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School of Education

For faculty/staff


Working with area schools

Initiating and Developing PK12-related Scholarship 

Based on the varied nature of school-related collaborations with any PK-12 school district, any individuals who are interested in working with PK-12 schools, cooperating teachers, and/or school children shall first consult with the Dean of SOE to determine how the proposed activities might align with existing partnerships and to identify any potential conflicts with existing initiatives/efforts. Based on these discussions, the appropriate protocol for communication will be determined based on the specific parameters of the project. PDS Faculty Liaisons, Field Experience Coordinators, Professional Development and Outreach Coordinator, Department Chair(s), Program Directors, etc. will be included in communications as deemed appropriate by the SOE Dean.

Any initiatives involving outreach to/with multicultural students should include the Senior Multicultural Recruiter/Advisor.

Grants and scholarship support

Grant Submission Protocol for SOE Personnel (DES, IPSE, CEE, and EPC Office personnel)

All internal (to UWL funding sources) grant proposals must be submitted to the SOE Dean for review at least one week in advance of the due date.  Exceptions are DES-funded initiatives available to DES personnel only, and SOE-funded initiatives.

Extramural grant proposals (to non-UWL funding sources) must follow the timeline established by the Office of Research and Sponsored Programs (ORSP). Grant proposals in completed form must be submitted to the EPC Dean for review and approval one week in advance of the ORSP deadline (i.e.: 17 days in advance of the due date). 

All extramural (not UWL or UW System) funding proposals must be accompanied by a Grant Transmittal Form signed by the Dean of SOE. Proposals submitted to UW System must be accompanied by a UW System Grant Transmittal Form signed by the Dean of SOE. 

Grant Submission Protocol for SOE-Affiliated Personnel (STEP, EC-A, PETE, SHE, SPY personnel)

All internal (to UWL funding sources) grant proposals involving education-related activities, PK-12 schools, and/or PK-12 personnel must be submitted to the SOE Dean for review at least one week in advance of the due date.  SOE-funded initiatives are excepted from this protocol.

Extramural grant proposals (to non-UWL funding sources) must follow the timeline established by the Office of Research and Sponsored Programs (ORSP). Grant proposals in completed form must be submitted to the SOE Dean for review and approval one week in advance of the ORSP deadline (i.e.: 17 days in advance of the due date). 

All extramural (not UWL or UW System) funding proposals involving education-related activities, PK-12 schools, and/or PK-12 personnel must be accompanied by a Grant Transmittal Form signed by the Dean of SOE. Proposals submitted to UW System must be accompanied by a UW System Grant Transmittal Form signed by the Dean of SOE. 

Faculty Handbook

Contract dates affect how/when faculty report leave.

From the UWL Human Resources website:  The activities of faculty and academic staff are not organized in terms of a specific number of hours and days in specified locations. Rather, the time devoted to professional activities may vary from week to week or month to month during the course of an academic year. Frequently, faculty and academic staff engage in activity related to university responsibilities outside the academic year.

The "contract year" is typically defined in terms of the academic year, which is a continuous 39-week period starting one week prior to the start of Fall semester classes.  Typically this means that the academic year extends until the week following commencement in mid-May. 

SOE Specific expectations in relationship to the contract year: For SOE affiliated faculty, there are some required activities that may fall outside of the traditional contract year period:

  • The schedule for PK-12 schools extends before and after the UWL contract year. SoE-affiliated faculty and staff that are serving as student teacher supervisors may need to be present in the schools for short amounts of time in late August (for Fall supervision appointments) or early June (for Spring supervision appointments), outside of the traditional contract year period. Currently faculty are not paid a stipend for this work, and it is considered part of the normal duties associated with the student teacher supervision workload assignment.
  • SOE affiliated faculty and IAS  with student teaching and student teaching seminar obligations are required to participate in some limited meetings between August 15th and the start of the Fall contract. These meetings account for some of the total contact hours that comprise the student teaching observation workload credit(s).  SOE has no required meetings after the end of the Spring semester. However, student teaching supervisory responsibilities continue through the end of the PK-12 school districts where student teachers are placed.
  • SOE holds a mandatory "data retreat" meeting at the start of the Fall and Spring semesters as part of the comprehensive assessment system in order to meet WI DPI requirements for ongoing programmatic assessment. The Fall meeting is sometimes held during the week prior to the traditional start of the contract period. The Spring meeting is typically held in late January, before the start of the Spring semester but during the contract period.  All SOE faculty and instructional academic staff are required to attend both meetings.
  • SOE affiliated faculty and IAS  are required to attend monthly SOE meetings during the academic year.
  • In accordance with UWL policy (see Employee Handbook, section E-10, SOE affiliated faculty and instructional academic staff are required to attend at least one commencement ceremony per academic year.  

Useful links to UWL guidelines and materials:  Faculty and IAS should refer to their department bylaws for additional department-specific guidelines.  

Provost page resources for Faculty and IAS review

Retention at UWL: Description of retention portfolio materials and how to generate them.

Faculty promotion process information: Links to HR promotion resources including schedules, policies, guidelines and forms; also includes a link to the Provost's Promotion Resources page.

Post-Tenure Review process information: PTR Policy, timeline, etc. in the Human Resources Knowledge Base.

IAS promotion resources:  Links to Links to HR promotion resources including schedules, policies, guidelines and forms; also includes a link to the Provost's Promotion Resources page.

Table 5-1: Typical Contract Review timeline for Tenure Track Faculty in their 2nd Year


Human resources notifies Department Chairs/Deans of probationary faculty eligible for Contract vs Non-Contract review and faculty eligible for Promotion


Final date for Department Chairs to send 20-day advanced notice of Contract review to probationary faculty in their 2nd Year.

Early October

Probationary faculty in their 2nd Year who are eligible for Contract review typically provide materials to their department PRT committee for review - timelines vary by department.


Departmental Retention (Contract) reviews begin for 2nd Year faculty 

Late October

Results of 2nd Year Retention (Contract) reviews are due to the content Dean (if applicable) and EPC Dean (review letter and associated files)


Results of 2nd Year Retention (Contract) reviews are provided to the Provost and HR (Dept. review letter, content and EPC Dean review letters, and associated files); Provost begins review

Late November/Early December

Provost sends recommendations to HR, and HR prepares Contracts for 2nd Year faculty


Contracts due to HR from 2nd Year faculty (process completion)

Table 5-2: Typical Contract Review timeline for Eligible Tenure Track Faculty in their 3rd-6th Year


Human resources notifies Department Chairs/Deans of probationary faculty eligible for Contract vs Non-Contract review and faculty eligible for Promotion

Late October

Final date for Department Chairs to send 20-day advanced notice of Contract review to eligible probationary faculty in their 3rd-6th Year.

