE)
Campus-wide Movie Copyrights
Student Engagement Task Force
Fraternity & Sorority Life
Eagle Fest
- Financial Specialist II
- 3242 Student Union
- tpelishek@uwlax.edu
- 608.785.8890
Specialty areas:
Student Union Welcome Desk supervisor
- Administrative Assistant III
- 3230 Student Union
- kdaniel@uwlax.edu
- 608.785.8888
Specialty areas:
Directors Program Assistant, Licensing & Trademark Approvals
- Student Affairs Director (C)
- 2214 Student Union
- wvanroosenbeek@uwlax.edu
- 608.785.8887
Specialty areas:
LGBTQ+ Education
Working with LGBTQ+ people in Health Care
The future is Queer and Nonbinary
Transgender Identity and Experience
Making your Work Place LGBTQ+ Supportive
- Sustainability Program Manager
- 3236 Student Union
- aericson@uwlax.edu
- 608.785.8867
Specialty areas:
Campus-wide Sustainability Initiatives and Strategy
Greenhouse Gas Accounting
Sustainable Transportation Modes
Joint Committee on Environmental Sustainability
Green Fund
- Pgrm Crd for Cvc Engagement & Ldrsp
- 2208 Student Union
- akrafft@uwlax.edu
- 608.785.8902
Specialty areas:
Leadership and Involvement Center (LIC)
Volunteering & Community Engagement (UGetConnected)
Election Engagement and UWL Votes
Student Leadership Programs
Campus Food Pantry
National Society of Leadership & Success (NSLS) Advisor
- Program Coordinator for Student Activities
- 2204 Student Union
- mkohn@uwlax.edu
- 608.785.8870
Specialty areas:
Campus Events and Activities
Fraternity and Sorority Life
Student Engagement
- Program Coordinator Student Organizations
- 2206 Student Union
- khutson@uwlax.edu
- 608.785.8894
Specialty areas:
Center for Organizations, Vision, and Engagement (COVE)
Student Organizations
Student Organization Committee Advisor
Student Engagement
- Communications Specialist
- Student Union
- jhenk@uwlax.edu
Specialty areas:
Student Union & COVE Social Media
COVE Graphics Garage
Union Digital Signage
Event Marketing for COVE and University Centers Programming
- Dining Plan/ID Card Specialist
- 1133 Student Union
- mrolan@uwlax.edu
- 608.785.8885
- Avls Coordinator
- 3200 Student Union
- dwilken@uwlax.edu
- Event Services Manager
- 3200 Student Union
- hharnden@uwlax.edu
- 608.785.6600
Specialty areas:
Contact For:
- External groups
- The Bluffs Ballroom
- Large scale events and meetings
- Event Planning Assistant
- 0127 Student Union
- rdayton@uwlax.edu
- 608.785.8893
- Custodial Services Supervisor
- 3238 Student Union
- ldobson@uwlax.edu
- 608.785.6483
- Custodian Lead
- 0127 Student Union
- nzinn-wirtz@uwlax.edu

- Student
- nate2407@uwlax.edu

- Student
- schreiber7072@uwlax.edu
Specialty areas:
Campus Activities