October- December

Probationary faculty in their 3rd-6th Year who are eligible for Contract reviews typically provide materials to their department PRT committee for review - timelines vary by department.


Departmental Retention (Contract) reviews begin for eligible 3rd-6th  Year faculty 

Late January

Results of eligible 3rd-6th Retention (Contract) reviews are due to the content Dean (if applicable) and SOE Dean (review letter and associated files)


Results of eligible 3rd-6th Retention (Contract) reviews are provided to the Provost and HR (Dept. review letter, content and SOE Dean review letters, and associated files); Provost begins review

Early March

Provost sends recommendations to HR (and Chancellor if Tenure), and HR prepares Contracts for eligible 3rd-6th Year faculty


Contracts due to HR from eligible 3rd-6th Year faculty (process completion for non-Tenure decisions)

July 1

Effective Tenure date (for Tenure decisions)

Table 5-3: Typical Promotion Review timeline for Eligible Tenure Track Faculty


Human resources notifies Department Chairs/Deans of probationary faculty eligible for Contract vs Non-Contract review and faculty eligible for Promotion

September- October

Probationary faculty applying for Promotion typically provide materials to their department PRT committee for review - timelines vary by department.

Early November

Results of Departmental Promotion reviews are due from Chairs to the content Dean (if applicable) and SOE Dean (review letter and associated files)

Early December

Results of Dean's Promotion reviews are due to the Provost (Department review letter, content and SOE Dean's review letters, and associated files)

Early January

First Joint Promotion Committee (JPC) meeting

Late January

Second JPC meeting; Ballots due typically within 3 days

Late January (within 7 days of JPC decisions)

Provost provides written notification to all candidates of the JPC decisions. 

7 day appeal period

Candidates may submit a formal appeal of a negative decision.


JPC Appeals meeting; Ballots due typically within 3 days

Late February
(within 7 days of JPC decisions)

Provost provides written notification to all appeal candidates of the JPC decisions. 

July 1

Effective Promotion date (Board of Regents vote)

Table 5-4: Typical Non-Contract Review timeline for Eligible Tenure Track Faculty


Human resources notifies Department Chairs/Deans of probationary faculty eligible for Contract vs Non-Contract review and faculty eligible for Promotion

Late March

Final date for Department Chairs to send 20-day advanced notice of Non-contract review to eligible probationary faculty in their 1st or 3rd-6th Year.

Timeline varies

Probationary faculty in their 1st or 3rd-6th Year who are eligible for Non-contract reviews provide materials to their department PRT committee for review - timelines vary by department.


Departmental Non-contract reviews begin for eligible 1st and 3rd-6th  Year faculty 

May 1

Results of eligible 1st and 3rd-6th Non-contract reviews are due to the content Dean (if applicable) and SOE Dean (review letter and associated files)

Early May

Results of eligible 1st and 3rd-6th Non-contract reviews are provided to the Provost and HR (Dept. review letter, content and EPC Dean review letters, and associated files) (process completion)

Table 5-5: Typical Post-Tenure Review timeline for Eligible Tenure Track Faculty


Human resources notifies Department Chairs/Deans of tenured faculty eligible for Post-Tenure Review in upcoming year


Final date for Department Chairs to send 21-day advanced notice of Post-Tenure Review to eligible tenured faculty (5-year cycle).

Timeline varies

Tenured faculty who are eligible for Post-Tenure Review provide materials to their department committee for review - timelines vary by department.


Dept. Chair deadline to send "meets/or does not meet expectations" letter to faculty member and Dean(s).

Early Feb.

Dean(s) provide a letter to faculty & dept chair (PTR committee chair if applicable) indicating if they agree/disagree with department recommendation and reviews are provided to the Provost and HR (Dept. review letter, content and SOE Dean review letters, and associated files)

Late Feb.

Provost provides a letter indicating they agree/disagree with the recommendation to faculty member, Dept,  Dean(s), HR, and includes any previous letter that indicated “does not meet expectations."

Table 5-6: Additional Personnel Review Information

December 15

Merit review results for previous year due to Deans

Late January

IAS Annual reappointment reviews due to Deans

Faculty Senate Guidelines for Faculty and IAS Workload:

  • Full-time faculty members engaged in undergraduate instruction, without special class or extra-class responsibilities, typically teach no more than 12 contact hours of group instruction per week (Faculty Senate Policies, Section VIII.B).
  • Full-time faculty members engaged solely  in graduate instruction, without special class or extra-class responsibilities, typically teach no more than 9 contact hours of group instruction per week. (Faculty Senate Policies, Section VIII.B)
  • The total workload for a full-time equivalency for instructional academic staff shall not exceed 15/16 contact hours (e.g., 12 contact hour teaching load plus up to 3 contact hours of additional workload equivalency).  (Faculty Senate Policies, Section X.B)

UWL Overload Payment Policy for Faculty and IAS(Faculty Senate reviewed/approved on November 12, 2015) This policy was developed in conjunction with Administration and Finance and Sponsored Research & Grants in line with UW System Policy.

UWL Workload Credit Policy - Teacher Candidate Supervision in Undergraduate Teacher Education Programs (approved March 2017 by Provost & Deans):This policy applies to all faculty and staff contributing to undergraduate teacher education programs, and was developed by the SOE Transition Team Task Force in response to a charge from  Interim Provost Betsy Morgan to "Establish a workload “formula” for pre-student teaching and student teaching responsibilities that can be used across all SOE". It was shared for feedback and revised based on comments from SOEL team, SOE membership, Chairs,  an expanded committee of faculty (including the Faculty Senate Chair) and  SOE, CLS, and SAH Deans. 

        Policy vetting process:

  • Approved by 2015-16 Transition Team 4-0-0, 1/25/2016.
  • Shared at Deans Council on 1/26/2016.
  • Shared at SOEL team 2/8/2016
  • DEADLINE for Chair & SOE membership feedback to the Transition Team (with cc: to Dean) by 2/19/2016.
  • Revisions by Transition Team 4/19/2016
  • Provost edits 6/28/2016
  • Revisions by Transition Team: approved 4-0-0 on 10/3/2016
  • Shared with Expanded TT Consultants 11/2016
  • Shared with SOE membership on 11/4/2016
  • Revisions by Transition Team: approved 4-0-0 on 1/11/2017
  • Shared with SOE membership on 2/1/2017
  • Shared with Expanded TT Consultants 3/7/2017
  • Final approval Provost 3/24/2017

SOE Department Chairs / Directors Roles & Responsibilities

Serving as a department chair is one of the most challenging and engaging administrative positions at a university. Chairs liaise home department and the college/school dean, which requires that you represent the department’s interests to the university and the university’s interests to the department. As outlined in the Faculty Senate, chairs have specific roles and responsibilities ( In addition to the responsibilities outlined by the faculty senate, the School of Education, Professional and Continuing Education believes that effective chairs assume the following roles and responsibilities:

Transparent & Clear Communication

Respectful and professional interactions are required as department chair. Communications should be clear, accurate, coherent and professional in nature. Department chairs should include the Director/Dean on electronic communications with department members, as well as share any documents with the Director/Dean to support SoE strategic goals.

Enhance Department Culture – The chair has a key role to play in improving the overall “health” of the unit. It’s time to regroup, refocus, and support faculty so there is a positive culture and environment within the department. A chair’s responsibility is to be sure faculty’s voices are heard and valued. Each member should feel that they have the opportunity to contribute in meaningful ways. In healthy departments, chairs do not make decisions unilaterally or dictate actions to faculty members, rather a collaborative nature and shared leadership promotes trust and a healthy unit. Positive norms are developed that consistently promote equity relative to all departmental matters and eliminate bullying behaviors.

Contributing to and Supporting the Department and SOE Overall Mission 

Department chairs have a responsibility to guide the unit they are leading in ways that support the strategic goals and vision for the college/school. The SoE overall mission aligns with accreditation guidelines and current education initiatives, thereby departmental curriculum development/revision, as well as other initiatives should follow suit. In doing so it allows staffing and budgetary implications to be more easily supported. 

Strategic Planning

Strategic planning relative to course offerings, staffing, workloads, etc. are crucial to a successful department that supports student learning and faculty development. Planning in strategic ways (i.e., having a master plan for course offerings) allows faculty who are interested the opportunity to teach summer courses or conduct data collection/analyses in meaningful ways that support a faculty member’s research agenda. Strategic planning also leads to greater transparency and accountability.

Honesty & Integrity

As a department chair one role to uphold is promoting a healthy unit/department by modeling honesty and truthfulness, as well as encouraging faculty members to uphold these same standards. By emphasizing these standards, and displaying them yourself, you will hopefully influence the department/office environment, resulting in a friendly and helpful workspace that is deemed a “healthy” place.

Ability to Delegate

Delegating tasks to the appropriate individuals/groups is one of the most important skills to develop. All faculty members should feel they are contributing to the department in ways that are meaningful based on their expertise and skills. Identify the strengths of faculty members and capitalizing on them is an important role of department chair, particularly when the majority of faculty members are untenured.  A department chair should be focusing time and energy on higher-level tasks that are not as appropriate to delegate.


The chair, like all members of the department and the School of Education, should have regular meetings with those to whom they report, in order to ensure that goals and expectations are being met, and to identify any obstacles or challenges that may be standing in the way.

Self-awareness – Do you know how people really perceive you? Effective leaders do. They have an easy level of honest communication with their teams and their peers, and a thorough understanding of how they are perceived. Testing others’ perception of you can be as simple as observing their behavior. Are your co-workers and team members relaxed around you? Does all conversation stop when you enter the room? 

Furthermore, determine where your strengths lie as well as what complementary strengths you need from others to successfully lead the department. This includes understanding others and learning how best to utilize their strengths. Helping everyone feel part of the team.

Self-assessment – recognizing your “growth areas” allows department chairs (or any leaders) to be better leader. Questions to consider asking yourself might include: 1) What do I like to do? 2) What are my strengths or am I good at? 3) Where are there opportunities for growth? 4) What do I dislike doing or comes harder to me? 

Note: The SOE formal chair evaluations (implemented annually) assess chairs for the aforementioned roles and responsibilities. Formal evaluations, like a chair evaluation, are also designed to enhance a chair’s self- awareness and should provide opportunity for self-reflection.

This document was developed by the CLS Dean to provide SOE-affiliated chairs with an introduction/overview/reference handout on Department Chair work with the School of Education and SOE affiliated faculty in their content departments. The CSH and SOE Deans have reviewed and approved of the content.

Info for Department Chairs with School of Education (SOE) Affiliated Faculty

Position Description

A program director is the lead faculty/staff member who serves as a spokesperson and liaison for the program they  represent. The roles/responsibilities of the program director are critical to the overall health of the education program and require effective and ongoing communication and collaboration with colleagues in and outside the program, including the Department Chair and Deans.


  1. Initiates, coordinates, and guides Professional Learning Community (PLC) monthly meetings with program faculty (set agenda, lead meeting, assure minutes are recorded and posted)
  2. Conducts regular programmatic evaluations and prepares annual assessment reports for SOE/UWL/DPI (in consultation with program members)
  3. Writes APR and other larger program assessment documents/sections as needed
  4. Continually monitors program to ensure that it is aligned with conceptual framework and with state and national standards
  5. Guides the PLC in monitoring student progress, and ensuring that students are adequately prepared for benchmark assessments and licensure standards
  6. Initiates discussions about curricular issues and makes formal recommendations to the Department Chair/Dean regarding changes in programs
  7. Represents program at biweekly SoE Leadership meetings (shares program updates and celebrations, voices program concerns, seeks clarification when needed - and takes this information back to PLC)
  8. Represents programs with Department Chair(s) and SOE Dean; serves as the first point of contact for student concerns or publicity requests.  This may include occasional duties outside of the contract period.
  9. Promotes Professional Education Programs on campus and in the community
  10. Oversees Advisory Council by maintaining representative constituency, setting an agenda for regular meetings, and posting meeting minutes
  11. Educator Preparation Program Directors only: Oversees edTPA support days to coordinate faculty coverage of support time for program student teachers.
  12. Educator Preparation Program Directors only: Works with faculty mentor(s) to provide guidance to teacher candidates during the edTPA retake process.
  13. Other duties specified by the Program as outlined in Program and/or Department bylaws.

Program directors shall receive 3 credits of reassigned time to fulfill the above roles/responsibilities.

Selection Process
Program directors are nominated by the aligned PLC/Program, and appointed by the SOE Dean (in consultation with the Department Chair and Content Dean where appropriate). A tie will be broken by the EPC Dean.

Length of Term
Program directors serve a 3 year term.

Evaluation Process
Program directors will be evaluated annually by the PLC/Program membership. A survey (see Appendix A ) will be distributed by the SOE Dean’s office .

Program Directors will also be evaluated by the SOEDean or their designate (in consultation with Department Chair when appropriate), and a letter from the SOE Dean’s Office summarizing their review will be filed with the Provost.  This letter will also become part of the Program Director's personnel file for the purpose of retention, tenure, and promotion reviews.

The UWL Search and Screen Policy and Procedures are a comprehensive resource for all recruitment efforts at UWL. It provides Hiring Authorities and decision makers with necessary information and guidance to meet the requirements of state and federal legislation.  The policies were last updated  11/1/2016.

Excerpted from the UWL S&S Policy and Procedures document:

Positions that Cross Units or Divisions:

If a position includes appointments in two or more units or divisions, collaboration is expected throughout the recruitment process. Collaboration should occur on the position description (including required and preferred characteristics), on the selection of candidates for final interview, and any/all offers of employment.

School of Education Affiliations:

School of Education (SOE) affiliated position recruitment requests need to come jointly from the SOE Dean and the Dean of the home department. Departments are expected to follow the Hiring Procedures Policy for SOE Affiliated Faculty in Teacher Education Programs (approved 3/2017 - Provost and Human Resources) available on the SOE website.

Hiring Policy for Adjunct Field/Student Teaching Supervisors:

Adjunct Field and Student Teaching supervisors are funded and hired by the SOE Dean.  If a department/program is in need of adjunct Field or Student Teaching supervisors, the Program Director or Department Chair should contact the Field Experience Coordinator aligned with their licensure program to describe their needs. The Field Experience Coordinator will work with the prospective adjunct hire to communicate workload, salary, and other responsibilities, including required training for the supervisor, background check requirements, edTPA support activities, etceteras. All adjunct supervisor contracts are negotiated by the SOE Dean or their delegate.

Policy vetting process:

  • Approved by 2015-16 Transition Team 4-0-0 on 1/25/2016.
  • Introduced to Deans at Deans Council on 1/26/2016.
  • Consultation with DPI on 1/26/2016
  • Shared at S)EL team 2/8/2016
  • DEADLINE for Chair & SOE membership feedback to the Transition Team (with cc: to Dean) by 2/19/2016.
  • Revisions by TT - approved 4-0-0, 03/22/2016,  10/05/2016
  • Shared with SOE membership on 2/1/2017
  • Revisions by HR, Provost, Chair of Faculty Senate, Provost/Vice-Chancellor, Deans, Affirmative Action Director, Human Resources and three Department Chairs appointed by the Senate Executive Committee 11/2016
  • Revisions by TT - approved 4-0-0, 3/7/2017
  • Final approval Provost 3/24/2017

Advising policies in SOE stem from WI legislative code, which makes stipulations about advising for teacher candidates in educator preparation programs:

PI 34.13 (1) The institution shall ensure that all students have access to and are provided information and resources on student services, including personal, professional and career counseling, career information, tutoring, academic, and job placement assistance.

PI 34.13 (2) The Dean shall ensure that all students upon entry into and throughout the professional educator preparation program will be provided with an advisor and written information describing the educator preparation program leading to licensure.

PI 34.14 (1) The SCD shall create and implement an explicit plan with adequate resources to recruit, admit, and retain a diverse student body.

Thus UWL SOE has the following policies concerning advising:

  • Program advisors are assigned by the department or college office when students declare their major/minor.
  • Content area co-advisors are assigned by the content department or Dean's office (depending on the program).
  • All advisees need to have a  program plan to graduation/program completion that is initiated by the program advisor.  This plan is updated and shared with the advisee at each advising appointment (at least once per semester). The plan should be aligned with their Academic Advisement Report in WINGS, and should include any accommodations or exceptions.
  • Co-advisors and program advisors should consult with each other to be sure they are working together to build the same advising plan, communicate concerning the progress of their advisee, and discuss any supports the advisee might need. 
  • Students identified as being supported by the Senior Multicultural Advisor should be part of a shared database that is accessible to the Senior Multicultural Recruiter/Advisor, the Academic Services Director/Certification Officer, and the SOE Dean. 

Comprehensive Assessment System (CAS)

The CAS is a data system that tracks the progress of teacher candidates as they move through the teacher education program and into their careers.  Data from the CAS is reported to DPI as part of the Continuous Review Process.  Constituents of the School of Education (SOE) determined which data should be included within the system and the SOE assessment coordinator is tasked with gathering, organizing, and analyzing data, as well as preparing reports.  In addition to data on benchmark assessments, SOE collects the following data through surveys. 

  • Program Evaluation/Exit Survey: The Program Evaluation Survey provides a comprehensive overview of graduating teacher candidates’ perceptions of their teacher education program, with special regard to the Interstate Teacher Assessment and Support Consortium (InTASC) standards; the Conceptual Framework; portfolio; strengths and areas of concern within field experiences, majors, and minors; Professional Learning Communities (PLCs); and advising.  Student teaching seminar instructors should make completion of this survey a requirement in their courses, with time in class to complete it if possible.

Recipients: All student teachers

Sent: Week 10

Due: Last day of classes

  • Field Experience Survey: At the end of each semester, teacher candidates in field placements are asked to complete a survey relating to their perceptions of their most recent field experience.  The current survey is centered on the three edTPA tasks: planning, instruction and assessment. Teacher candidates are asked to rate their level of agreement with statements relating to each tasks (“In my field experience, I was able to practice…”), and data used to determine the level of opportunity teacher candidates have to practice the three tasks while in their field placements.  Field course instructors should make completion of this survey a requirement in their courses, with time in class to complete it if possible.

Sent: Week 11

Due: Last day of classes

  • Alumni Study: In October 2010, the Alumni Survey was reinstated and redesigned to assess the perceived effectiveness of the teacher education program in preparing recent graduates for their professional careers.  An Employer Follow-Up Survey was also created to evaluate employers’ opinions regarding the quality of teacher graduates from UW-L and their preparedness in the InTASC standards.  The surveys are sent to graduates and employers,   three and five years after graduation. 

Recipients: Graduates 1, 3 and 5 years out of the teacher education program

Sent: Fall semester – Week 5

Due: Survey remains open for two weeks from send date

Leadership Performance Evaluations

Faculty holding leadership roles with associated workload assignments are evaluated annually through surveys administered by the EPC Office.

  • DES Chair Evaluation

Recipients: DES faculty
Sent: Spring semester – Mid May
Due: Survey remains open for two weeks from send date

  • IPSE Director Evaluation

Recipients: IPSE staff

Sent: Spring semester – mid May

Due: Survey remains open for two weeks from send date

  • Program Director Evaluations – (Appendix A)

Recipients: Program membership
Sent: Spring semester – Mid May
Due: Survey remains open for two weeks from send date

Program Specific Surveys - need some language and/or guidelines here?

Currently these surveys are specific to and developed by programs. They are sent using start and end dates determined by programs and/or instructors.  All programs are invited to create/modify program-specific surveys.

  • NAEYC - Recipients: ECE Block
  • MC-EA Program Evaluation Survey - Recipients: MC-EA student teachers
  • PETE Evaluation Survey - Recipients: PETE student teachers
  • Special Education Survey - Recipients: Special Education student teachers

Additional Surveys Sent to EPC Partners - cooperating teachers receive at most one survey

  • Cooperating Teacher Survey

Recipients: Cooperating teachers

Sent: Spring semester – Week 15

Due: Survey remains open for two weeks from send date

  • PDS Teacher Survey

Recipients: Cooperating teachers

Sent: Spring semester – Week 15

Due: Survey remains open for two weeks from send date

Excerpted from the UWL Departmental Bylaws Template
(All bylaws are available via the Academic Affairs website under Resources/Academic Departments - Administrative Resources)

The Role of Bylaws for Faculty Personnel Decisions: UW System and UWL policies and procedures govern the primary responsibilities regarding personnel review of faculty. Departmental by-laws serve as a faculty member’s guide regarding specific faculty responsibilities of teaching, scholarship and service, merit evaluation, and faculty personnel review as it relates to retention, promotion, and tenure. The by-laws template outlines the key policies and procedures associated with faculty functions under the guidance of UW System and UWL’s Faculty Senate. The Human Resources Employee Handbook reflects components of faculty employment associated with faculty as state and university employees.

In 2016 Faculty Senate approved the Statement on School of Education Affiliated Faculty Teaching, Scholarship, and Service Expectations, which can be found in Appendix B of the UWL Departmental Bylaws Template.  All departments housing SOE-affiliated faculty should have this Statement included as a part of their departmental bylaws.

The WI Department of Public Instruction (DPI) requires that candidates for admission to a teacher education, administration, or pupil services program successfully pass a criminal background check (CBC) as one criterion for admission (WI PI 34.018(2)). By applying for admission to one of these programs, candidates agree to provide the necessary personal information to UWL in order to initiate their CBC, and to complete their portion of the process prior to the deadline specified in their admission letter. Candidates are responsible for all costs associated with their criminal background check(s). Admission decisions by programs are contingent upon CBC clearance by the UWL Office of Field Experience or designated graduate program representative.

Additional criminal background checks may be required for teacher candidates if the time period between criminal background checks exceeds five years, if the CBC was performed prior to admission, and/or if there are other mandated CBCs that must be met. The Office of Field Experience will record the criminal background checks conducted each semester.  See the CBC policies and guidelines for more detail.

Excellence awards are given out annually. Nominations are typically due by the third/fourth week of the Spring semester. Recipients are recognized at the SOE Celebration of Education event in April. Award areas include:

1. Faculty Teaching

2. Faculty Scholarship/Creative Endeavors

3. Faculty Service

4. University Staff / Non-Instructional Academic Staff / Instructional Academic Staff (rotates)

5. Excellence in Partnership (pK-12 partner) 

SOE Committees

SOE committees make recommendations to the Dean of SOE.  The Dean of SOE may choose to bring these recommendations to SOEL team for vetting/discussion on a case by case basis. Final reports from SOE committees and Task Forces are due to the Dean on May 1 each academic year, and should include responses to charges to the committee, formal recommendations for consideration by the Dean, and an accounting of activities for the year.

2023-24 Task Forces


Charges for Advising Task Force 


Review, identify and report on:  

  1. Current advising processes and procedures.  
  2. Current advising information that is unknown, overlooked, missed, etc.  
  3. Strategies that could be implemented to advance the student advising experience.  
  4. Training for SOE/SOE-affiliated advisors.   

Share findings related to:  

  1. Recommendations/changes/implementations that will support faculty and staff as we work to advance the student advising experience.   
  2. Resources needed to carry out potential recommendations/changes/implementation to advance the student advising experience.  


Member Affiliation (Program/Department)
Jen Pinnow - Chair School of Education
Jim Carlson Department of Educational Studies
Merideth Garcia English Education
Heather Linville Department of Educational Studies
Jenn Kosiak Math Education
Kim Morris Global Cultures & Languages
Sarah Mosley Exercise & Sport Science
Michelle Sylvester School of Education

Meeting dates Fall 23: 10.5.23; 10.26.23; 12.7.23

Meeting dates Spring 24: 1.30.24; 4.26.24


Charges for edTPA Task Force 


Review, identify and report on:  

  1. Existing UWL SOE edTPA data; edTPA current trends in Wisconsin and nationally; UWL SOE student, faculty and staff edTPA experiences; and school districts' edTPA experiences working with UWL SOE students.  
  2. Impacts of edTPA on UWL teacher candidates: financial cost, student stress/anxiety, and specifically students of color, preparation for expectations as a first-year teacher,   
  3. The pros and cons of edTPA versus alternative pedagogical assessment(s).  

Share findings as they relate to:  

  1. Recommendations/changes/implementations of existing edTPA and/or alternative pedagogical assessment(s).  
  2. Resources needed to carry out current and/or alternative pedagogical assessment(s) that will advance our graduates.  
Member Affiliation (Program/Department)
Jennifer Docktor - Chair Physics 
Ann Epstein Department of Educational Studies
Lisa Pitot Department of Educational Studies
Rachyl Stephenson Exercise & Sport Science
Victoria Rosin School of Education
Pao Lor - consultant School of Education

Meeting dates Fall 2023: 10.5.23; 10.26.23; 11.8.23; 11.16.23; 12.7.23

Meeting dates Spring 2024: 1.17.24; 2.6.24; 2.27.24; 3.19.24; 4.9.24; 4.30.24


Charges for Technology Task Force  


Review, identify and share findings on:  

  1. Current integration of technology into courses and clinical experiences (field placements and student teaching) across SOE educator preparation programs.  
  2. Professional development opportunities related to technology that have been or should be available to SOE/SOE-affiliated faculty and staff to advance the student engagement experience.  
  3. Current school district partners' integration of technology into their courses.  
  4. Professional development opportunities offered to pk-12 teachers that advance the student engagement experience.  
  5. Alignment of SOE's technology integration with school district partners' technology integration.  
  6. National trends related to technology and educator preparation to continue advancing UWL programs.  
Member Affiliation (Program/Department)
Lema Kabashi - Chair Department of Educational Studies
Joshua Hertel Math Education
Valerie Krage Department of Educational Studies
Sarah Mosley  Exercise & Sport Science
Pao Lor - consultant School of Education

2019-20 EPC Committees

SOE Equity Committee

Overall goal - Plan and execute initiatives that seek to advance equity and foster understanding and appreciation for diversity.

Member Affiliation (Program/Department)
Jim Carlson* EC-A, STEP, DES
Mai Chao Duddeck EPC Senior Multicultural Recruiter/Advisor
Lisa Lenarz EC-A Art Education 
Sam Meister DES
Rafael Ramirez Exercise and Sport Science


EPC Strategic Planning Committee

Overall goal – Assist EPC in developing a strategic plan that aligns with the UWL SP and integrates equity, diversity and social justice in an intentional and action oriented way.

Member Affiliation (Program/Department)
Bill Gillespie Professional Studies in Education 
Tom Jesse English Education 
Kim Morris Global Cultures & Languages
Dawn Rouse Department of Educational Studies
Joci Newton* School Psychology
Leslie Rogers Department of Educational Studies
Jenna Starck Exercise and Sport Science


Archived Materials 2018-19 EPC Committees

Equity Committee

Equity Committee


Make recommendations to address barriers related to policy, cultural climate, and structure within the School of Education, Professional and Continuing Education; plan and execute initiatives that seek to advance equity and foster understanding and appreciation for diversity.

2018-19 Membership


Affiliation (Program/Department)

Heather Linville, Chair (F18)


Jim Carlson, Chair (S19)


Mai Chao Duddeck

EPC Senior Multicultural Recruiter/Advisor

Lisa Lenarz

EC-A Art Education 

Pat Markos

Professional Studies in Education (IPSE)

Roi Kawai (F18)

Foundations / DES

Meeting Information:

Meeting dates: 


Fall 2018:

  1. (Deadline – Nov. 2, 2018) Guide, plan, and implement Fall 2018 Equity in Education showcase.

Spring 2019:

  1. (Deadline – March 1, 2019) Coordinate the Fall 2019 Equity in Education showcase
  2. (Deadline – April 1, 2019) Develop call for proposals, process for review, etc. for a Fall 2019 EPC speaker on the subject of equity in education
  3. (Deadline – April 19, 2019) Retrieve definitions for terminology around equity-related work, and share with faculty/programs for feedback via Qualtrics

Strategic Planning Committee

Strategic Planning Committee


Assist EPC in developing a strategic plan that aligns with the UWL Strategic Plan and that integrates equity, diversity and social justice in an intentional and action oriented way.

2018-19 Membership


Affiliation (Program/Department)

Joci Newton, Chair

School Psychology (SPY)

Dawn Rouse

Early Childhood-Middle Childhood (EC-MC)/DES

Leslie Rogers

Middle Childhood-Early Adolescence (MC-EA)/DES

Bill Gillespie

Professional Studies in Education (IPSE)

Kim Morris

Early Childhood-Adolescence (EC-A) / Spanish Ed

Tom Jesse

Secondary Teacher Education Preparation (STEP)/English

Meeting Information:

Meeting dates: 


  1. Facilitate data gathering for initiation of EPC strategic planning efforts
  2. Serve as notetakers and/or facilitators for focus group conversations as part of an initial SWOT analysis for EPC.
  3. Additional charges forthcoming

PRT Committee



Support SoE-affiliated faculty and staff in promotion, tenure, and retention reviews.

2018-19 Membership


Affiliation (Program/Department)

Jenni McCool, Chair

Early Childhood-Middle Childhood (EC-MC)/Math

Linda Dickmeyer

Interim Associate Dean/EPC

Ann Epstein

Early Childhood-Middle Childhood (EC-MC)/DES

Jennifer Kosiak

Secondary Teacher Education Preparation (STEP)/Math

Deb Sazama

Physical Education Teacher Education (PETE)/ESS

Lori Reichel

School Health Education (SHE)/HEHP

Meeting Information:

Meeting dates: 


  1. (Deadline – Nov. 1, 2018) Complete the recommendation from the 2017-18 committee relative to forming a mentoring committee for SOE-affiliated faculty and staff, and ways this committee would integrate and align with other SOE mentoring supports. The recommendation should specify whether the faculty/staff evaluation process includes a letter from this mentoring committee, who would comprise this committee, and how this would modify the current review structure.
  2. (Deadline – Dec. 15, 2018) Make recommendations on the role of the EPC Dean in IAS and faculty non-contract reviews.


Archived Materials: 2017-18 EPC Committees:

EPC Eagle Alert Task Force


Oversees policies and practices and makes recommendations regarding use of the Eagle Alert System within the School of Education, Professional and Continuing Education. 

2017-18 Membership

Member Affiliation (Program/Department)
Yuko Iwai, Chair Middle Childhood-Early Adolescence (MC-EA)/DES
Barb Gander Early Childhood-Middle Childhood (EC-MC)/DES
Dan Hyson School Psychology (SPY)/Psychology
David Liss Secondary Teacher Education Preparation(STEP)/Math
Jenni McCool Early Childhood-Middle Childhood (EC-MC)/Math
Leslie Rogers MC-EA and Special Education (SPE)/DES


Meeting dates:  9.8.17;  9.29.17;  10.13.17;  11.10.17;  2.1.18;  3.1.18;  4.5.18;  4.26.18   
Agendas: 9.8.17;  9.29.1710.13.1711.


EPC Equity Committee


Makes recommendations to address barriers related to policy, cultural climate, and structure within the School of Education, Professional and Continuing Education; builds on the UWL Strategic Plan action steps to articulate EPC specific goals.

2017-18 Membership

Member Affiliation (Program/Department)
Roi Kawai, Chair Foundations, Campus Climate Faculty Fellow/DES
Scott Baker Foundations/DES
Jim Carlson Secondary Teacher Education Preparation (STEP) &
Early Childhood-Adolescence (EC-A)/DES
Jennifer Docktor Secondary Teacher Education Preparation (STEP)/Physics
Pat Markos Professional Studies in Education (IPSE)
Ken Shonk Secondary Teacher Education Preparation (STEP)/History


Meeting dates: 9.29.17;  10.19.17;  10.30.17;  11.13.17;  2.14.18;  3.2.18;  3.8.18;  3.23.18;  5.3.18
Agendas: 9.29.1710.19.1710.30.1711.;  3.23.18;  5.3.18
Minutes: 9.29.1710.19.1710.30.1711.;  3.23.18;  5.3.18


EPC Strategic Plan Alignment Committee


Identify and make recommendations on EPC initiatives and activities that align with the UWL Strategic Plan

2017-18 Membership

Members Affiliation (Program/Department)
Jennifer Kosiak, Chair Secondary Teacher Education Preparation (STEP)/Math
Ann Epstein Early Childhood-Middle Childhood (EC-MC)/DES
Bill Gillespie Professional Studies in Education (IPSE)
Heather Linville Early Childhood-Adolescence (EC-A) & TESOL/DES
Megan Litster Secondary Teacher Education Preparation (STEP)/Biology


Meeting dates: 9.21.17;  10.5.17;  10.12.17;  10.26.17;  12.19.17;  2.16.18;  4.17.18;  5.9.18
Agendas: 9.21.1710.5.1710.12.1710.26.1712.
Minutes: 9.21.1710.5.17;  10.12.1710.26.1712.19.17;  2.16.18;  4.17.8;  5.9.18


Field and Student Teaching Experience Outcome Committee


Align expectations, activities, outcomes for Field and Student Teaching Experiences across all School of Education programs; develop recommendations for field experience policies and practices across SoE. 

2017-18 Membership

Members Affiliation (Program/Department)
Heidi Masters, Chair Early Childhood-Middle Childhood (EC-MC/Field 2)/DES
Alyssa Boardman Early Childhood-Middle Childhood (EC-MC/Field 1)/DES
Matt Chedister Secondary Teacher Education Preparation (STEP, Field 2)/Math
Cindy Duley Office of Field Experience/EPC
Tom Jesse Secondary Teacher Education Preparation (STEP, Field 2)/English
Zach Beddoes Physical Education Teacher Education (PETE)/ESS
Joyce Shanks Middle Childhood-Early Adolescence (MC-EA/Field 2)/DES


Meeting dates and agendas:  9.22.17;  10.13.1712.
Minutes:  9.22.1710.13.1712.


EPC Technology Committee


Support faculty and staff in implementing best practices in educational technology.

2017-18 Membership

Members Affiliation (Program/Department)
Lema Kabashi, Chair Special Education (SPE)/DES
Josh Hertel Secondary Teacher Education Program (STEP)/Math
Claire Mitchell Early Childhood-Adolescence (EC-A)-Spanish/GCL
Lori Reichel School Health Education (SHE)/HEHP
Gary Willhite Early Childhood-Adolescence (EC-A) & Professional Studies in Education/DES & IPSE


Meeting dates: 10.12.17;  11.9.17;  1.26.18;  3.9.18;  4.6.18;  5.4.18
Agendas: 10.12.1711.;  5.4.18
Minutes: 10.12.1711.;  3.9.18;  4.6.18;  5.4.18


EPC PRT Task Force


Support SoE-affiliated faculty and staff in promotion, tenure, and retention reviews.

2017-18 Membership

Members Affiliation (Program/Department)
Linda Dickmeyer Interim Associate Dean/EPC
Ann Epstein Early Childhood-Middle Childhood (EC-MC)/DES
Jennifer Kosiak Secondary Teacher Education Preparation (STEP)/Math
Heather Linville Early Childhood-Adolescence (EC-A) & TESOL/DES
Jenni McCool Early Childhood-Middle Childhood (EC-MC)/Math
Lori Reichel School Health Education (SHE)/HEHP


Meeting dates: 9.22.17;  10.6.17;  10.13.17;  10.27.17;  11.17.17;  1.26.18;  2.19.18;  3.20.18;  4.26.18
Agendas: 9.22.1710.6.1710.13.1710.27.17;
Minutes: 9.22.1710.6.1710.13.1710.27.1711.;  4.26.18



Teacher Candidate Progress Review Committee


The Teacher Candidate Progress Review (TCPR) Committee is charged with overseeing the development and assessment of knowledge, skills, and dispositions among teacher candidates as assessed by the multiple measures of the established teacher education assessment system. Academic and non-academic misconduct (plagiarism, cheating, etc.) are referred directly to the Office of Student Life as outlined in the university's student handbook

2017-18 Membership


Affiliation (Program/Department)

Linda Dickmeyer, Chair

Interim Associate Dean, EPC

Jim Carlson

Early Childhood-Adolescence (ECA)/Secondary Teacher Education Program (STEP)/DES

Matthew Chedister

Secondary Teacher Education Program (STEP)/Math

Rita Chen

Middle Childhood-Early Adolescence (MC-EA)/DES

Ashley Cree

EPC Academic Services Coordinator

Gail McCormick

School Health Education (SHE)/HEHP

Joci Newton

School Psychology (SPY)/PSY

Dawn Rouse

Early Childhood-Middle Childhood (EC-MC)/DES

Deb Sazama

Physical Education Teacher Education (PETE)/ESS


Meeting dates

TCPR process flowchart

TCPR meeting flowchart

Archived Materials 2016-17 EPC Committees

Teacher Candidate Progress Review


Carol Zehms (Angell)  - DES

Matt Chedister - STEP

Gail McCormick - SHE

Dawn Rouse - DES

Joci Newton - SPY

Amy Tischler - PETE

Eagle Alert Task Force


Leslie Rogers*, Chair - SPE/DES

Joyce Shanks - MCEA/DES

Dave Liss - STEP/Math

Jenni McCool - MCEA/Math

Dan Hyson - SPY



Minutes, Documents, and Recommendations

Summary of Activities:

The Eagle Alert Task Force met several times during the academic year to address the charges. Activities included meetings with Shari Schoohs (UWL Academic Advisor and Eagle Alert Coordinator), analysis of Eagle Alert data from the last three semesters, and facilitation of a discussion at an SoE Meeting. They included a summary report on the activities (see Eagle Alert Task Force Summary Report).

The Task Force recommends that someone from SoE be identified who will continue to meet periodically with the UWL Eagle Alert Coordinator.  


Equity Committee


Ken Shonk*, co-Chair -

Scott Baker*, co-Chair -

Roi Kawai - 

Bethany Brent -
Multicultural Recruiter/Advisor EPC

Claire Mitchell -
EC-A/Spanish (MLG)

Amy Tischler -

Ann Yehle -

Marcie Wycoff-Horn - 
Dean, EPC

Pat Markos -


Minutes, Documents, and Recommendations

Summary of Activities:

The Equity Committee met several times during the Spring semester. Discussion focused on the nature and direction of the group. Major questions included: How do we address a perceived lack of diversity and opportunity for students and faculty of color? Does the fundamental structure of SoE curricula make it difficult for students who lack privilege (socio-economic, racial) to succeed? How can SoE lead the way in the university's initiatives regarding equity and accessibility?

Tentative plans were made to offer financial support/incentive for students and faculty to present papers and organize panels for Equity Day. Further, we discussed the possibility of including instructional rounds, curricular mapping, and class visitations amongst SOE and SOE-affiliated faculty.

Technology Committee


Josh Hertel*, Chair - STEP/Math

Lema Kabashi - Special Education/DES

Josh Miller - Foundations/DES

Jude Harrington - MC-EA/DES


Minutes, Documents, and Recommendations

Summary of Activities:

The committee created an initial draft of the technology curriculum map that addresses the first charge. Building on the work done by DES, the committee created a map that provides a visual overview of each program (See SoE Technology Curriculum Map).

The committee recommends that the 2017-18 Technology Committee focus on drafting SoE technology standards.

edTPA Retake Committee


Rick Stewart*, Chair - EPC

Alyssa Boardman - EC-MC/DES Ann Epstein - EC-MC/DES

Jennifer Kosiak - STEP/Math

Barb Gander - EC-MC/DES Lori Reichel - SHE/HEHP


Minutes, Documents, and Recommendations

Summary of Activities:

The committee completed the first charge (Monitor and evaluate edTPA process during 2016-17, outline further steps) and second charge (draft policy for potential edTPA appeals). The process was refined in several ways and the documents needed to guide candidates and faculty were edited and rewritten. The appeals policy was written and revised several times. In addition, the committee decided to create two additional documents to guide faculty and candidates (edTPA Appeal For Exception). The third charge (facilitate an EPC meeting and share information) was not completed due to scheduling but could be done in the upcoming year.

The committee recommends that the final documents, procedures, and results be presented to all SoE faculty, either at an SoE monthly meeting or at the Data Retreat. The committee members will regroup unofficially after the Fall 2017 edTPA results are received to guide the procedure for any candidates and faculty that will be involved in retakes. The edTPA Coordinator should keep notes and continue faculty discussion for at least one more year to fine tune the process if necessary. The task force has accomplished its purpose and recommended that the committee be suspended.

Field Experience Task Force


Ann Yehle*, Chair - MC-EA/DES

Cindy Duley - Field Office/EPC

Deb Sazama - PETE/ESS

Heidi Masters - EC-MC/DES

Jen Docktor - STEP/Physics

Lindsey Butts - Field Office/EPC

Jim Carlson - STEP & EC-A/DES




Minutes, Committee Documents, and Recommendations

Summary of Activities:

Members of the Field Experience Task Force met seven times during the academic year. Outside of these formal meetings, members of the Field Experience Task Force reviewed professional literature related to our charge, reached out to others colleagues, and engaged in collaboration via the use of Google documents and OneNote Online. The Field Experience Task Force also reviewed recommendations from 2015-16 and from the transition team documents. The task force developed a list of questions and concerns related to these documents. The chair included a summary report on the activities (see Field Experience Task Force 2016-17 Year End Summary).

SoE Recruitment, Retention and Marketing


Matt Chedister*, Chair - STEP/Math

Cindy George - IPSE

Ashley Cree - EPC

Dawn Rouse - EC-MC/DES

Tammy Fischer - EC-A/Music

Bethany Brent, consultant - EPC


Minutes, Committee Documents, and Recommendations

Summary of Activities:

The Committee completed the first charge (develop information/materials for use at Campus Close Up days). As a result, campus close up has been improved to better meet the needs of the students. Primary changes were the development of breakout sessions by major/age level desired to teach, better handouts and materials, and the inclusion of student speakers who were able to address some questions better than faculty members. The committee recommended that these should be reviewed/updated from time to time, and that the second charge (facilitating a recruitment retreat/workshop) be continued in the fall.

SOE Meetings

SoE Meeting Materials


This group meets monthly during the academic year. All participants are affiliated with the School of Education, Professional and Continuing Education.

SoE meetings are usually held on the first Friday each month during the academic school year from 1:15-3:15 p.m. (usually in 3212 Centennial Hall).

Archived Materials

2018-19 Meetings

Meeting dates and agendas:  8.28.18;  10.5.18;  11.9.18;  12.7.18;  (Jan date TBD);  3.1.18;  4.5.18;  5.3.18
Handouts/meeting materials:  8.28.18;  10.5.18;  11.9.18;  12.7.18;  (Jan date TBD);  3.1.18;  4.5.18;  5.3.18

2017-18 Meetings

The SoE meetings are usually held on the first Friday each month during the academic school year from 1:15-3:15 p.m. (usually in 3212 Centennial Hall).

Meeting dates and agendas:  9.8.1710.6.1711.3.17;  12.1.17;
Handouts/meeting materials:  

TCPR committee

TCPR Committee

The School of Education's Teacher Candidate Progress Review Committee is charged to oversee the development and assessment of knowledge, skills, and dispositions among teacher candidates as assessed by the multiple measures of the Teacher Education Assessment System. Academic and non-academic misconduct are referred directly to the Office of Student Life as outlined in the University's handbook.

More information about the TCPR process as well as forms needed can be found here.

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